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Everything posted by hoshi23

  1. Lol lets hope humanity is smarter then the animal sense.
  2. The best way to heal is to simply give. De-pression (and it comes for everyone at one point) is like standing on the line. Holding something within. Again here the nature of you is very simple.
  3. Quantum mechanics? Hoshi23, in what context are you speaking? There is quantum mechanics, chaos theory and there is time paradox. Talking of time paradox does not need quantum mechanics. Well but the anchor point is you.
  4. Maybe this are things wanting to be dealt with in a responsible manner so you can feel better afterwards. So in reality could be hidden blessing. Have you thought about things that way? Try it in your life and see where it goes.
  5. Kick you down? Where am i kicking you down? Apology for what? All i am trying to do is open up new horizons. You heard stuff that is ok, but id love for poepel to get to the acutalisation of it rather then being stuck with theory. Tell me when things get actualised?
  6. My advice is to get some real knowledge by mixing with someone who is in the recognition of what quantum actually is.
  7. Mmmm Cheese. Ok lets do it!
  8. for god sakes doubelpost again.
  9. hoshi23


    Hehe. Well i certainly cant keep up with that. I speak English, German, about one word of Danish (takk!) and some Latin but no one tend to speak it around here anymore. So yeah. *gg* How to translate? By living. Try not to shy away and take things as they are. Whenever you let that into your life what remains is but that transcendance. One must be willing to loose all that is no that. It wil make you radiate. Doesnt mean one looses comfort in life. That is the biggest misconception and the worst place to do this is in a cloister. In daily life there are moer then enough opportunities and if it is not in daily life then cannot be real. Like in a cloister is easy to be silent under an illusion but when you come back you change. That is no real peace. It has to be done in daily life admids where all buttons are being pushed. Living like that you dont need drugs or any enhancers anymore Life itself gonna be quite exciting lol Natural bliss coming forth its like what the hell poeple are jsut doing...... So just abit outlinign that....be yourself in anyway There always a story but then there is also self....
  10. hoshi23


    no no zes no there is chaos in order and order in chaos.........awakening is waking up tio the order........nothings i sbz accident in zour life...zour are 100% responsible......that is waking up to the consciousness answering the call it is loosing greed part for real and reason reason just is ps. this is a tinz laptop ...srz evrzone
  11. Hihihi. As with all this questions a boon really.
  12. On earth? Shakti wins everztime zou fight her 100%. If wed go into conecptualisation then i do not know hwo is the greatest. I just smile. Greates warriors are those who do ot hve to fight at all to win. The nature of you doesnt struggle.
  13. nvm me. lol. actually so bored of this.
  14. The 5xx series is pretty good. Alternatively you can look up the 4xxx series aswell. They draw more power but overall it is way cheaper. There are also passive versions out there without an active cooler keeping it nice and quiet in your case. For benchmarks you can check tomshardwareguide.com to actually get an idea on what you getting for the money. And then dont forget to check ebay aswell. You will never know what you might have missed otherwise. Good upgrades can come cheap. It does not have to be expensive. Good luck!
  15. Sounds like a pain in the .... I think at that stage what i would do is get alternative components to switch around in order to see where it is at. Namely power supply and graphic card.
  16. hoshi23

    This or That?

    Broadsword. Fire or Water?
  17. I dont know. I find the occasional round of TF2 fun. For me it is more like you are having a virtual pillow fight.
  18. oh yeah so many poepl think this is how things are when indeed it is just a cultural conditioning.........
  19. having personally gone through eve and all that - yes, for specific peopel it can turn into to much, but then it also can be like a reflector. second life? is that not like a virtuality in the virtuality? i dont see the reason. fsx? well. sometimes you are just driven arent you. the thing is wanna look deeper or not. i dont know. alot depends on the person. so to realise that is to step out of wheels. you got the power.
  20. great insight can only come by slowing down and facing things as they are. this will allow the memory to unravel.
  21. Yes there is memory in your cells. The memory gets washed away when you face things as they are. An energy gets awakened. Vivid dreams come. Insights on the workings of nature. All that stuff. Yet whoever attach to it will get fat once again. So the formula is: LOOK, but dont attach. Let it go. Passes. Passes. Passes. You are prior of all thought. In terms of genetics scientist knows little. You can be totally other persona then your parents. Your parents can be bad material yet you can totally excell. There is enough examples so i wont go into that. Maybe someone want to comment on that.
  22. sooner or later poeple are gonna become tired of that track. wihtout seeing the living of course it might be hard to understand. in that case much remains left to be fight for but tell you what? smartest way to win a fight is not to fight at all. muha. that is bold. that is smart. and its gold. *dance*
  23. Thats right the society has to become transparent both ways. And it will. See internet for example. The consciousness is even much faster then this. So amazingly fast. Time is wholly diffrent in that. Anyway before i take to much infront, but that is the ultimate understanding of time getting revolutinized here on earth atm. Or should one say feeling since its rather feeling. It is prior to any thought. Lightning fast. But as always the human to has to do its part and answer the cosmic telephone. Everyone got one from birth. Actually it is the body but dont let me tell you anything check for yourselfs, cause in the end this words just sandcorns being played by waves. *wooosh*
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