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Everything posted by hoshi23

  1. I dont know how a companie can be so blind... this is madness.
  2. i would design a game where countries can play war without anyone dieing in the real world. :thumbsup: the whole military industrial complex could produce the necessary equip. that way no one will be upset.
  3. both games are ten especially if you are huge fan of star wars. i know i did hate kreia and her whole blabla with a passion. that was just dragging the game along. cheats and mods? seriously? the game clearly has been designed for neither. from my pov it is fast food rpg on highest niveau, which can be replayed once or even twice, but then it is really over for good.
  4. Any depression? Then you have not understood time. Understanding time goes via the whole body.
  5. Simply embrace change in you and the rest will come by itself. Dont depend on externals as such.
  6. Does time exist? Dont be fooled. Gotta love it. :biggrin:
  7. nvm. :wallbash: but is there a way to add several meshes at once and how do i make custom columns for my mods instead having to use the original ones? maybe someone kindly can point me to a tutorial. thx+regards. ps: maybe someone of the mods can delete this otherwise. :blush:
  8. The gov and the poeple. Basicly it is how responsible and awake are we. If a gov goes on about torturing poeple then something aint right. Also if poepel sit 24/7 passive infron the tv which is owned by just a few then something aint right and big brother term applies which means: you giving responsibility away and that can never be a good thing xept you like being a slave . Nature requires everyone to be reponsible: gov and poeple. one nation. get to feel it and things will come naturally into balance as of law. otherwise things will be fishy and against nature you always loose 100% of the time. dont fight it and you be one happy nation. simple enough one might think. stil some havent quite learned that basics yet. i am making no distinction of gov and poeple here. if there is distinction come down and listen to what nature herself has to say. there is no ally that is more powerfull then her. nature is not dead. if nature is dead for you then you can tell you are very dead despite technological advance and have been faked into beliving stuff in your mind. so thats deffo what we have. is a learning experience. :laugh: like in fight club he say it is always a spiritual thing. either you alive or you are not alive. thus dont be afraid to feel. dont be afraid to be vulnerable. dont be afraid to love. dont be afraid to share. in short: dont be afraid of out goin energy. what you give will come back 10x on your spiritual bank account. energy dont die. it only changes. that wisdom the old greeks had. on height of their civilisation some realised some day this all will go. actually it is 80 years for most here. whats priority. build life on what? or simply be. i find it fascinating. alot of it has to do with feeling wherein no one is special. if anything is safe secure amd grounded then thats that spirit. otherwise gonna have hard time maintaining a nation and eventual you gonna loose it in trying to tighten the security more and more with scanners and what not. is ok. we all learning here. :wink: some maybe never. :tongue: for examples pls refer to your local tv set and watch any parlamental discussion. yes it is actually paprlament and not a sandbox where in with mud is thrown. quite the optical illusion. i know. :sweat:
  9. Yeah. In firm ground there is no human, no alien idea. Things are quite sweet. I dont know where poeple get all this many ideas from.
  10. Can you not use an Emu for Pc? :turned: Then again the original controller would not work unless you bought an adapter for it , which likewise costs money and the whole nostalgic atmosphaere gets lost.
  11. Somehow this sounds awfully complicated. How about you simply delete the things you dont want to have and make the doors anew from scratch? Shouldnt take to long, no? Then again maybe i dont get it. Barely a beginner here myself.
  12. I am not entirely sure as i am new to this myself but do check the Companion Mod. I have seen poeple making Companions out of their savegames over there. For simply extracting and copying a face there is also a tool called Oblivion Face Exchange Lite. Hopefully that helps.
  13. There is a vanilla armor replacer named EVE for HGEC. Maybe that helps. Otherwise try deactivating Beautifull People or adjust the load order of your mods to see the results.
  14. It is all life force. After that words kinda tend to fail hard to explain. So people came with mantra. Although for that again one has to ventrue very deep to understand the mechanics behind it. You dont just make up a word and play robot. That would be an inadvisable life style and bring you nowhere. It has to be given a subtle current and unless one has not been that level you are unable to grasp nor begin to understand. So you go somewhere who already got a pathway laid out that can carry you via the current and awaken that understanding. It comes in many diffrent styles. Not all people are the same. Other beings may visit but is unlikely anyone there is gonna chase them lol. Much work to be done and life is short.
  15. How many is based on pure fact? What do you really know besides: I am? Every smart human being knows TIME is NOW. As such it should not surprise you how the human beings like for instance the egyptians who had a very deep connection build such marvelous things. Or how the mayan know very well of time and deep cycles as such that have to do with 2012. You dont need computers. Time is not a dead thing. Traveling into the deepest depth is the oldest science of man and most effective. It is the scale of how well a society functions. It is the scale wether your science be skewed or not. With just a small sense of I AM much will become clear of itself. You gotta get to know the life force. The container having the knowledge is a runing joke. Dont be afraid of it. Go look up the aboriginals and the rainbow snake for instance or Maha Kal. Research the mystery. Dont stop at book knowledge. (Of course it has its role and function given as has all here even the sheep but it should not dominate what is wanting to bloom and that.....is about feeling........ it will inform cells in your body to align and open up to new currents......currents not known yet by any body.... surely you know of the talk like 10% brain only active.......... what if i tell you there is intelligence over the whole body not just brain......all over the place there is intelligence....that even has been mapped out since over... i dunno... latest record we know of 4000 years :laugh: multiple cultures on and off yes but never the whole earth at once which is now :smile: )
  16. hoshi23

    Area 51

    I just hope those two wont step out of the picture into the forums and sap everyone.
  17. Question one: If you could create your own realm, what would it be? I would stop creating realms and enjoy what makes it all possible. Yummy. Question two: If you could be one mythical creature what would it be? A dolphin jumping through galaxies as if through rings in the water. One that is not made up? The rainbow serpent that creates your passing dream fancy show. :ninja: :laugh: Question three: If you could keep one of the five senses what would it be? Probably sound. It's all about the music. :teehee: Question five: If you could gain one power what would it be? In-sight. Answer four: If you could bring back one person from the past who would it be? I wouldnt know. :wink:
  18. The 2ND AMENDMENT of the CONSTITUTION itself makes sense to me. The question is do we still need it. I have no definite answer to that. Hopefully people are smarter then having to go that far. And if everybody needs a gun for security then you dont have it at all, no?
  19. hoshi23

    Area 51

    Yup. Would the tech be released ,besides the fact that we dont even know how far they are in development (never as good as our visitors thats for sure since for that you need to be in the right spirit too and that just dont come over night :wink:) , still this would most probably shift the whole society we are in right now. As a result things would become quite transparent and old power structures break up. Like Nikola Tesla said over a hundred years back already: The oil businesss has to be stopped in interest of coming generations. It is barbarous. This does not need to stay in the shadows and for quite a few poeple it is very transparent what issue inside create the landscape on the outside humanity is in right now. Almost cute and funny. I dont know. Really there is nothing to hide in the universe. Sooner or later this gonna come out by itself and the bubble burst. Human kind will move on with more of an integrity. Respect. Love.
  20. hoshi23

    Area 51

    into believing there is an big alien invasion like in independance day. :biggrin: anyway i pretty much see it the same as ben. the light phenomena generally speaking are simply a sort of plasma. high energy contained within a field sometimes moving about at insane speeds. how they do it we dont know. who we dont know. inteliigent for sure. there are just an overhelming amount of reports by pilots both civic and military all over the world. pretty hillarious. once someone actually fired a cannon after one of those things. .... :laugh: but as far as i know the topic was also about area 51 right? kk. carry on. :thumbsup:
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