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Posts posted by hoshi23

  1. pretty much what it says in the topic. if i want to close the application a window pops up "do you want to save your plugin" i click "yes" of course but nothing happens. all windows are closed. :unsure:


    also i think i kinda rescued my mods via a .tes file.

    what can i do with that?


    tried reinstalling but the same error is still there.



    ps: and sometimes when i copy paste an object it

    wont show up at all. same with duplicating.

    any trick im missing here or is this thing

    just bugged to hell and back?



    pps: and what does this mean? "form count dont match"


    forms loaded 233.

    forms in file 105.


    do you want to correct the file header?



    can i not modify an .esp with an .esp?


    it has to be an .esm?


    no extra room to castle for me?

  2. i finnished my tenpenny interior consisting of 12 /13 roooms all with a working navmesh and tested it, but there are still 3-4 small leaks in the overall level.


    when one runs besides the leaks the character blacks out for a second.

    pretty funny imho.


    the snap to reference has been helpfull for objects, but doing whole room parts and shifting rooms to one another, replacing; with that

    it did not help at all or i am prolly to green behind my ears yet

    to make it a 100% clean interior.


    the badest part: it is not simply a hallway thats easily to replace,

    but my fav part.


    no matter how i move the parts around they are always

    1 pixel of each other?

  3. :biggrin:


    hi all,


    so i recently started playing around with geck, but now i run into the issue that i have two interior rooms, which are exactly 1 unit of each other on the z-axis no matter how i shift them around leaving

    a small strip to see through from one side.


    simply snapping it does not work.




    is there a trick to it like to reduce the scroll speed or a neat button?

    maybe someone can point me in the right direction.



  4. i want a stargate to play golf through. the outgoin portal should be spawnable anywhere within the world like for instance right behind tenpennies head.


    or how about a huge cave with an underground hotspring?


    a lost temple!

  5. And this is why this thread should probably now be locked.


    Religious discussions are not allowed on this board as they lead to nasty happenings.


    Besides, the idea of ceasing to question existence is illogical. As human beings are imperfect,

    then, as such, we cannot cease being what we are. To have no doubt is to be a creature.


    This is a road this thread should not go down.


    religious ? open your heart thats all


    be universal


    how is that religious ?









    religion = ligere (lat.) = understanding = universal understanding


    yes some people like to misuse it for an personal agenda


    out of the head i know two HUGE religions where there are more idiots then anywhere


    it sucks


    im all for it to do it without the word religion since it is already so tainted


    love dont have a problem with that


    it can be expressed in through all forms wether it be an animal or spaceship or mc donalds


    love is 4d


    love is also for the green alien of m43


    they dont have a jesus but the have a hakuna matata goin for them

  6. we all are human beings


    6 billion humans


    1 being




    the secret is human and being are the same




    simply you art that




    so what is needed when you already that to recognize it ????






    slow down



    you cannot really see a flower while in a ferrari goin 400km/h high on lsd while hearing rock music





    later after recognition you can do this no problem


    one wont loose the humanity at all


    but the diffrence is since now you can discriminate you wont be in suffering no longer by attaching onto it and thus creating friction




    simply you cannot be what you are already twice





    aslong there is suffering you have quest and responsibility for yourself


    after this done


    the responsibility is that




    which you already in for example there is unconscious surrender of the body otherwise the body would not function at all

  7. first of all amd and ati if you dont want to get poor


    then go over to tomshardwareguide.com and look at the benchmarks


    after that search together few good components with a nice case at an online shop







    for 500 bucks i got me the amd phenom x4 955 3.0ghz with 4gigs of ram and an ati hd 4890 from club 3d (supersilent) in a sweet case from lancool with hdd and all the other shizzle on a ultra durable gigabyte mobo and it runs like a charm


    actually if you smart you could get this for 400 bucks from ebay and it will run mass effect 2 set to highest details at 1920x1200 without sweating




    building a pc together is easy and i suggest you give it a try

    there should be more then enough ressources on youtube


    i only needed the screwdriver to screw in the mobo

    otherwise it was 100% plug and play with my case being


    the hardest part is probably the cooler if you get a giant one like i got it to be very silent

    but even for that theres tutorials everywhere so if you can do your bike then deffo you can pull this of


    time estimate 30-60mins

  8. Stealing deserves monetary reparations. If you steal from someone, you should be fined for the value of it, and then a little more to make the cost for stealing worse than legally paying for it.


    I like this one. Some (I don´t say all) steal because they have absolutely NOTHING.

    How can we the call for compensation+a fine :wub:


    Get it now, killing doesn´t solve anything at all, but gives a revenge. Revenge is filled with hatred.

