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Everything posted by LordWushin

  1. Granted you are so productive that it consumes you life force and you stress out of existence, welcome to the Void! Wish to have some A1 sauce
  2. Ban somerandomsheethathops for not copy and pasting like I did
  3. I am going crazy Last night seems so hazy Time is not of the essence But I handle my senses No matter how hard I try I can't get enough of you Time to go, why so nigh I can't get enough of you Now it dawns as the light Because you are my lover We can never be apart, never Let me with you be this whole night
  4. Very interesting. True to life.
  5. LordWushin


    Welcome to our humble abode!
  6. Ban LFC because he needs a three letter abbreviation for his name.
  7. I imagine bloodmoon on steroids. I would love it if Beth implemented some kind of drunken stupor. Makes the game more life like. Lol
  8. I see you and yes I would use charter internet but I am out of serve area. Later.
  9. Peek back! See ya.
  10. My internet is goofing up. Btoadband is horrible.
    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      ...back up, so you can switch them back and forth once in awhile to keep your modem in shape so you know you're in control. When you and the tech are done, while you have the Tech on the phone, ask about DNR : the Digital Noise Ratio and see if the tech can make any adjustments to reduce the amounts of DNR so your upload and download ratio has less noise.
    3. LordWushin


      I have seventeen listening then eighteen after that. Most are my pc(laptop) functions. But they tech I called said it is zone and DNR is alright. LOL I know he did not want to work it out.
    4. Deleted54170User


      I had to call them a half dozen times, before I got one person who actually was enthusiastic about adjusting the DNR and she did it. She finds this computer stuff fun. :- ) Too bad she already had a boyfriend. lol
  11. I like too see more! Very good intro.
  12. Welcome to the nexus. Thanks for looking into my profile too. See you around.
  13. Hello dear! Thanks for coming over to my place. See you later.
  14. What would I do without you Fall into all kinds of uselessness Where would I go without you Into the dark night, never to return How would I love without you Except that you loved me first When would I live without you Even till the night I breath my last Why is it that I have your favour Because you are my saviour
  15. Welcome to the nexus, and thanks for peeking into my profile. Hope we were hospitable. Later!
  16. If we can play them as a guild or faction I would love it! Morrowind style of course.
  17. Lovely are my dreams of late Them not being true I hate Getting closer to the edge Tearing down this nasty hedge Blocking the way to my dear Have no fear, please, have no fear Open in the wild I see Many animals near me I see a small lonesome tree Where my lover will soon be Together, there we will be glee Across time and space forever Night always seems near As the budding flower The lovely duckling surpasses more
  18. New pic is sweet! My hell warrior goes perfect with my units name.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      It could be because you befriended a questioning star? Ah ha haa haaa! xD

      Always curious.

    3. LordWushin


      Got to watch him. Can be tricky at times.
    4. Deleted54170User


      *Image peeks out now that was before question star* Questioning Star is getting calls for duties that Nature wants fulfilled. :- ) Later!
  19. No no I just thought it was good of you to do that! Hope you feel better tho.
  20. Nice to have you here at the Nexus! Hope to see you around.
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