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Everything posted by danscott84

  1. Good to hear. :thumbsup: Just a reminder that checking the video card drivers with the manufacturer periodically is a good idea. Tech and software change so much that the various hardware drivers can get updated frequently.
  2. I have not yet, but I can certainly try it. PCE I thought did a nice job, and since then the tucked hairstyles mod has come out that has a few hairstyles that might work better for her face. If PCE gave you the mrh file, you could use the toolset to change her hair. That would be PCE's choice, however. If you want me to give her a shot let me know, but I think PCE's version is very well done.
  3. We also discussed a similar issue in another thread here: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/240978-help-with-faces/ Might try this method to see if it works. If not, send DarkeWolf a PM and see if he might know an way to get it to work. He's pretty knowledgable about the chargen xml, and is now a moderator also. RustyBlade or Thandal might also know if DW doesn't. Otherwise, we've tried the tricks I can think of.
  4. I didn't see it on the list. Unless I missed something and it is needed. Since you said you did not have it installed, and I didn't see it on the list, figured it was not the cause. However, if I am wrong on either point it's back in play. And it's an all or none kind of mod since it's not a texture replacer like tattoo mods, but a complete model replacer.
  5. Ok, does not look like RT is a problem. However, try hm_nam_edric_01.mop or hm_edric_02.mop. It needs the hm at the beginning to know what race to assign it to. For reference, check my mod's decription here for the definitions of the different race prefixes: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1256 EDIT: I can't remember if WolfheartHU put these definitions on the hairy heros we did or not. Going by your chargen it looks like they should be working, however.
  6. There is one mod that I know of that will do this. Do you have realistic Teeth installed? If the custom morph is not made with RT listed as a requirement, then the face will not keep it's shape because of a flaw with the RT model used. In this case you will have to chose which mod to use, the custom morph or the RT mod. EDIT: The reverse is also true here. If this requires RT, and you do not have it installed, then it will also revert to a vanilla shape or not use the mop file at all. A second thought also along this line if the problem is not RT then what is the file named, and do you have another mop file using the same space? The file should be named hm_cps_pXX.mop where the XX is the number of the preset 01 to 09. You may also be limited to just using 02 to 08 depending on which version of the CC you are using.
  7. Are you including the .jpg when entering the file? That would probably do it. Use the name with out the .jpg for the name, then under where you have the option to enter the image just use the browse function to find the image to upload it.
  8. The only underwear retexture I know of is this one by Dracomies, and I think he is still working on it from time to time: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1504
  9. 1984 is a good example of the governing structure. Good call. Also a little Logan's Run (book, not movie ;) )
  10. Brokenergy, I can see that part on the Ottoman Empire to a degree. Maybe using the Persians around the time of Alexander was wrong. I used him because more are familiar with him than who I was really thinking of along the Persian line, Darius. Particularly the fable of (I am going to butcher the spelling) Nebachanezzar. Neb, for short, so impressed Darius that he was accepted as a top advisor to Darius despite being an outsider captured and holding to a different belief than the Persians. Also how the Persians approached the Greeks prior to the Battle of Thermopelae (sp again) pass. Darius, to get his army to Greece faster around Asia Minor built a bridge of old ships to move his army instead of taking the extra time to march around the sea. An engineering marvel, taking advantage of old materials to achieve his goals. And I can see the Mongol comparison as well. And specially those cultures in the Russian steppes around the time of Attila. As for based on the 12-13th centuries, you could even go back to around the fall of the Roman Empire. As I said before, there are a lot of sources that I see being used for the Quanari, whether the devs reealize it or not.
  11. RB, I mean in the sense that where everyone talks about Arlathan, but not knowing it's location, perhaps the Qunari found it. :whistling:
  12. Thandal, very true, and what I meant by WH throwing out the window was that it seems that Arlathan did exist, though I still want to think that the immortal part will end up like Zathrian. I had a thought that perhaps they used blood magic to tie their lifespan to things in nature, like trees that would have long life spans. Perhaps, perhaps not. Either way, it should be interesting. I am also curious as to whether the Quanari might hold the secret to this. Perhaps their advanced technology stemmed from the remnants of Arlathan?
  13. What kind of description are you asking for? It already has a brief desrption, but not specifcs. Right click on the item in the inventory screen, and it will state when equipped with what other items will give a bonus to armor/cost to stamina/dexterity, etc. Are you asking for specifics like numbers of how much?
  14. I have to agree with DW on this. When was the last time you updated you video card drivers? And different games, like Thandal stated, have different engines that make them run. When you installed the game, did you update your Direct X? This sounds like a video driver issue to me. I ran into a similar problem on my old system when I first got Doom 3, and when I got the add-on Resurection of Evil, it needed a driver update even though it was using the same engine and graphics as there were just enough changes that a simple driver update made it run smoothly. EDIT: I was able to unpack the cases for my Oblivion/Bioshock and DAO to check Direct X requirements, and BS uses 9.0c, but the box states just 9.0 for Oblivion. DAO uses 9.0c. I wanted to look to make sure because it was something I personally did have to worry about since I am at DX 10 for use with Crysis.
