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Everything posted by AGreatWeight

  1. Main menu replacers for Fallout4 aren't able to be uploaded to bethesda.net as you can't package a .bk2 video file up in the Creation Kit.
  2. The Community version of NMM on Github still works as the devs already added the new API functionality once Nexus released it, and will likely continue to support this version of NMM for a long time, as long as there is a demand for an alternative to the new Nexus offering, Vortex.
  3. Make sure that when you copy/paste the enblocal.ini file & the enbseries folder, you place it in the same directory where your Fallout4.exe is (located in Steam/Steamapps/Common/Fallout4 ) and not in your Data folder. Make sure you've downloaded and installed the latest enb binaries (from here) before you install the enb preset files (from whichever preset you've chosen to use from the many that are hosted here on Nexus) It's also worth noting that you have to manually install everything, or it won't work. Plenty of video tutorials going through the process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pCl00x5DVs
  4. Whatever mod it is, it's affecting particles. Mod-list and load-order would help.
  5. Nice work Hamitho, this'll go really well with all the holotape content that's been made for Videos of the Wasteland. I'll add a link to your mod on the VotW main page.
  6. @103Sakamoto, 1) No, texture resolution doesn't really vary between the player character and human npc's. What you will find is that there can be a large discrepancy with the resolution of numerous other textures; for example,feral ghouls have a variety of 2048x2048 textures for the entire body, and a seperate variety of 2048x2048 textures for the heads. However, there are four different heads in the head texture, so ostensibly they're actually 512x512 resolution (this, combined with somewhat bland texture work, and a low-poly mesh, means the vanilla ferals don't look that good) 2) Most textures come with mipmaps (smaller scale textures of the same objects, for example, a 2048x2048 texture will have mipmaps that are 1024x1024, 512x512,256x256, and 128x128) included. The mipmaps are used for objects/npc's that are a certain distance away from the player/camera, and that require less detail. In the case of terrain/buildings/trees etc, they also act as a go-between between the full-size texture and LOD textures. Mipmaps are loaded at the same time as the default texture, into vram, so there's little/if any overhead/additional consumption of system resources. When creating retextures, always ensure that you save your .dds files with mipmaps. Also, when you load vanilla textures into PS/Gimp, you don't need to load the mipmaps as well, as you don't need them for that. You only need to make sure that you re-generate them when you save your output file (whether you're using the Nvidia or Intel .DDS plugin, you'll get this option when saving.
  7. For something like this, a list of mods in your load order would be a big help in helping you pinpoint the cause. Obviously this issue stems from either a mod you're using that alters the game menu's, or one that were once using but have since uninstalled - with the possibility that some loose files remain. Oh, and be aware that constantly bumping your post like this is frowned upon by the moderators here.
