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Everything posted by Eglaerinion

  1. I remember when I first joined for the ill fated memod all those years ago, it has come a long way. Hope for many more years of modding.
  2. So you're saying that the graphics are a key feature in the game? IE: They must be good for you to thoroughly enjoy it? I like to be amazed when I play a game. Especially a game with such a high budget and production values set in a sandbox world.
  3. Maybe I'm different and an impressive storyline is great but what ultimately keeps me coming back to games like Oblivion and Morrowind is an amazing lifelike world where there is lots to explore and see. I usually put in 25 hours without even touching any of the main quests, faction quests. If the graphics were not any better than say Oblivion I might still enjoy the quests but after it was finished I wouldn't care anymore about the game.
  4. How to you know its in the consoles and not the PC? Well I don't know for sure it's from a console but it really looks like it. The biggest giveaway is the water. Nowadays (with DX10, 11) you can get really nice water effects with barely any performance loss. Also for a game coming out at the end of the year you'd expect it to use tesselation/displacement mapping. Bump mapping is spartan at best in the trailer, not even close to what is possible by now.
  5. Footage is taken from the console. Pretty sure as the water effects don't look very impressive and some of the ground textures look a bit low res.
  6. Looks really nice. Pathfinding of the wolf looked like crap though.
  7. You can't open a topic like this and not contribute, I expected some nice drawings when I clicked on the topic link. Bit of a disappointment. :sleep:
  8. Maybe a new videocard (current GTX275) but it is still developed with the current gen consoles in mind so I don't think the recommended specs will be outrageous. When I get around to using al the graphical enhancement mods in a few months after the release a new vid card might be necessary.
  9. The problem with fast travel is that story writers take it into account when writing quests, they will send you all over the map to fetch things because hey people can fast travel anyway. There are much more elegant solutions than a simple instant teleport to every location of interest that is on the map
  10. Already looking forward to it. "Obsidoes what Bethesdon't" but some more modding is probably needed to enjoy FO NV to it's fullest.
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