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Posts posted by mrpepperkitty

  1. Just out of curiosity, why is having Steam run in the background a huge issue for you? I'm not really sure what kind of resources it takes up, but I assumed it was pretty negligible.


    Regarding Steam in general, I'd have to say I'm a little surprised at all the negative feedback towards it. I've only been using Steam for the past year, but I've yet to have any noteworthy issues. I mostly use it because of the significantly lower prices during sales, getting older games that are hard to find in physical form and/or aren't otherwise very happy with newer Windows OS, to avoid OTHER forms of DRM that are much more cumbersome (limited activations, have to be online to play... feels more like you're renting the game), and it's also nice if you don't want to worry about discs getting broken or lost.


    There are some cons, yes. If for some reason Valve stopped supporting Steam, it could be troublesome. It can be a little annoying (not that much for me) to have to have Steam pop up to play a game. Even then, sometimes you can edit/replace the .exe file to get around that. At least, that's what happened for me with Morrowind (the Morrowind Code Patch edits/makes a new .exe, so Steam doesn't pop up when I play it). And there's also if you just like having the physical copy of the game, which I can understand. But we're talking about activating on Steam, not buying from Steam, so that's not an issue either.


    Yea, it stinks that PC games nowdays have to have DRM of any kind. But regardless of whether or not we think it stops or aids pirating, if THEY think it helps, they're going to use it. That said, I'd much rather have Steam be the vessel of their DRM than any other form.

    My problem is that it grows like Exponentially, I leave it on overnight, and when I get up, its taking up like 5GB RAM.It creeps up on me and then CRASH! Also it begins to soak up CPU capacity too, what are you doing that's so hard steam?.It doesn't seem like that should happen :rolleyes:.I guess I'll just have to tough it out though, did ya'll hear, Destructible environment! :biggrin:

  2. A underwater city would be nice. :3

    Yeah, Oblivion was so lacking in the underwater part. Like no practical reason to be lizardman with nothing interesting down there. And also I never got that even the bulk of trade is by ship and waterways look kinda treacherous, only one shipwreck in Cyrodiil, and on land at that. I added my own wrecks but exploring's not the same when I built and placed the things.

  3. To me it's not a factor of having or not having internet... I can appreciate not tailoring PC game so it's playable to people who do not have internet access, I mean this is the 2010s after all. But what bothers me is the intrusive, backround software. My PC has Steam running right now and I'm just sitting here browing the internet, not even playing a game or thinking about playing one. But if I want to be able to use New Vegas I have to allow this stuff to run in the backround, or manually close it every time it pops up and leaves it's self on. It's like American Online or iTunes where they make you install all their crap to use their service.


    If anything I think Steam makes people want to pirate games even more so that they can get around having to have Steam on their machine in the first place.

    Have you had the problem where steam just grows exponentially and eventually crashes your computer?I have to shut it off in the task manager every time I'm done with my games :verymad:. Also just looking at places like piratebay you can see that steam just acts as a road bump for crackers. Steam versions are cracked too. Are you concerned enough about your bottom line to inconvenience everyone who uses your products to stop a few torrenters ( :pirate: ) from getting illegal copies of your game? This is the age of globalism, if you want it, you can get it, for free. I pay so I just wanna take the disc home and play.If the disc is in your machine that should be enough to verify and install.If anything you should be cutting back on internet downloads if you're that concerned about pirates. :pirate:

  4. I think making ghosts invisible until they first attack you would be a fun idea. ;)


    I felt TES ghosts always lacked the scare factor associated with them and this might just help with that.

    Yeah, zombies were the only undead that ever gave me a jump once or twice. Also they should really watch some zombie movies. Just hacking at them NEVER works, fire or blowing/chopping their heads off should be their only weakness. Also I like the FO3 mod where ghouls would come back to life even missing bodyparts (scariest mod I ever had, I think they're all gone, then I hear some behind me!), except the head. So after mowing down ghouls I had a special luger just for going around and getting rid of the heads. They should copy that, not the luger part, but the "they come back until you get rid of the head" part.

  5. Does someone remember the level form Battlefield Bad Company 2, where the player is in a snowy region, and has to run from fire to fire to get warmed up?

    I loved that part! It added lots of immersion, and something like that should be in Skyrim.

    Not a meter, but a texture that slowly fills the screen.

    Like a icy texture filling the screen if the player doesn't get near fire soon. And cloth should have inpact on this too.

    Heaving a light leather armor gives only a small frost protection, but a fur armor gives a massive boost to it.

    And races should matter too...


    Yay 200th post!

