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Everything posted by SirDanest

  1. I haven't actually even tested this crossbow mod yet... it's just plans for my next playthrough which will begin with New California's release. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/47798 I think I can handle companions/henchmen already by making my own poisoned weapons for them. I'm thinking they could be on the legion archers I'm thinking of adding in. You can actually run in circles to kill Caesar and his troops just chase you almost helplessly if you run properly. As for a warrior's sacrifice, I'd say charging a gun-wielding enemy army using only a poisoned medieval weapon is plenty brave. Courier: I defeated the legion single-handedly! NCR: How did you do it?! Courier: Backpedaling and running in a circle. :wink: Ok, ok, I exaggerate as _some_ of them have guns, but mostly, backpedaling and circle-strafing are the legion's greatest weakness.
  2. It's not going to visit any known NCR locations, just a new NCR town and Raider town as the main locations apparently. But there's still a lot of content in those areas from the sound of it.
  3. For my own next play-through was just thinking of using a crossbow mod and adding some Legion archers with poisoned bolts. It really seems like something they'd do... they often have weapons that are fairly primitive but their tribal connections would surely involve herbal or animal poison lore.
  4. The canon endings for the deathclaws and wanamingo are sort of disappointing in my opinion, their loss shrinks the fallout universe in a way.
  5. Modders have accomplished some pretty crazy things, but it sounds like this one has no practical solution. I guess that any "workbench" activities like modding weapons, crafting, etc, are all pretty complicated and can't be replicated simply by an npc on automatic. *grumble grumble* I think the legion would have benefited from using poison melee/spears and veteran rangers should probably all have heavily modded weapons.
  6. That's got to be one of the weirdest oversights, the inability to put mods on weapons in the geck and hand them out to NPCs in a simple fashion. A sort of "automatically apply weapon mods/poison in npc inventories" npc geck toggle.
  7. Years ago I experimented with the geck, but it appeared at the time that npcs wouldn't use attachable weapons mods or poison their weapons. I haven't found anything about this recently but I'm wondering if a way was found around this? There are some characters who almost certainly would be using weapon attachments on their rifles.
  8. I guess I just didn't see it then. I'll check it out.
  9. In fallout 4, apparently the plasma weapons do both ballistic and energy damage. If that is how NV does it, I haven't noticed. I guess I like them from a perspective of explosives because I can imagine super-heated plasma burning someone to a crisp more than turning them into green puddles. Green puddles would have been better for more alien(ish) weapons maybe. But ah, green plasma puddles have become sort of an iconic part of fallout, and it's rarely meant to be a realism simulator.
  10. My next big playthrough is going to start with New California when it comes out, and then was going to bee-line to Honest Hearts Reborn, and then (hopefully) salt lake stories.
  11. Cool, glad to see big remakes like this being worked on. Is there a way to make this compatible with Salt Lake Stories? I haven't gotten to it yet but I've heard that SLS is incompatible with anything that changes the ending of honest hearts at all; it'd be a shame if Honest Hearts Reborn and SLS are incompatible.
  12. So, if I go to move a quest npc to another cell with cut and paste, I'm warned that this npc is part of a quest. If I go ahead and move this npc anyway, I, assuming it will probably break or erase that part of the quest? This seems to be the case with a vast number of named npcs... quite a few are related to quests.
  13. There aren't many explosive weapons in New Vegas other than grenades and rockets as far as I know. It's not easy to try to be an explosive expert (compared to energy or guns or even melee, as far as weapon selection goes.)
  14. I haven't seen the PN stealth laser in action. Somehow I missed it in the past. Maybe it's newer? Edit: Electric bolts are not really completely silent or invisible, but a laser certainly could be both and would make a better stealth weapon than one using bullets (which can't be made completely silent.)
  15. I was at first just thinking of Hartford. But I suppose the Mojave and Commonwealth both compressed a large geographical real-life area into a much smaller game world so Connecticut could too. Maybe the Nike Missile Defense base in Meshomasic forest (Forest of the Great Snake) was never shut down in the Fallout universe. And of course, it wouldn't be called Forest of the Snakes/Great Snake for nothing in the post-apocalyptic Fallout universe. I can't believe there's no snake monsters in Fallout. Castle Craig and Gilette Castle and the Wadsworth Atheneum would no doubt be being used by some faction or other as actual castles. Whomever controlled the Colt facility might end up like the Gun Runners of the west.
  16. As far as I can tell there are no "true" stealth sniper lasers. Meaning, an invisible (colorless) beam, no firing sound (silenced weapon), and a decent scope. Real life silent and colorless lasers exist, so it is feasible. I'm looking into how to do it myself if it's never been done/no one is interested but I have yet to ever attempt modify the projectile appearance of a weapon yet. I can imagine the enclave would have appreciated such a weapon for "special missions."
