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Status Updates posted by LordWushin

  1. Welcome to the nexus. Thanks for looking into my profile too. See you around.
  2. Hello dear! Thanks for coming over to my place. See you later.
  3. Welcome to the nexus, and thanks for peeking into my profile. Hope we were hospitable. Later!
  4. New pic is sweet! My hell warrior goes perfect with my units name.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      It could be because you befriended a questioning star? Ah ha haa haaa! xD

      Always curious.

    3. LordWushin


      Got to watch him. Can be tricky at times.
    4. Deleted54170User


      *Image peeks out now that was before question star* Questioning Star is getting calls for duties that Nature wants fulfilled. :- ) Later!
  5. Nice to have you here at the Nexus! Hope to see you around.
  6. I see you! peek back and ninja away!
  7. Thanks man! Nice to know others appreciate the work. Made that especially for my girlfriend some time ago.
  8. what up with you guy
  9. I am good. Really getting set up for Skyrim in November.
  10. Ah ha, peek back at ya, how are you this fine day?
  11. You know same old stuff. Enjoying life and my games.
  12. Hey peek back, how you doing today?
  13. In case anyone cares, I am on the Firefoot server in LOTRO.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      Thanks :- ) I have had 5 companies, that at one time had my personal information getting hit almost all in April. I am not playing any online games. Shifted to Solitaire. o.O
    3. LordWushin


      I know what you mean! I play for free tho. I don't have to pay anything unless I wait to upgrade. Pretty nice setup they got going on.
    4. Deleted54170User


      Woo! What the hey! You have a new Avatar and Photo...Woo Hoo!
  14. Thanks for adding me as a friend, always nice to have those you know!
  15. Good, I am well. Missing something in my life today. Actually just put up a poem about it.
  16. Peek:) how's it going. Well see ya later.
  17. Ha ha I caught you peeking. Nice to see you too. Well got to run, things to destroy, places to demolish.
  18. PvP is called monster play on LOTRO and it is a huge map of a land they call ettenmoors. I have done it several time and it is very tricky. You can play as your main character or a monster lvl 65. Very good.
  19. How is it going girl? Well got to run, talk to ya soon!
  20. Thanks for the chess.com man! Really enjoying it!
  21. Hey man what cooking! See ya around. *waves bye*
  22. The sun is in full swing again and so are my flowers
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LordWushin


      Well no! But I am home now, stuck with a reserve anti terrorism security force. My flowers here include tulips, peonies, daffodils, iris, and some other little tiny plants. Mint also!
    3. Deleted54170User


      I hope you are not neglecting your house plant's while online playing LOTR Online. PIE FIGHT!
    4. LordWushin


      Of course I am ... not! * dodge pie and tosses one wildly*
  23. Thanks for the peek into my profile. Hope we were hospital!
  24. Honestly WoW is okay. It's graphics are horrid compared to LOTRO tho. The thing I like about it is if you like the whole movie series you will like this. Plus it is free to play tho I would recommend the nine dollar premium subscription.
  25. Thanks for peeking at my profile! Hope we were hospitable.
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