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Everything posted by GodKingVivec

  1. Wooo!!! Futanari!!!! lol
  2. Im doin good. Though i do miss being able to view the nexus in its full glory :'( A man your age being afraid of his sisters? They must be especially frightening!
  3. Yeah bein scary is my thing. And i find that to be awesome too! Mwa ha ha ha ha!!! And thanks for the kudos!
  4. School is over so I lost my internet! But I can still access it from my phone. But yeah I dont know how i got AlienSlofs attention... But I guess I should never look a gift guar in the mouth. lol
  5. Umm dude the 3rd link takes you to porn of some chick gettin it doggy style lol. I call FAIL on that one...
  6. LOL I'm there too! Which level are you on!?
  7. There is that better?
  8. Its just hilarious lol.
  9. I said wow just out of shear amazement at the pics lol. Especially when the dude is coming on to Legolas
  10. No I didnt mean world of warcraft lol. I meant the actual word wow. Its obviously supposed to be D&D lol
  11. All I can say is wow...
  12. Like the new avatar!
  13. My long running character is on the Xbox 360 version. She is an imperial based off of Kurenai from red ninja. She's a master of acrobatics, blade, destruction, restoration, conjuration and marksman.
  14. They were my favorite in morrowind because I thought one of the female faces was hot. I had a woodelf so strong that she was almost to the point of immortality. The only things that could kill her were all 5 of Almalexia's hands. But I hardly ever play as one in oblivion. I usually use bretons for there magic now.
  15. So are you a fan of bleach or what?
  16. I used to have that problem thats why I always put mine on repeat lol.
  17. I concentrate better when I listening to music. I guess only a lucky few are given this trait. lol
  18. Ok my mistake posting stuff on her site is what required an invite lol.
  19. Nah man theres nothin wierd about liking celtic music I like bagpipes actually. And Korn does alot with bagpipes cuz the lead singer learned to play them when he was younger. :thumbsup:
  20. Your photo is awesome!! Did u make that?
  21. God I hope she'll add me too!!! I feel the same way!! She is my favorite moderator!! Hands down! I own a few of her clothing mods they are on my favs list! Maybe I should just make a friend request? Did she invite you to her personal site too? Its by invite only.
  22. I like the second one best... It sounds kinda familiar hmm...
  23. I like to listen to heavy metal when I mod. If anyone else does what kind of music do you like to listen to?
  24. It's only available for verizon wireless I believe...
  25. Aaawww... Motoko's gone :(
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