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Everything posted by GodKingVivec

  1. I'd like to be Jygglag!!! he's big, has an enormous sword, cool voice, and he wants to destroy everything!!!
  2. Like the photo, real cool looking... Youre friends with AlienSlof!!!!! how did you do that!!!??? God you're lucky! She's flippin awesome!
  3. I like the orange one he's all like "Dude! I'm trying to sleep quit shining the light in my face!!!" Lol
  4. It looks a little like the DMC stylish fight animation mod...But I'm not sure.
  5. You are a very just and fair person. Thats a good quality in a moderator in my opinion. Plus your avatar definitly suits you, you act just as calm and collected as Shunsui is.
  6. Ha! Ha! love the new photo! LOL!
  7. Yeah it is a cypher but its still fun to speak it when no one else can understand you lol. The same could be said for real languages as well. Learn Cantonese, nobody will understand a thing you say. Yeah :laugh: thats for sure. But I'm too lazy to learn another real language lol. I like Al Bhed because I think it sounds cool when you actually start speaking it fluently it take a lot of practice though :sweat:
  8. Yeah it is a cypher but its still fun to speak it when no one else can understand you lol.
  9. Can anybody else out there speak or write in Al Bhed the language from Final Fantasy 10 and 10-2? Ev cu mayva y bucd rana! Ive been trying to see if Im like the only person in the world who has ever even tried to learn to speak it!
  10. So somebody pranked you? Dude, thats sucks did you ever find out who did it?
  11. Tried to make a dizzy face but failed epiclly guess it only works with txting
  12. And here I was thinking I was the only person who had seen serial experiments Lain. Awesome anime but very confusing %)
  13. To put it simply FREAKIN AWESOME!!! and thats your first attempt at a weapon! god I wish I could do that but I'm still learning. are you gonna make a mod of it? I'm always lookin to download some new items.
  14. Try this Mod :smile: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14434 Thanks! Looks cool I'll Try it. Looked kinda glitchy though. Appreciate it :) I like the Ghost in the shell thing by the way too bad Motoko cant be in oblivion she's badass...or can she Hmmm... Yay! another Anime fan :biggrin: If you install Rens Beauty pack it is possile to get a good likeness to her with the race Mystic Elf included in the Mod ( except for the ears ), one of the hair styles in the mod is almost the same as Motoko's as well, and for the body it simply has to be HGEC H cup with BBB if you got the animations. But I wonder has somebody made the skinsuit type outfit that she wears and maybe her leather jacket and gloves too that'd be sweet! and yeah I'm a total anime freak lol I do have Ren's beauty pack so I'm gonna try that tonight! thanks again for the anim link too I had to replace the basic running animation to get it to work though. whats BBB I know about the H cup thing but whats the other thing? And hey I'm looking to add some friends and you seem pretty cool so add me if you want? I honestly dont really know how to yet do you just click the add as friend button or what?
  15. Try this Mod :smile: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14434 Thanks! Looks cool I'll Try it. Looked kinda glitchy though. Appreciate it :) I like the Ghost in the shell thing by the way too bad Motoko cant be in oblivion she's badass...or can she Hmmm...
  16. Has anybody out there seen any alternate running animations? Like a ninja sprint or something?
  17. Thats pretty sweet! what are u gonna call it? You should put that on the nexus I'd download that! Hell yeah its worthy! Thanks Since you like it why dont you name it ? I was gonna make it have something to do with an Ayleid Ruin and I was gonna make another texture for an evil character. Hmmm... how about Nagaia-molag (Deathly-fire in aylied) for the evil version and Arpen-Mafre (Noble-frost) for the blue one? How's that sound? Hey if you put it on the nexus hook me up with a link! I'll download that for sure! Are you gonna have a quest to go with it? Maybe you could make a boss to guard the swords. No Ill upload it when I have time to make a better texture and a small quest Maybe by start of next week Currently busy with school and such Real Life is winning the battle by far Maybe Ill have a small addition to it like an archaeological quest. You have to travel to a ruin pay an offering of half your life and a varla stone and then after you do a Lich or some type of undead fights you using that particular sword and you have to kill it to win. After you have one you find out that its evil twin was forged somewhere and you either have to give up the good sword for an evil one. The evil one will have a script that makes undead and daedra more friendly towards you while the other blade has an effect that makes atronaches or ghosts friendly towards you Yeah school doesnt help much when making mods does it... I myself am at school right now! I dont have the internet at home so I burn all my mods to a disk. But yeah sounds cool Im looking forward to seeing this mod in action hell I'll beta test it if you want. I dont know how to use blender and stuff like that yet so I cant make my own mods yet but I love to try out new mods its like christmas everytime I install a new mod.
  18. Does the beast skeleton have separate animations for attacks or is it just for the tails to be attached? If they are separate then you could modify the hand to hand animation to slashing and scratching instead of punches but I'm not sure about that though. I was thinking this very same thing yesterday Alienslof made some claws and rings in one of her mods here on the nexus theyre pretty badass but you still can't scratch people with them.
  19. Thats pretty sweet! what are u gonna call it? You should put that on the nexus I'd download that! Hell yeah its worthy! Thanks Since you like it why dont you name it ? I was gonna make it have something to do with an Ayleid Ruin and I was gonna make another texture for an evil character. Hmmm... how about Nagaia-molag (Deathly-fire in aylied) for the evil version and Arpen-Mafre (Noble-frost) for the blue one? How's that sound? Hey if you put it on the nexus hook me up with a link! I'll download that for sure! Are you gonna have a quest to go with it? Maybe you could make a boss to guard the swords.
  20. Thats pretty sweet! what are u gonna call it? You should put that on the nexus I'd download that! Hell yeah its worthy!
  21. Is Feeling Ravenous
  22. Also i'd like to see the dai-katana from japanese folklore Murasame (village-rain) that was said to be able to control storms. it was supposed to have been longer than a man is tall and cased in a crimson sheath that would be cool especially with a script for controlling the weather to make it fit with the story. And I agree they should have kept spears and crossbows in oblivion thats one of the ways I thought Morrowind was better that and the levitation spell.
  23. I've seen a lot of swords in my ninteen years of life and would like to see alot more varieties of weapons in oblivion. I personally would like to see some giant swords like tetsuaiga from inuyasha or Bonryu. What's y'alls opinion on this topic?
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