  8. The fatal flaw in your statement (and one that those who've been vocal enough to complain about it seem to not understand, or choose to conveniently ignore) is that most of the final selection (barring a few, who have been open and honest about it & never attempted to decieve anyone) in the event are not post-edited to any significant degree. They are actual in-game screenshots. It feels somewhat disingenuous to cry fowl & accuse some of having an unfair advantage; by doing so, you belittle & ridicule the skills that these individuals have built up over numerous years & potentially thousands of hours of honing their craft. This event was meant to be a celebration of the skills that many here at Nexus possess (and have developed over years of practice) when it comes to screenarchery, showing just how amazing you can make these games look if you have the relevant skills/experience. At the same time, this does not destroy any possibility for relative newcomers to showcase an amazing screenshot that they took. The event was open to all, regardless of ability or experience, and therefore was clearly as inclusive as it could possibly be- if anyone felt like they were unable to enter (because in their own opinion/belief, they lacked the skills) that belief stemmed from them, not the organizers, nor the 'rules' or anything else. In this hypothetical scenario that some complaining have posited, it should be obvious that the individual is responsible for their decision whether to participate or not. With that said, it bears remembering that one of the three 'selections' was awarded to a randomly selected entry from all the entries recieved. Note that at no point did the organizers refer to this as some kind of 'competion', yet the belief that it was seems to have stemmed from the fact that 'prizes' were awarded - even though it should be obvious that a Nexus-hosted event of this nature would include awards of some sort, as an added incentive to encourage participation from those users who likely have never contributed to the (non-Nexus-affiliated) Community Themes. Never saw this kind of outcry with the Fallout Community Theme that DV organised, and haven't heard Excellentium mention anything like this happening for the Skyrim Community Theme either, nor any arguments stemming from accusations of favouritism. To me, many of the grievances aired appear to be nothing but sour grapes, as it's obvious that the the organisers took as much care and attention to create an event that appealed to as many users as possible, whilst remaining fair, impartial (and most importantly) open to all. Post editing in and of itself, is not some kind of unholy cardinal sin, it's merely another tool available; and one that is relatively easy to spot when it results in images that are so heavily edited they barely resemble anything that is possible in-game. Would a tool such as the FreeFlyCam plug-in by KingEric be considered post-processing? What about ENB/Reshade presets? LUTs and image modifiers? The tools are non-vanilla. If you want to make a valid point, define your terms. Where exactly is the cut-off point? Do weather/climate mods count, seeing as they can radically change the look of the game? I've seen this same tired argument pop up over the years in numerous creative endeavors (outside of screenarching/modding) and it results in nothing productive, not when the internal logic used by those making the accusations hinges on inclusivity by excluding certain things that are percieved to give an unfair advantage. How exactly does that work? It is saddening to see this event being dragged down & marred by irrelevant discussions that add nothing, except as attempts to tear down others who create things that you cannot due to your own inexperience/lack of knowledge. I cannot fathom any other reason for certain individuals to continue to cast shade in the comments here.
  9. I've never come across a mod that attempts to increase the film reel length to match the holotape length, one reason likely being the tedium involved in creating the additional .nif files it would require. However, the main reason why Videos of the Wasteland doesn't allow film reels to be longer than 3-ish minutes (or for the film reels to loop) are due to severe performance issues (due to game engine limitations) it would cause by loading all the 4k textures that are used; VotW loads all the texture files (for the film reel) into memory all at the same time - having more than the default loaded in had the potential to cause a major impact on in-game performance, especially for users of lower-specced hardware. This would end up with the video and audio desyncing relatively fast. Similarly, we found that looping the film reel playing also caused performance issues due to the way all textures are loaded at the same time by VotW, and the way that the game engine handles textures in memory. Reducing the texture size from 4k to 2k for the film reels wasn't a solution either, as they'd end up looking reallly bad on such a large display (4k already looks blurry as it is, and 8k was always out of the question) For the sake of maximum stability for the largest number of users, we dropped any plans to ever add this function. Also, we didn't want to include it as it would obviously bring with it a flurry of bug-reports and comments complaining about the impact on game performance. Why knowingly add a function that could screw the game up for many users?
  10. As it seems linked to the ui, it's probable that a ui mod is responsible*. It could as simple as an incorrect install, a corrupted download, or you may have two ui mods conflicting. Easiest way to find out is to uninstall them and see if you can narrow it down to those. From there, you should install one at a time, each time loading your game to see which one in particular is causing this issue in-game. I'd advise you to use FO4Edit to help diagnose which mods are conflicting (if that is what is happening) though I don't presume to know your level of knowledge with modding, so for now, following the advice above should help you out. It's always helpful to include your actual mod-list when posting on the forums about issues like this, you're more likely to get responses from other mod users if they can see immediately what mods you've got installed. *or at the least a mod that alters aspects of the u.i.
