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Everything posted by LordWushin

  1. ban darkedge for fake banning me in chat
  2. Thanks TRTP from everyone! I again want to thank everyone for their input and for posting your own stuff. I really did not expect to be doing this this much. But I love it! Thanks everyone! Looks like I am fine But nearly dead inside Sickness is overwhelming Energy is fast faltering Sleep is exhausting And awake is misery On the morrow I wish To be better, if not normal Hope in faith and love For my love's sake (and work) Tis the end till tomorrow For happiness in night
  3. ban darkedge because he banned a particular person and not taking the easy way
  4. Granted, but now no one else does wish this cold would go away before tomorrow
  5. Anvil hands down. Next to the ocean and a dock, I feel right at home their.Lighthouse too is a nice addition to all the other one. Then better cities and UL mods make it even better. Really awesome place.
  6. I am good. Really getting set up for Skyrim in November.
  7. Very good. Is it all in third person or just that part? Either way I would still read it. :biggrin:
  8. LordWushin

    Hiiii! :D

    Welcome to our humble abode!
  9. Ah ha, peek back at ya, how are you this fine day?
  10. Ha ha that is good. But I like the idea of puzzles as long as they are not like portal puzzles. Kind of a break from all the killing for one day and relaxes the muscles, using those brain muscles you know.
  11. ban darkedge for giving my Sithis avatar less than awesome status
  12. granted but your face gets permanently puckered from the sour Wish for a new lown mower
  13. Battlezone 1 you say. Haven't meet someone who played that in years. Welcome to our humble abode!
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