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Everything posted by KiokothePirate

  1. I'll keep that in mind when working with the exterior portion of the window, but what about adding "glass" to the interior side of the window? Any ideas on how I could fill in the open spaces in the... I guess lattice work of the window?
  2. I am leaning toward the vanilla window option. Do you know if nifskope would be enough to add glass to the window? I'm thinking about using it to see if I can cut out the circular spot on the building where the window would be and replace it with the circular window they use on Dragons Reach. That would hopefully take care of the exterior view.
  3. Awesome! Thanks to the both of you. I'll check this out and see if it works. Edit: Just tried it out and it worked perfectly! Thanks again!
  4. How can you add a message box to a script like the one shown below? I want the player to be able to walk up to the activator, activate it, and then get a message box that will allow them to say yes or no. If they say yes, the toggle script runs, if they say no, nothing happens. ObjectReference Property HFOff Auto ObjectReference Property HFON Auto Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef) If akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer() If HFON.IsDisabled() HFOff.Disable() HFON.Enable() Else HFON.Disable() HFOff.Enable() Endif Endif Endevent
  5. So if I put an occlusion plane in front of the window and look through it in game, I'm still going to see a grey expanse, correct?
  6. Eh, if I can't get the window to actually look out onto a landscape, I'd rather have the window filled in with "glass" similar to the vanilla windows. Then just have the window get lighter and darker to match with the time of day. Just like the vanilla windows. Of course I'd then need to edit the exterior of the building to match. Know anyone skilled in making/editing meshes? haha
  7. Reviving this topic since I look to address this issue soon. What about relocating the interior of the home into a new world space?
  8. Ok, it seems my problem was that I wasn't copying the file structure properly before making the .bsa. Made the necessary changes and it now seems to be working.
  9. I remade the .bsa and still not working. So I went and added the scripts back into the scripts folder. Lo and behold it works now. So the problem seems to be with the .bsa. Do I make the .bsa before I remove the scripts files from their respective folder? Like copy those scripts and then make a .bsa with the scripts that I copied. Then remove the loose scripts before installing the .bsa? Out of curiosity I opened the bsa and found that all of the script names have been changed to seemingly random alpha-numeric codes. Do you know if that is supposed to happen?
  10. They have the exact same name, save for the file extension and I used the archive tool in the Skyrim SE Tools folder. File names: MarasRespite.bsa MarasRespite.esp That's the order they appear in the data folder as well.
  11. OK, so I made a BSA file with all of the scripts needed for my mod. I went to test it by dropping the .esp and .bsa files into my Skyrim SE data folder and it's not working. They are separate loose files just like all of the other mods in my data folder, but I'm now when I go to purchase the house, the options aren't showing up.
  12. Awesome, thank you. I'll give that a go. Hopefully I'll be able to upload the fixed mod file early next week.
  13. All I did was compress my .esp into a 7zip file. So I just include the entire scripts folder?
  14. How do you package a mod so that it includes custom scripts? I recently uploaded a player home mod "Mara's Respite" and I'm having a bunch of people say that can't purchase the house. Basically, the player goes to the Temple of Mara and activates a strong box, which should then give them the option to buy the house or not. This uses a custom script, but the dialogue box isn't popping up. It would seem that I failed to include the custom script when I uploaded the mod. I'm just not sure how to go about including the script(s).
  15. Is there a way to get Vortex to only work for one game but not another? I mean it would seem a little ridiculous to use two different mod managers, but I'm just wondering.
  16. Perhaps paranoid is too strong a word. I just want to make sure that switching to Vortex won't cause any issues which I will then have to go and fix. I tried switching some time ago, but chickened out and stuck with NMM. I do have a play through going on oldrim, would switching over mid-play through cause problems?
  17. When installing Vortex, does it preserve the load order you had with NMM?
  18. I tried raising the mist affect just above the surface of the water over which it was placed, but the lines still appeared. I believe it had more to do with lighting. I ended up just removing the mist.
  19. So I've updated SKSE64 to version 2.0.16 but my game wont start. When I click on the SKSE launcher, the game gets past the Bethesda logo, but crashes soon after the imperial crest appears. I don't even get a chance to load a save, it just CTDs. I've tried reinstalling the SKSE update, validating the game files through Steam, and simply restarting my computer with no luck. It started doing this right after the game was updated, so I figured it was because SKSE needed updated. But now that SKSE has been updated, I'm at a loss as to why the game wont start. UPDATE--------------------------------- Nevermind. Just had to reinstall a mod that I'd forgotten I had previously uninstalled. Everything is fine now.
  20. Well the lines don't appear in the CK for me, it's only when I go in game that they show up.
  21. Does anyone know the cause and/or solution to these lines in the mist shown in the linked image below? I've tried removing one of the light sources in the area (there are three total), but the "lines" are still there. https://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c358/MJermann/ScreenShot2.png https://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c358/MJermann/ScreenShot3.png
  22. The frustrating part is trying to find the balance between realism for immersion sake and play-ability. I mean building an extension onto a house including a basement would realistically take weeks, especially if you were doing most of the work yourself. I suppose I could just give the upgrades a best guess number and adjust based on player feedback.
  23. So I've got a player home that you can upgrade. When making those upgrades the screen goes dark and time passes in game to give it a more realistic feel and to hide items popping in. My question is how much time should pass in game? There are four upgrades: One expands the main house, adding onto the first floor and building a basement. One adds an entrance to an underground spring in the basement. One adds an entire separate house for followers. One makes the home Hearthfire friendly.I have the hearthfire upgrade set to 2 hours, just because it just adds two beds. But what would be acceptable for the others? Keeping those in mind those that use mods like INeed. Don't want them building an upgrade then dropping dead from starvation. haha
  24. OK so I decided to use a script created by DarkFox127 for the home upgrade portion of my mod. But I'd like to add the feature that once all upgrades have been made the workbench disappears. Does anyone know how to add that to the following script? By the way I haven't tested this script in game yet.
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