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Everything posted by LordWushin

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdc3RdXoFwA
  2. May the 4 be with you all!
  3. I am gone fishing!
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBENjCPS8LI
  5. Thanks Maharg! and thanks everyone that helps in this topic. Kudos! I will be gone for a while, some military orders to fulfill, but I will continue when I can. Please do not hesitate to post poems, writings, or just nonsense. Remember, laughter is the best medicine. Thought of the Day: Did you know that eight consecutive hours of sleep may be unhealthy for you? A book from the 16th Century France describes how the human body naturally goes through "two sleeps." The first is several hours in length followed by a period of being awake. During this down time from sleeping, one can and should do minor things like stargaze or walk around the block, even writing and reading books are good. After a time, usually several hours, you sleep till the morning and begin the next day. This is very interesting the complete story in the link.
  6. For honor and glory But above all else For freedom and liberty To die for someone else My life is worth a lot So I defend it much Till all and self is not My love is never too much Do not cry at the parting When life is gone away Find no sorrow in the thing But find joy that is away
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNC0kIzM1Fo
  8. Dishonored seems to be a good game, just need more info. But Beth sure did make me upset with the teaser. I knew Dishonored was coming but they sure made it seem like something great and amazing was coming. Slightly disappointed.
  9. I would not jump to the conclusion that it is a Skyrim dlc, although a Dx11 patch would be nice. I believe it is the MMO that was said to be announced. Maybe Fallout 4, or a new game series. That graphics are just to different from all the games we have seen to date. My opinion.
  10. Beth put up a new picture on Facebook that,to me, hints towards a new game. Many comments on Facebook have opinions about Skyrim DLC, but what is your idea on the post. https://www.facebook...9&type=1&ref=nf Edit: you must be able to log in to Facebook to see it.
  11. Oh pain! Oh agony! Is this the way it's got to be? Making me suffer slowly Just let it consume me It grips and will not let me go The sorrow remains you know Hopeless in being so low My life just seems slow Give a sign to me soon That it will have a sweet tune My heart have gone sick My soul is the only thing I lick It will keep producing my music Making it much more epic Leave the darkness of the day Together after the mornings grey Familiar faces will awake, nay They will resurrect where they lay
  12. Battlefield 3 is consuming my time, since Skyrim won't work for me. Waiting for another update or two then I will try again, and some more mods.
  13. I live in land of limited wonder Where all grow old and die Looking at all these I ponder And enjoy my goods with a sigh But I long for something that never grows old Something that fills my every desire Not to have a life that is short and very cold But one of joy infinite with time Forever to be loved and to be a lover A land to dream and imagine in Were there is one or two with me and her To live in light of another generation
  14. Never give in, never surrender! Never, never, never.
  15. This has been pinned to the discussion thread, just in case you missed it. I don't really think it is even a worthwhile mod since not many people even know what Morrowind is much less play it, except me.
  16. To me it seems that Zenimax is just broadening its horizons with a MMO. The question is, is it an Elder Scroll MMO? They may mess it up something awful, or they might just do alright. Either way I am excited to have them do one. For those of you still confused about who is making the game, Todd briefly mentions it in this gamespot coverage at Dice 2012 Keynote. From beginning to about 3:30 is the important part in relevance to our subject. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7awkYKbKHik
  17. If you are alive for a couple seconds right after your save, as I understand, you can press the " ` " key, the one just left to the 1, and type tgm then that will allow you to not die. (Toggle God Mode) Be sure to turn if off after you are done fighting though.
  18. Come fly away with to a land of awesomeness A scenic view of water and sand With trees swaying in the gentle breeze The sun baking us as we look Come jump with me into the water, it's not cold My fishy friends want to play Just come in and be next to me shivering I will help you warm up soon
  19. If you all would, go to Dark0ne's thread on the subject.
  20. That is a little different Thor. Trying to make Skyrim into a MMO is, in my opinion, a cheap imitation of an actual dedicated game for MMO style of play. A mod very similar to this one was made for Oblivion, and honestly went no where. Playing against or with others in Skyrim is a great idea and quite a twist, but is nothing like a MMO. I honestly think there maybe some truth in the report, reporting that a MMO will be announced this year by Beth - even if it is not TES or Fallout. Something big is going to come out this year, just like how Skyrim was the big thing two Christmas's ago.
  21. Do not think this is another question or such. Tom's Guide has put out a blog post, which Game Informer posted too. Fact is I think it would be kind of cool. Especially if it is going to be like the site says. I play LOTRO and SWTOR. TESO would be a game we could relate to, I just hope it is different from the other MMO out there in a better way.
  22. Listen to me and listen close So I can tell you what you mean to me Starting with something I cannot describe Nothing will portray you good enough Even in a slight way But I must try, somehow More beautiful than a picture pose Lovely beyond what eyes can see Better than what musicians transcribe You fill me with so much love What else can I say Never better than what I said now
  23. My Asus Laptop 16GB Ram 3GB dedicated graphics Ram i7 2.2GHz
  24. I have a laptop, Asus. My variation has 16 GB of Ram, with a lower hard drive. My drivers are up to date, and I still have problems using steam for screenshots. On laptops at least the few I had have a "prt sc" key, print screen. I use this to take screenshots now, and I get no distortions at all. It is separate from all the other keys and almost always next to number lock, not any of the F1-F12. If you have 'prt sc' key try and use it, and if not then try Snagit, which I used and like the best (30 day trial.) Good Luck.
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