  11. That's a good point, and it's where I end up falling back on hoping that they can honestly address the issues that each successive game seems to increasingly have. With each game increasing their audience in the mainstream, there's the veryy real & dangerous possibility of them being further insulated from the criticism. Case in point, during the recent Bethesda event (Bethesda Game Days) neither Todd Howard or any of the other panelists didn't really address the savage dismissal of Fallout76, at least not in a manner that I'd consider reassuring. Sure, they joked about it somewhat lightheartedly, Todd said something about the development being difficult, but he mainly danced around it by briefly mentioning posts on Reddit and stating that somewhere among the invectives, fans had valid criticism. Watching it, I didn't get the sense that the devs really understood, deep down, why Fallout76 has drawn so much ire. Also, out of curiousity, did anyone else watching those BGD videos notice Emil Pagliarulo visibly twitching?
  12. BGS have a huge amount of work ahead of them if they're to win back the trust of fans. Most would say this started with how Fallout4 turned out ( imho it's a decent game, but a bad Fallout one), with Fallout76 subsequently being a game that pretty much has no soul, and little of what makes the Fallout universe so interesting imho. Yet others will point to Skyrim as the point where their games started becoming more diluted & lacklustre. Some will go further back in time, to the release of Fallout3, or Oblivion. These are all valid positions to have, depending on which game you played first, and when. I don't believe BGS can afford to make a mistake with the next game, Starfield. If it turns out to be good, they'll have earned back some of the trust they'd previously squandered. Still, Elder Scrolls VI will be make or break. That's what it boils down to, and I'm sure that they're well aware of that. I'm not really invested in the Elder Scrolls series myself, but I hope that they'll get it right. That's a publisher decision (Bethesda Softworks), not BGS - only pointing that out as BGS tend to get a lot of flack from people for things they have no control over (wich is basically making the actual game/s) They (Bethesda Softworks) will continue to use these so-called 'influencers' (like Oxhorn, Juicehead, MrMattyPlays etc) as long as they feel it benefits them. I'm surprised you didn't mention the fact that Oxhorn has actively gone after other Youtube channels and had them shut them, for daring to openly criticize him, or the snake-oil tactics he's employed by selling "beard growing" pills to his impressionable 'fans'. Or unsurprisingly, the time when he uploaded a settlement blueprint to the Nexus and included other mod authors content in his download, then acted somewhat dismissively when it was pointed out to him. People like him do not give a flying frag about mods/mod authors/the modding community generally speaking. The same as when Youtuber ESO started uploading mods (that didn't belong to him) onto ModDrop, before beating a hasty retreat/backpedalling when the inevitable backlash about it hit him and his channel.
  13. You'll need to share valid links for anyone to actually see these images. Use DXT5 if your texture has transparency, otherwise use DXT1.
  14. Go into your OBS settings, click on the Output tab, and then select the Recording tab. Ensure that Recording Format is set to mp4, and that you're using the x264 Encoder (I use the H264/AVC Encoder as I have an AMD-based gpu) Under that in the Preset section, use the Lossless preset, and in Quality Preset select Quality. Bear in mind that these are my custom settings for lossless video*, so the filesizes will be huge (10 seconds of footage will be around 100mb) so you'll need to either re-edit/re-encode via a video editor, or adjust the settings further in OBS. I'm also using a custom Rate Control (CBR) and a bitrate of 10000 - lowering this value will reduce the filesize of the output file somewhat. You might need to do some additional tweaking. As HeyYou mentioned, close as many non-essential background processes as possible to claw back cpu cycles/ram. Any overlay stuff like Steam, Nvidia, anti-virus, anti-malware, fps displays, Itunes etc... or open browser windows. If it's not part of the game, OBS, or your O.S. shut it down as it likely impacts performance when running a game AND attempting to capture footage. If you are still experiencing lag when playing back the footage, consider lowering the fps to 30 in-game and recording that to see if the situation improves. *most online guides/tutorials/Youtube vids for OBS are woefully inadequate when it comes to explaining good settings to use when recording in-game footage imho.
