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Everything posted by LordWushin

  1. And in other news . . . I am back!
    1. AurianaValoria1
    2. LordWushin
    3. Deleted54170User


      Hey! *Pat's on back.* Good to see you're ready for some Friend's time.
  2. Gloom and doom is what I preach While I am away from you Never thought that time was slow Till I was far from you I will never be fixed and right Unless I see her smile
  3. Sounds of Skyrim Podcast and other stuff. A little different from what GI did but still very interesting. P.S. Music on sale
  4. I found a video of the PAX or QuakeCon gameplay but is from Texas several months ago. I thought is was cool to watch, almost as if being there at the convention. <br>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzbLxmb4xY0&feature=related
  5. Just hope you never annoy anyone, and steam decides to revoke your account. Then all of those games you paid for, that require steam to be online, just became worthless. Yes, here is another place I do not meddle. I joined the nexus group on steam and I have some friends besides, but that is the limit to my interaction with steam internet. I play most of my games offline ( only ones that will play offline.) So the only thing that is a threat to me is hacking I guess, tho I change all my passwords every other month and use random letters, numbers, and characters in random 13 digit order. Military did that to me I guess.
  6. One of the only things I like about Steam is that once I buy a game I always have it even if I lose the cd. I never do downloaded games, takes too long. Buy cd, install, and get the updates automatically. Steam is heavy on resources so for some it is not good, unlike mine. What I absolutely hate about steam is the fact I have to have internet in order to play many of the games even in offline mode, if I remember to set it. I play on Laptop and have to go out of the house to get internet. Other than that steam has no quarrel with me.
  7. To me it is a plus, you know something new to the series, just like dual wielding. Yet it would seem a problem only if you have to do a button cue to do it. I hate seeing "press this button to do the awesome thing." If it is a natural, which is what it seems, I have no problem at all, as long as it is not every single time.
  8. Thanks to every one that messaged me and PM'd me wondering why I haven't done anything lately. Here's to more in the future! P.S. - Don't be shy! Continue on.
  9. Lady LIberty Sailing on the open sea I wonder where the end will be Fleeing from the terrible past Hoping in the future till the last Dark is nigh Time passes by Now I see a Light Not light from the sun Or, for once, the flash of guns But a growing beam of hope High in the night air Freedoms light is near Majestic even at night Just to see Her light Never to extinguish Encouraging my every wish To live my life as I desire Dawn breaks, and on my knees I see my Lady Liberty Standing erect and tall As if never able to fall Guarding Protecting Encouraging Embracing I love this new found sensation The new found peace in Creation I love you Ms. Liberty, too For you I will be true
  10. I have been really busy working and such. Haven't really sat down to complete one I am working on, but soon I will now that you have motivated me again!
  11. Here PCGamer has a playthrough that I have not read yet, I haven't seen it here either. A little new stuff I learned.
  12. I don't know about you all but I personally love Sithis, Lord of the Void.
  13. Now that you mention it, I looked back and saw that many of the things you just pointed out fit into the setting of Morrowind extremely well. In Oblivion, I feel that by not having all the things Morrowind had, it made the game better. But that is for that game. Skyrim will be exactly like both. Skyrim is not Morrowind 3 and it is not Oblivion 2, it is Skyrim. The way Beth and Todd make it will be exactly how it should be, it will fit the setting. I can see a lot of Oblivion in Skyrim, and I can see quite a bit of Bloodmoon in Skyrim as well. Just now I have began to have a different view on each game. The good and bad things in them make them great. Skyrim will be great the way it is, so now I don't care what is in Skyrim, because I know it is going to be great and different with what it will have. ps - it would be nice to have simple things like spears and crossbows, maybe some cliff racers, instead of drunken brawls in taverns and such we hear of now.
  14. Far below my wants and desires I can do nothing but serve my sires Running around with no aim Oh when will I get my fame Yet I need not have fame and glory I need not have a fairy tale story All there is is now or never To hold my love forever Way beyond what I ever could ask I know my demons will unmask Enjoy the time I am given And conserve it with my live'n
  15. Those of us who played Daggerfall before any other TES game like the variety. Graphics improving is important and needed, but not just that. Skyrim IMO is a good, if not perfect, blend between Morrowind and Oblivion. Better graphics, better combat system, etc. as mentioned by Iv000. Spears, crossbows, and throwing items would be nice, but are Not a necessity. Just the fact of another Elder Scroll game, in which you fight dragons, is enough for me.
  16. Microsoft essentials have become a very trusted anti virus program, even more so than AVG I think. If you want free and light on system resources MSE is the way to go. Paying to me is more for the commercial computers, too heavy on resources. MSE for anti virus, CCleaner and glary utilities for registry and such, and malewarebytes and super anti spyware for the spyware is what I have recommended to people for a while. Together they are the supreme force in pc protection. All are light on the system too.
  17. I agree Thor f2p is the way to go. All I hope is that the game will not be a big disappointment, which I doubt.
  18. From what I understand it is going to be the normal $15 a month, tho I have no cites for it.
  19. Pre order now includes the 12-20-11 North America and 12-22-11 Europe. I already ordered the Collectors from Gamestop. Is anyone else getting it?
  20. Oh I love this new profile pic.
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Flintlockecole


      Never have been a fan of Modern Weapons, well all the accessories that go on them that is. SMLE Mk III with the long range volley sight's is all I need and hand packed .303, done by myself.
    3. LordWushin


      Very nice! http://www.navyseals.com/mk23 All I have to say about my armory at home.
    4. Flintlockecole


      German Engineering at it's finest. Wouldn't mind getting a hold of another StG 44
  21. I was surprised to read the recommended requirements and how high it is. Yet I still am good I think nvidia 9800 version on laptop (gtx260m).
  22. Thanks Dark0ne! I am glad to hear what you have to say about the game. Skyrim sounds promising.
  23. Beat the drums Sound the trumpets Another has come to town Clad in majesty Arrayed in blue The masses have gathered Now for the next day Long hours before us Hard lazy work and no sleep "Oh well!" I say Just live till that time Proclaim good ridden, till next month
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