  15. Oh, I agree, I look forward to seeing how the Qunari play out. I like that it is a mixture of things to make them alien in feel. I think it should be since they are very different. I also like how it has semblences of a matriarch society, but not completely. I have not heard much of the Fex except in small blurbs. It would be interesting if the way they are approached is similar to the relationship with Native Americans here in the US. Even to this day there is still in some places a seperation, and yet a connection. A bad history that takes a long time to mend. As far as the wiki article, I was kind of venting in that there were comparisons made which I know, having a degree in history, that were inaccurate. (why I tend to not wholly trust information obtained from wiki's in general) I was hoping for a more ancient Persian feel for the Quanari as it was the largest empire the world had seen until it was overtaken by Alexander and split upon his death. Of course, without the oppulance that existed. ;) I already had a feel, and hope, that Arlathan was a parallel to Atlantis and was more legend than reality. A society that may have existed, but belief of what it was ranged far from it's reality (elves were never immortal as they believe). However, Witch Hunt threw that right out the window, at least in part. I just hope that the Quanari, from my perspective, stays the course it appears to be taking, and does not up some strange, weird, unbelievable thing similar to the ending of the last Indiana Jones movie. :wallbash:
  16. There are female dreadlocks in the tucked hairstyle mod by tmp over at Bioware Social Network. Here is the link: http://social.bioware.com/project/2595/
  17. Usually Irving because I don't really much like Jowan. Leorah sometimes is a good one, but then I miss out on the potions she gives for clearing the spiders.
  18. WTH? The comparison to the Ottoman and Byzantine empires seems like a huge stretch. It's more of an jumble of several sources. (can't really use the Borg since I am not a huge Star Trek fan past the original characters) I can see parts of Samarai (honor and duty), communism (everyone has a place in society, and only that place which their talents serve best for the whole) and a little Chronicles of Riddick Necromongers. It appears to be put nicely together, but stems from a lot of different sources. (the communism part based on the theory, not what has happened in actual practice) I also do not believe in the Islamic comparison. That seems based more on perception than the actual practice of the religion. (that last bit thanks in part to having to read the Koran for a religious studies class in college) There are also a number of cultures in the world both from the past and present that perform some form of ritual removal of appendages due to shame. And the belief of those without the horns in Quanari society almost parallels some Native American tribe's beliefs that such members of society were "touched" and viewed as special. All in all, I like the concept, and would like to see how the writing puts all of the pieces together. I think the wiki article has put a simplistic description forward for now, and hopefully the writers do not keep it as such, but actually make it deeper like the hints I see.
  19. Ah, good advice. I forgot to mention that I have at least one junk character with saves everywhere just for testing purposes.
  20. I'll give it a shot, but can't make any promises yet. I have some other projects I am helping with, so this may take some time. I'll try to figure it out and test with one of the songs from DA first to make sure I can actually make it work, then I will see if BW will sign off on letting me use the song for this game. EDIT: however, I suck at scripting, so a good scripter will be needed to get it into the game.
  21. DW, will save you the hassle, it's this one: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/240356-problems-getting-tmp-hair-in-character-creator/
  22. The icons are dds files, and most of the dlc is encrypted for opening their erf files. In the programs route to DA, you can access the Awakening's erf files in the addins folder, then it's listed usually as dao_prc_ep_1. The route I have is program files x86 (I use W7)/DragonAge/addins/dao_prc_ep_1/module/data and from there I would guess the designerplaceables for get the icons, but I have not tried it to know for sure. You can get the file names from there, but I have not had much luck in getting the files visible in the toolset as far as seeing what they look like. veteran_gamer posted in the builder board some time ago about how to access them in the toolset to edit them. But I only got it to work once, then have not been able to repeat it.
  23. Oh, I think it's a great idea. I could even get the rudimentary scene done. However, it would take someone with more cutscene experience than mine to actually make her sing. I think that would be the toughest part. The tutorials, while some are quite good, don't address this actual action. That's why I said it could be a nightmare to make. But yeah, I like the idea, and I don't think the voice is that far off that you would not believe she is singing it.
  24. I think I can help a little on this, but not sure how much. 1.The tinting I would like to know myself. I know it's an erf file, but how to implement it not sure. (Know this from using the T7/Dragonbone retint mod which work with the UDK) 2. It should, but remember to place a value to it in the properties. My Warden's Oath mod I made with an attribute to weaken nearby darkspawn. Left at the default 0 does nothing, so I changed it to 2 and it works fairly well, especially in the deep roads. 3. Not sure, but would think would need to do something similar as #2. 4. No clue. I cannot figure out the values as they almost seem like arbitrary numbers. Chug-n-Plug like you have been doing might work at least for the interim. 5. I have only seen that model used in the DLC's. Starmetal blade, Maric's, and the one made by Wade in Awakening. However, and I could be wrong on this as it's been a while since I have gotten it, but the sword from the mage/demon in Denerim by the Pearl I think has this look. This last not sure on though, and I think the quest is Unbound and sword Keening Blade. As for the staff, not sure since I am not sure which one you are referring to.
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