    That is maybe what Ghandi could see when he spoke the famous words:


    "An eye for an eye makes the world blind".


    Mayby Ghandi could see the revenge in the eye for an eye princip, and he could see all the

    way to the hatred it´s based on.


    We must not blind ourselves in a way, that we do not see the wrongs that need to be changed

    in our societys, the wrongs that in many cases are the reasons we do have crimes after all.


    thumbs up :thanks: well written post

  9. ok now officially everyone reading god simple replace it with LIFE


    that is like a feeling of aliveness ok


    no need for dogma


    screw it



    this is about experience


    call it björk for all i care


    cheers and enjoy :D



    so pls dont kill each other because this is color red and over there is blue team all ok


    there is one fun story with that


    funny being manifesting on a field left worker right worker trying to test human intelligence


    on the right side being that color

    left side being other color


    then being vanished in thin air again




    well it resulted in chaos because those guys werent with themselfs otheriwse it never woud have confused them cause self is always at ease regardless of manifestations


    intelligence is not all about the mechanical parts in yoru brains hahahaha

    ther is also a space between the atoms whic is less like flickering atoms creating an image out of life force and stuff like a crt monitor you know


    largely is black ;)

  10. putting someone to deaht is barbaric that is out of the question


    except if it is an animal and you see it gonna have a long painfull death then putting it out of its misery ok


    or if you hunt for minimal food ok


    that wont destroy the eco system and is quite fine as intended


    but killing another human being


    oh oh


    that karma gonna hunt you


    and in that case universe is working as intended




    thus know your universe beforehand



    universe is always about forgivness





    if you stay with forgivness there would not come for one second the thought to execute poeple





    executing poeple is but a helpless response of a primitive society



    case being you are afraid to look the all transforming power of forgiveness in the eye and dont know how to handel such even tho


    indeed no knowledge is required






    transformation happens without thinking


    it is direct and immediate and perfectly so



    ignoring it is ignoring life




    thus you become depressed



    how many poeple depressed in this society driven by fear



    then you take meds and call it science because you do not want to be responsive at all



    it is extremly dumb




    in prison live long prisoner do meditate they say they are more free then ever out on foot they say they ok here to live



    those guys actually gotten more responsive and intelligent then many in society just by sitting on their asses



    and out of having no where else to turn who filled them and cleaned all that junk out wihtout ever a hand having to do something from outside eh




    forgivenss is like warp 10



    all dogma is bound to burn in it

  11. nothign happen 2012


    universe still will be the universe


    for the human there will be shift in consciousness making it all abit more transparent and alive


    internet is part of that serving as a mirror to update consciousness


    look for instance of the logo of wikileaks


    pretty much tells the story


    open up and light and you all thought you fall into abyss :D

  12. haha of course. :thumbsup: well i would say if alcohol is already legalized why not legalize maria? the reason that it got banned in the first place was if my memory serves me right a senseless smear campaing by the industry to keep their monopoly.


    besides it could be an additional source of income for tax.


    although id much prefer that peopel come away from the externals and discover their own already inherent blissfull nature.


    it will fix more things then a thousand fear driven political debates.


    thank you and enjoy.

  13. i stopped eve after a few years while with tri was having lolkia campaign in delve and so far dont plan on comign back because im just tired of eve

    and its mechanics



    last thing i heard is goonies are gone and now they are harrassing the sto people :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

  14. i have no real oppinion on maria after i stopped smoking it


    one thing that is for certain is that it is good for some controlled (!)

    medical application



    also to an extent it can give people insight into themselfs to come down and just relax but one never should overdose




    in the end i wouldnt endorse it at all

    as seen in case above that is quite horrible how it can turn out



    mediation is the better way



    but also here one can over do it with breathing tech and stuff


    so please know that i dont endorse any breathing tech except watching breath least one is under guidance of a fully blown satguru one to one


    satguru not your yoga teacher in the studio


    thats two very diffrent thing



    know a satguru and he says pranayam is not so great cause at one point it happens of itself



    the tech is to stirr the energy but if it awaken ooooh boy


    so dont force



    yoga teacher wont be able to help



    the response maybe totaly crushing to ego and you not immediatelly ready to give up comign out of a sedated society where everyone is afraid of being the least bit vulnerbale infront the other (=animal like conditioned response)


    it can be VERY THREATENING at first cause of the resistance to god within



    theres a chines curse saying like go thorugh all karma in one day which probalby somethign liek that happened to the woman above trigered by joint



    so please take it carefull and slow


    better go to the people that are really knowledgeable about this




    you can give satguru lsd he wont be affected :P






    in the end it is all about diffrent scales of trust and surrender



    panic (resistance in general) can be an opportunitie to step into love

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