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Everything posted by hoshi23

  1. thats very true. the moment you think you have something thats essentially already an frozen image of a past.
  2. Gonna wait 4 to 6 years and get the collection for 10 bucks from the pyramid, if at all.
  3. without being judgemental or anything to me looks like poeple just puking out their knowledge like residue material thats floating on top of something called value im for red-im for blue-lets bash our heads together-whos better-omg xD
  4. religious means universal understanding.if that aint infinite i dunno know what is. catholic means vast yet they go at little boys. :confused: anyway we the creator of everything. past future they all contained in you. its like afterimages you have not learned about yet and unless one doesnt learn the associated lessons it gonna come back onto the screen. just the human process in time and it goes all the while from past (that has not been confronted yet) projecting into the future and back whence in truth nothing is there xept that present moment.
  5. o.O you fine with 365 families having 40% of the money and banks having power due to debt ??? politicians they call themself chr... eventho they walk over their own laws everytime np lol. if theyd just follow one law it would not be this mess. so they wrote down ten LOL.....maybe just start following one in your life....tiny note like really just a tiny note...more effective then any medicine......you gotta trust the nature of you
  6. I guess everyone seen it, but this is a personal view. Doesnt mean its true for everyone. You know what i think what would help is everyone just to get reconnected to whats nature as nature never fails. Is just the human who kinda... you know.... is learning what this is or fears it. I dont know.
  7. Yeah i looked it up on wikipedia now, but this aint solve much i fear if there is not somewhat law and order. see this kids. no ones there to teach from the heart. money has nothing to do with this values except when it goes that you use it to impose your will over others in the bad way which is happening and its causeing everyonne regardless suffering. What we need is more transparency. A transpercy agency and more power to the people. direct votes.
  8. Hey it seems you know what you talking about. I like that. :biggrin: But did they not have looking glasses back then in the days? The uniforms and other signs what make a ship unique gotta be pretty obvious to even the most blind fish.... except they took it for granted and did not look until it was to late...
  9. Just hiss the wrong flag and go broadside. Hahaha.
  10. Yes some of that points are very valid. No doubt.
  11. hoshi23


    Theres was a bhuddhist monk from long time ago who actually build an airplane, but then scrapped it again, because it was just taking focus away from his meditation. :biggrin: People back then werent idiots. They sorta mapped the whole consciousness and everything in india aswell as egypt and other parts of the world. And by all means this not just something intellectual.
  12. http://www.infinity-universe.com/Infinity/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=113&Itemid=93 I thought i share this here. Basicly everyone who liked Freelancer, Wing Commander, Elite and so forth will love this. Make sure you check out the other stuff aswell and if you want to contribute modding skills theres quite an active community around.
  13. hoshi23


    There exist alot of projection. Sit down and all that projection gonna come up. People fear to lose their image. What can be said. :wink:
  14. I belive we on confusion here what is what. Anarchy is reffered to as lawless chaotic form that is one extreme, while the other extreme is dictatorship. We need a total transcendance of both.
  15. hoshi23


    Well not only that. Consciousness is here full force. Everything is that life. The only thing poeple differ on is how they recognize it.
  16. Yep. We all sit in one boat. I dont want to make a judgement, but it seems we cannot simply run away from the inevitable. The human consciousness has to keep evolving, right? :wink:
  17. hoshi23


    Wait a moment that article was being serious? I thought it was pure sarkasm. Anyway yeah we have big egos. And big egos you know they got it all figured out.
  18. freelancer. i used to love everything about this game. mass effect noveria. mass effect 2 afterlife. and about any other game with good classical music in it. as there are. morrorwind. oblivion. oh and x3 also has some cool music. namely königstal.
  19. You might like Castle Almgard+Wolfspike from Centurion.
  20. hoshi23


    Yeah... the real science comes down to very simply this: There are reports from trusted personal of stuff flying through the atmosphaere, which are estimated 10% of all reports that have gone in. The rest either being imagination, false reports, rediculous reports or poeple having fun. What can you do from here on? Nothing. The furthest i ever saw was a university making spectrums of this phenomena and stuff, but it did not tell them much from what could be seen with the naked eye anyway. Namely that it is some sort of high energy plasma contained in small spaces, intelligently hold together by forces. In short: Nobody knows.
  21. A big cat in egypt or a falcon living near a temple of Isis.
  22. hoshi23


    It was a weather ballon..........i think........
  23. Hitler actually opened up the russian front which was a total suicidal thing to do, did he not? I think a bigger error one cannot make in take of the odds. Especially in view of the russian winter. Now that is really the icing on cake of stupidity and what a icing that was. Truly that was no tactical finesse and luckily so one might say otherwise who knows how much longer this whole thing would have continued.
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