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Everything posted by GodKingVivec

  1. I keep trying to add comments on peoples pages but its not working!!
  2. Yeah your english is fine I understand it just fine lol. So your a fan of Sephiroth do you play final fantasy? What anime do you like?
  3. Yeah your english is fine I understand it just fine lol. So your a fan of Sephiroth do you play final fantasy? What anime do you like?
  4. oops sorry about that. i didnt think it sent it the first time. lol
  5. Yay she added me!! Im so happy I could cry blood! (evil laugh) X'D
  6. I have added you as a friend, Im always looking to add new friends and you wanted one so here i am XD lol
  7. I have added you as a friend, Im always looking to add new friend and you wanted one so here i am XD lol
  8. I have added you as a friend, Im always looking to add new friend and you wanted one so here i am XD lol
  9. How could you possibly only have 4 stars!!! Youre the Dark0ne for gods sakes!!! It defies logic!!! Reality is fallong apart!! Its the apocalypse!!! X-0
  10. I miss the Shunsui avatar. he had a very refreshing look on his face. :-(
  11. Darn i was gonna leave a positive post on the forum about the boobs, i agreed, i got exnems fem body mod to fit your claws but thats it. But anyway i respect your wisdom i believe you were right it wouldve turned into a flame fest lol.
  12. I thought it couldve been batou? I had suspected that but i guess not lol. I guess i didnt see that episode yet lol.
  13. I thought it couldve been batou? I had suspected that but i guess not lol. I guess i didnt see that episode yet lol.
  14. I thought it couldve been batou? I had suspected that but i guess not lol. I guess i didnt see that episode yet lol.
  15. If that is a picture of you, might i say you are quite stunning.
  16. Wait... are the kitties aliens too?
  17. I'm confused what exactly is it that you are tired of?
  18. Woo!!! go Slof!! layin down the bans on the baddies like its goin outta style!! lol
  19. Some people just wanna start over, like they wanna new name or something on their profile.
  20. Who doesnt like Gits? lol. I wonder if Motoko is ever reunited with that boy she loved when she was younger? That was a sad story :'(
  21. You spelled average wrong dumbass!!! X-D lol just messin with ya.
  22. Even though i havent had a chance to download it yet, i gave you kudos for your futanari mod! Straight up awesome.
  23. Sweet now i just need to figure out how to order stuff over the internet lol (awkward grin and laugh)
  24. T-shirts made by AlienSlof!!! God I wish I lived in the UK!!!
  25. Dude! You should set up your page!
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