  15. That add-on for VotW is specifically for adding content hosted on LoversLab (as per the description page for that mod) However, most of the ones hosted on LL are only compatible with pre 2.0 versions of VotW; which is no longer supported. @ TR71777 Videos of the Wasteland (via the download page) includes the actual template files for creating videos based on whatever subject takes your fancy. There are also links to the Youtube tutorials showing the process of turning video/audio into working holotapes, from start to finish. Plenty of additional content is already available - links on the VotW main page.
  16. Sounds like you're referring to UV mapping. Some of these will help you get familiar with the fundamental basics of generating UV maps from your meshes https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=UV+MAPPING+IN+BLENDER - in Blender, you can save a transparent .png file of your UV, which you can then use when creating your textures in Photoshop/Gimp etc.
  17. That visual glitch is mainly caused by vram issues when your gpu is under a lot of stress; the gpu is struggling to render everything that the game engine is telling it to, hence your noticing it when you move/rotate the camera. Usually this only happens with either really weak gpu's that barely meet the system requirements of Fallout4, or if you've overdone texture overhauls (especially 4k textures) What are your system specs? You should follow this guide by Tapoiks to ensure that you have Fallout4 set up to use your gpu memory optimally: Using ENB in this way will not negatively impact your gameplay experience. Ensure that you switch off any unnecessary programs* running in the background whilst playing, they'll be hogging system resources & could be contributing to the issue. * things such as anti virus/malware/spyware software, overlay stuff from Steam, Nvidia etc. The author of ENB (Boris) has a list on the ENB page of more culprits.
  18. Without any specifics, I'd guess that it could be that the holotape in question is set to respawn after a certain number of in-game days. Or a mod conflict. Or some other issue... generally speaking.
  19. The helmet is part of this mod by Lagrie - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11410
  20. Any mod that breaks the precombined meshes in that region could be the root cause. To narrow it down further, you'll have to share your mod-list/load order.
  21. If you don't have/can't get explicit permission from the original author to use some or all of their mod, then uploading a mod that contains any assets from that original mod will see yours removed fairly swiftly from the Nexus, & at the very least you'll earn yourself a formal warning from the moderators; at worst you could face being banned. Merely giving credit to the original author will not hold any weight, and it'll still be seen as a violation of the Nexus terms of service. If you're not able to recreate your work as a completely stand-alone add-on for the original mod, I wouldn't advise you to upload it.
  22. There has been a mod like this on Nexus since Nov 2015. I'm not sure that I'd personally recommend it, though until someone decides to create one akin to the 'joy of perspective' mod for Skyrim LE, this is the closest you'll get in Fallout4. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1944 From all accounts, the xb1 one on beth.net uses the exact same method as the one linked above; namely, it comprises tweaks to camera settings via the .ini files. This method is problematic as it can cause clipping issues, and is exceedingly restrictive from a development standpoint - on xbone, it's the reason why there are a large amount of comments from users complaining about problems after uninstalling the mod. Over here (on Nexusmods) the author of the pc mod discontinued development because they'd effectively 'painted themselves into a corner' with the method they used, and were unable to impliment new features nor fix issues with it's functionality. A mod like this (i.e. that offers the same as the Skyrim or previous Fallout ones) will require F4SE as it's dependancy. So far, I'm not aware of anyone taking up the mantle.
  23. Disabling a mod via your mod manager won't help if the mod in question contained loose files. They're still in your DATA folder so the game will still use them when you run it. As you only installed a few, it should be relatively easy to pinpoint which one is causing the issue, though you'll have to uninstall one of them first, then load your game to see if the problem still appears. If not, you've found the culprit mod. If the problem persists, then you can rule that uninstalled mod out, and proceed to the next one. Continue in this fashion until you've isolated the mod that is causing the issue with that glass texture. If you're using NMM, you can use the 'installed' tab to easily find the most recent mods you installed. With Mod Organizer 2, it's also relatively easy. Not sure about Vortex though.
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