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Everything posted by SirDanest

  1. I feel like it seems like I'm breaking an unwritten rule here when I post here sometimes, as if it's rude to make mod requests. I don't know if I'm imagining it, it's hard to tell in text sometimes. But I know sometimes the fans of mods can come off as pushy. But... requests are the point of this sub-forum. Still, I don't want to come across as bossy or entitled. It's also useful here because sometimes someone will say "Yeah, I'm working on (a cave mod for instance)" or "yeah, this or that mod does that already."
  2. Ah, I'll try the place mod's feature. It has so many options that sometimes I forget some of them.
  3. I noticed you have an esp for download there too. Does it do anything on its own?
  4. I assume Bethesda never patched this? I put a deathclaw claw on my table and it always ends up on the floor eventually. I mean, it's not a lootable object technically so I suppose I should have expected problems but it looks like from google that items falling through furniture has been a widespread long term problem. It never got a fix? Ugh.
  5. If it's built right you'd never see them from the outside,in an internal build zone.
  6. It's gotta be something like that. But a search in my fallout 4 folders found no "worldmap" or "world_map." In any case, it's not the end of the world, but I'd like to be able to figure out why it's doing this at least. But it doesn't break the game for now.
  7. I'd love to be able to toggle the drop-able-ness of items. Honestly, it's my business if I want to drop a quest item or a key, and thereby risk borking something. It's my inventory! And it's cluttered! ;) Also it'd be cool if I could toggle any item to be undroppable. I know, I know, it's my own fault that didn't pay attention and sold that precious do-hicky watchamacallit and didn't come back before the merchant reset, but still.
  8. In light of mods like "build your own vault," I'd love to be able to make caves of the sort we saw in previous fallout games. Something like this: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/3/34/CG_cave_interior.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20111207185341 It's probably too much work for something so unimportant, but hey, I can dream.
  9. I'm all for some kind of command over the minutemen as the story progresses. Generals shouldn't be foot soldiers taking orders from Preston. There are already mods for that, but I'd like more focus. I really don't want the temptation to take an army of minutemen on my random meaningless adventures and getting them eaten by deathclaws that I provoked for no reason... but commanding them in minutemen genuine business? That just makes sense. Unless it's Preston, he can provoke the meaningless deathclaws.
  10. Heh, I'd love to see a standalone sanity meter in fallout outside of Frost. ;) Who hasn't played a fallout character who wasn't probably entirely sane?
  11. There's a cat vault, a diverse cats, and a more realistic cats mods on the nexus.
  12. So my pipboy map appears modded. It has a grid on the edges, all unexplored locations are marked by a circle, and the undiscovered power armor locations are all marked with a little helmet. I'm tearing out all my mods to find the culprit, to no avail. Not that I ever installed a mod like this in the first place (as far as I know.) This thing is incredibly resilient, and I don't know how to fix it. I even installed new pipboy map mods finally out of desperation, and they did not work -- this completely non-existent map mod somehow apparently overrode them with its own settings. I think at this point I screamed at the screen "but that's impossible!" like Luke finding out about his dad. Edit: Oh, and ignore the blood. My character must have been so frustrated that she coughed up blood on it. Or it was the radiation storm.
  13. As if Preston wasn't annoying enough, now he's white and naked for some reason. Has anyone just tried walling him off in a cell?
  14. I suppose holotape configs must be easier to make. But it's still odd that fallout 4 is unique in that its modders don't care about my convinience, as you point out, while Skyrim and New Vegas modders do in fact "care about my convenience," apparently; there's so many mcm mods there. Odd, that skyrim modders are so amenable to my convenience.
  15. Skyrim and New Vegas seem pretty well integrated with mcm. But fallout 4 seems unique with the modders (apparent) preference for settings holotapes. I wonder why? is there some advantage? They clutter up my inventory in a way that mcm doesn't (I can drop them in a dresser somewhere but then I won't be able to tweak them "on the road.") I'm just wondering what the thinking is here, as opposed to skyrim and new vegas, which did not generally use inventory items to configure mods. Does the new creation kit work more clumsily perhaps?
  16. There is a console command to take control of npcs but its controls were clunky from what I've seen. I couldn't get the camera to follow the controlled npc.
  17. Yeah, cool, thanks. I'll see if I can do that.
  18. I made the assumption that the vault 111 suit was largely unique to the player through most of the game, so I thought it would be a great suit to experiment with editing the mesh/bodyslide outfit studio, etc. But then I come across the 81 suits, and I see that they are also edited the same way. I guess they use the same mesh with just a different number (texture), then? Ugh, disappointing.
  19. Looking for a mod that causes the npcs to change clothes when they enter a city. It's not the mod that uses drawing weapons to change outfits. Thanks.
  20. Leftover files in Fallout's interface folder can mess up the saves apparently.
  21. My entire documents folder and its contents keep switching to read-only. I *think* its making it impossible to load fallout 4 games. Switching it off of read-only, fiddling with permissions doesn't work. The game isn't in the program files folder, and I'm using win 10. I've been googling for while. I'm wondering if anyone else has been experiencing this.
  22. Cool. Heh, at least I know my idea was on the right track then. Much of my ideas just end up unfeasible. ;)
  23. My pipboy map has a grid along the edges... A B C D on one side and 1 2 3 etc on the other. It also has all the power armor marked even if I haven't discovered it and circles on every spot on the map that I haven't discovered. Additionally, fast travel works on survival mode. I'm not using any map mods, fast travel mods, or location revealers or anything like that. Does anyone know what mod does this? I have over 300 (and none of them have anything to do with this as far as I know) so I'm never going to find it by disabling them one at a time. Maybe someone recognizes this map? Thanks.
  24. So I wonder, could a button or switch in a settlement be made to active a fallout 4 console command when activated? Edit: If an elevator button (for instance) can in fact execute console commands, then an underwater home is actually very simple. Console commands can disable the water! Enter into an enclosed elevator above water, press the down button, the doors close, the water vanishes, and the elevator goes down to your "underwater" settlement. I suppose dof could be tweaked to make it look like it's still water in the distance. I'm going to try it, if I can figure out how to make buttons execute console commands. Atlantis!
  25. So we don't really have load doors in our settlements, which would be useful if we want to build an underground vault. But I think it's perfectly possible. There are buildable teleporters and a buildable basement mod. But the basement is "prebuilt" so it's not really a place for a vault. So, I'm thinking, a mod that creates a buildable door that leads to an empty, completely dark interior (maybe with just a rock=textured floor to start on, and nothing else.) Then, just build the vault in space.
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