  17. I have a strong desire to see the best of California... Shady Sands, Vault City, the Shi. I'd love to have been able to compare them to Vegas. Vault city and Shady sands in Fallout 2 had pretty, intact roads, green grass, green trees, and buildings that weren't made of crumbling ruins or garbage. But they lacked the grandeur and flash of Vegas. It would have been interesting to be able to directly compare NCR and House's cities before I made the choice. :)
  18. Sounds plausible. But if the Shi really are mass producing vertibirds and have power armor and hi-tech weapons, ... well, the ncr is having trouble with a sword-armed, glorified raider gang cosplaying (badly) as Romans. A fleet of high-flying vertibirds dropping bombs on shady sands and the NCR would become the New Shi Empire. It would be a short war. Although the wikis are short on info as to the exact nature of the relationship between the Shi and NCR. I'd wager the Shi are neither helping nor directly warring against the NCR (based on the fact that the Legion and the NCR exist), but if Caesar (or Lanius) did invade deep into California, he'd be in for a rude surprise.
  19. Imp's more complex needs, if I recall, displays all the needs on-screen. I don't think it uses sound, but the info is all there. But ... it is the most insanely detailed nutrition mod around. More than most people are going to want; carbohydrates, protein, fat, spoilage, food appeal, etc. The detail just goes on and on. But yeah, all the needs info is easily seen so you'll see if the needs are high.
  20. My question is whether or not it just raises the vanilla difficult rating on the players, or has actually found a way to change the ai. I don't know much about that part of modding, I can't really tell for sure.
  21. Did Obsidian forget about the Shi? From what I remember, they were incredibly advanced; working t51b power armor, vertibird plans, a vine that could eliminate radiation, hi-tech weapons manufacture, advanced combat armor, a jet antidote, and a computer that could make accurate predictions about the future. Even if the NCR was having internal troubles, the Shi would be deeply threatened by Caesar's plans, I have no doubt. On that note, the gun-runners might have even felt Caesar's wrath considering his pretend-hostility to really advanced tech. How long would the machete-wielding primitives at Cottonwood survive against a fleet of power armored troops, hi-tech weapons, and vertibirds? It would be trivial to defeat them. I have a feeling the NCR should have been more advanced than what we were seeing, unless they were suffering far, far more than corruption and taxes and economic depression; many strong countries have corruption and taxes... sometimes a war even spurs an economy with more war manufacturing jobs. I wonder what happened? So far I haven't found an answer when googling.
  22. Just in case, don't go over the 130-ish esp/esm mod limit. It seem to include even inactive mods in the data folder in calculating this as well.
  23. no way. One bottlecap = one bottle of clean water. The currency in Fallout 1 is not the bottlecaps. Not really. Is water. Without the waters merchants, thereĀ“s no real value for the bottlecaps. It is quite different from the NCR gold as seen in Fallout 2. Gold is valuable in its very nature. The cap is only a means of representing the water (think of a kind of promissory note), so the merchants of the Hub do not need to be loaded with tons of galons of water, when they go to exchange with other localities. This would not make sense in Fallout 3 because you can purify the water and the caps are still used and especially would not make sense in Fallout 4, where with a piece of metal you can build a water purifier. I agree that it's water -- water merchants chose to back the caps and set an equivalent value for water. That's a good explanation, I guess. Anywhere the caravans from the hub might reach, they might also introduce the caps and water economy. The east coast doesn't have a canon story like that. They don't have water merchants setting up a bottlecap for water currency. I think Bethesda just said "oh, caps, yeah, let's use those." Not my favorite explanation.
  24. Yeah but there's explanations for ghouls; radiation and fev experiments exists in both coasts. The brotherhood and enclave had technology to cross the distance. All of that seems plausible enough. They don't have an explanation, other than a gigantic coincidence, as to why both coasts chose the same specific pieces of junk to use as money, without any awareness of each other. I also can't think of any organization in both Diamond City and D.C. that could back this currency in both places. Since bottlecaps were really only used in fallout 1, it wouldn't have been wrong to come up with a new east coast currency for fallout 3, but they went to caps without an explanation. It's a gigantic and very strange coincidence as it stands. Admittedly, fallout is capable of great silliness and doesn't always need a rational explanation, but I don't mind an explanation, and I think I've got one, that makes more sense than pure coincidental obsession with the same junk across the country.
  25. There's an aces casino mod, one of its downloads greatly reduces the weird luck cheating on blackjack. It's something that should have been in the game from the beginning. Having a 1 or a 10 in luck leads to pretty much auto-lose or auto-win in vanilla -- that's not luck, that's magic.
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