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Posts posted by hoshi23

  1. Sorry, I generally have trouble reading posts that are encoded..... Anyone have a cypher I could borrow?

    Ah much to simple for any cypher. Think space between atoms. How you wanna cypher that or even think?


  2. So you're saying that you're so humanitarian you can't help but insult people in what they consider to be the deepest way possible? I don't see any flaws in that logic.


    Grow over borders. Look up the nightsky.

  3. How much greedy can you be? And then call yourself patriots at the same time? Shizophrenic much?


    Just go on and throw around with bits of information without having even the slightest idea of the basis that this country is build upon.


    I cannot take that bunch serious no more. :wink:


    So those statements weren't meant to insult anyone..... right. I think you might be the schizophrenic one..... Just a thought.


    This always from compassion here. Not interested about ramblings.

    Cannot do more then say dont take offence.

  4. I dont mean no offence to anybody in this thread. :turned:

    What i care most about is value and meaning.


    We need to really reduce spending and fast sounds good. :thumbsup:


    Remember we all sit in one boat. :wink:

  5. The fact that this is even a debate amazes me. Health care should be a basic human right for everyone devoid of class. How much greedy can you be? And then call yourself patriots at the same time? Shizophrenic much?


    That behaviour is so guranteed the total opposite from what the founding father had in mind, but nevermind me and dont check on your own history ever. Just go on and throw around with bits of information without having even the slightest idea of the basis that this country is build upon.


    Which i might say was GOOOD, but little from that remains to be seen atm. Also one reason because you are running out of money, but it would be wholly nother "debate"about transparency and things.


    Then change finally comes and what many just can do is complain while having a political debate that is essential empty in nature. :laugh:


    I cannot take that bunch serious no more. :wink:

  6. hey all,


    i have the feeling i am not gonna be the first with this issue. :biggrin:

    anyhow. the search did not reveal much. :tongue:


    sometimes in my game a few vanilla textures go missing (=black) and then again

    they are perfectly there displaying just fine!


    examples are the vine grain textures on the benarius manor in anvil, which seems to be the

    latest trend now. it makes the house look quite ugly, but disabling it wont work as then the whole house will vanish at once.


    i absoilutely have noooo, noooo idea where this stuff comes from.

    it is a complete mystery game to me thats being played here.


    (the only modifying entity in this case here i know of would be better cities, if at all)



    another example would several stone textures in green emperor way, where the water comes out so nicely from above: they turn black and then again not and everything is fine.


    likewise i have the problem in azuras palace which seems to use the exact same textures.


    whats the connection there? has anyone got a clue? :wink:


    regards. :kiss:


    ps: oh and i am using quarls of course! :happy:

  7. thank you. thats nice to hear. there should be no problem at all then merging a few simple items

    being added to the game that dont overwrite each other.

    just no merging of merges... :laugh:





    ps: are armors and cloth that are added automaticly at gamestart mergeable aswell?

    i am not sure wether a script is involved here that can break or not and i am leaving the ones added in dungeons aside for now aswell. nontheless that is already prolly about 40 items merged. :smile:

  8. hey guys and gals i have a question. the search did not reveal much. i red there is a hard coded limit at around 250 active .esp's and surprised of myself i am already very near that number in obmm.


    what in the world do i do now? any advice concernign the operation as a whole would be very much appreciated! :kiss:


    for instance i have thought about bashing armors from rp18n's sets together and so forth.


    thx. :happy: :happy:

  9. surely they will turn it into pr also? moral degredation with us? for sure! :biggrin:


    anyway: the mayas are no idiots. all those folks were no idiots.

    just because we have no access to their mysteries

    does not mean its dead.


    eventually we all will become to see the striking simplicity of that.


    tho i would not bet that happening for everyone point 2012


    when the aliens from mars land.


    lets maybe just say conditions are getting more favorable within yourself to experience certain forms of energy.


    baggage is gonna be flushed out by nature/yourself.


    foremost everything that has to do with what you are keeping "alien" in your private base.


    opportunities will arise and afterwards no one will be there to think about it anymore!


    thats 2012 if you so wilt for you or the you what it would have been then.


    lol. ;)

  10. tv is the truth! how can you doubt tv and even fox news at that for one single moment?



    anyway concerning afghanistan: a 4 star nato general stated that they need way more funds to build infrastructure over there in order to bring back peace and stability into the region,

    but guess what happens? nuts. i dont even have a word for that.


    no one over there can speak the truth.


    self responsibility would be a great act indeed cutting clear with all that nonsense,

    but hey... this is earth remember? and the news tell you the truth.


    true nightmare.


    your desire your being is truth is what you are made up of.


    one small step into that and the whole world will seem stupid.


    poeple carry so much.

  11. i am refering to the objects in the cell. otherwise there is empty space. tasteless black.


    have you ever used the tes construction set?


    you have an object window, which you drag objects from into the empty nothingness to create interior cells.


    like for instance a pimped pirate ship with a hot steamy jacuzzi and everything.


    where the hell is the mistake here? that is the question.


    100.000 septims and 10 kudos reward.

  12. basicly what makes the program do this stuff? this is what i want to know ,because i enjoy modding, but like this honestly who can?


    there is no documentation on something like that.

    atleast i have not found it.


    what else?


    ps: in case it matters. the interior cells were of the pirate ship marie elena, which everyone knows, is docked at waterfront.

  13. this things is crazy. hopefully someone here has a clue.


    i saved my project with around 700 objects successfully and then proceeded to start oblivion in order to see how it goes, but to my surprise the interior was only in a state back when there were

    only around 100 objects in it!


    ouch you might think, but the story goes on.


    after that of course immediatelly loading the .esp in the contruction set gave out many errors about missing file references and a nice message if i would want correct the file header aka


    700 objects in the header, but

    only 100 objects actually loaded.


    100 objects, which before did work evidently fine ingame.


    ok. now here it comes.


    later i fired tes up again giving me the same error message with the header reverting the interior back to its original state:

    from 100 objects further down to 60.


    how can this happen?


    i did not start oblivion or do anything to modify what did work fine before. just out of the blue ciao bella? what could i possibly

    be missing here except that i should save more often?

  14. do you know anything except that life simply is?


    we are here to learn that.


    each one for his her own sake as a flower in the totality of now yet this are only words that are easily replaceable.


    nothing may be said about that and truly reflect that state at the same time. simply cannot.


    i dont know.


    so nevermind the lies.


    mind yourself and it shall open up.

  15. Thank you! So it would be ideal to have something like a huge libary of sorts, right?


    How do i bash it together in this case?


    Do i first turn the .esp into an .esm with for instance gecko and then revert it back to its original state?


    Or do i do the Wrye Bash thing?




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