    It's so nice to be a part of the nexus community! :3

    Loved that level too. Since Skyrim is so enormous though it'll probably have to be slower than in BFBC2. And yeah running around in your tin suit should be an issue. If I'm runnin' around in my fur longjohn armor it shouldn't be as much of an issue. And catmen and nords should have bonuses yes. Congrats on 200th post :thumbsup:

  6. Yeah, scimitars, and another, my favorite, I made like 5 of these just for myself learning textures, BATTLE CLEAVERS! chop chop chop :woot: . Also maybe crossbows, a slowed down (you have to reload) range alternative that doesn't require as much skill to use (point n' shoot). If there's horseback combat then lances and pikes for fighting mounted guys. From the new release about oil I'm thinking also something like medieval molotov cocktails w/ oil.To stay real though, smaller, lighter weapons, sabres, morningstars, scimitars, cleavers. It's also an idea to copy that mod that turned almost anything into a weapon, seriously, the guards just gave me, the prisoner, a spoon? ITS ON!!!!!!! I also liked the shovel. That's how I clear brush. I hit it with a shovel. It lets my guy do things that I do. On a more serious note. Imperial weapons, since the empire collapsed like 150 years ago, maybe Imperial weapons are rarer/ better than they were in Oblivion, Imperial craft skills were lost w/ the empire, etc.... Finally, more arrows, not just ones for the armor types, but with characteristics, bent, barbed, weighted, and so on. Hope your brainstorm can pull some idead outta this.
  7. Hm, where did you hear that?


    There are 3 magazine which has Skyrim Information that's come out recently (Power Unlimited (Dutch), PlayStation Le Magazine Officiel(French) & Micromania(Spanish)) and another one is out tomorrow (Giochi per Il Mio Computer(Italian))

    But I have only gotten my hands on Power Unlimited, so I don't know any more. :/


    EDIT: Thank you istred. :) I will add it to the opening post as well.


    EDIT2: Do you know what this means: "Steam, not gfwl. they're are disappointed with LIVE!" ? (Could you also post a link to the mag, so I can put it in sources?)

    I think gfwl is "Games for windows LIVE".Didn't really work out when they put it in FO3,it was disappointing, but not game cripplingy disappointing, like, STEAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM :wallbash: :verymad: :yucky: >:(, at least, in my own first hand experience of it :down: .I'm torn between my embargo of steam because they took my money but their games don't work, and the awesomeness of Bethesda Games.

  8. What I want of Weapon Types is:

    Chitin, Iron, Steel, Silver, Dwarven, Glass, Ebony, Daedric, Orcish, Nordic, Dreugh(clubs), Bonemold(Bows), Imperial, Wooden(Staff) - So basically, Morrowind Style :P

    Love the list, especially Imperial , since the Empire is now basically defunct these should be rare and high quality.

  9. Seems like the land of Skyrim would be ripe with undead. It's possibly my least favorite class of monster, but I've got this stereotype in my head of the lone, powerful necromancer who heads north to ply his evil trade in solitude. The locals would be like "Don't go up Uttgrm Mountain, those that do are never seen again. Or worse, they are seen again!" But if I was that lone, powerful necro-guy, why the heck would I choose to make my zombie horde from boring vanilla races? Oh no! I would make frost giant zombies, grizzly bear zombies, woolly mammoth zombies. I'd even make rat zombies and the like to be my eyes and ears in my realm. Maybe even so you couldn't tell the little critter was a zombie until you got close, so it could pass undetected through towns and villages and report back to me where the finest maidens are! BuuHaHaHa! Erm, sorry, got carried away.


    Of course, the Yeti (or some version of it) would have to make an appearance. And who else likes to live in the cold, high mountains? Duerger! (The Elder Scrolls, lore-friendly variety, naturally.) There is already a reference to the "Gray Beards." And if there's Duerger, there must be Dwemer! Whole Dwemer ruins. Perhaps the Duerger are pillaging the ruins for artifacts, or consider themselves caretakers and guards. Remember those sphere centurions from Morrowind? Those things freaked me out! Imagine whole ruins of such things. They could even appear to be part of the structure, unnoticed until they "unfolded" from the wall and attacked! Or until they dropped on your head from the ceiling, or rose from the floor, etc. You might even be in an otherwise nondescript cave, having no idea those seeming rocks over there are about to open up and rip you a new one.


    And if you have volcanic vents, then there is a whole new class of subtropical fauna that could be introduced. "Lost lands" of reptiles and insects. Whole valleys full of dinosaurs and prehistoric giant dragonflys or mantis'. Even trees that want to eat you. Holy cow, the possibilities! Skyrim, by it's very nature, would be mostly unexplored by the "recent" races of Tamriel. There's no telling what could be over the next mountain, because no one has ever come back to report on it.


    Oh, and let's not forget Fenris! Gotta have giant wolves gallivanting about, terrorizing the countryside and preying upon those poor yetis in their cave homes. And forget the hill giant and mountain giant clans - give me Storm Giants! Tall as a city building and mean as a junkyard dog.


    I really could go on and on (Drow *cough* *cough*), but most of all, I think I'd like to see the Dwemer artifacts. It's the perfect setting for their technology to make a terrifying comeback, it's classic Elder Scrolls lore, and the possibilities there would add a whole new twist to spellunking in Tamriel. The Dwemer ruins in Morrowind were the coolest, scariest, most surreal places to explore. It was always amazing to step through that door and leave the medieval trappings of Tamriel behind and enter a world where steampunk ruled. In this case, the Nords would have good reason for the classic barbarian dislike of anything "new" or "technological" - it was usually trying to kill them!


    Just reread the earlier posts. The first asked that a good description be used, not just names. For those of you who are unfamiliar with D&D and other mythologies (real or imagined): Duerger are evil dwarves. Drow are powerful evil elves that live underground. Yeti is another word for Abominable Snowman, or perhaps a high altitude version of the Sasquatch. Fenris is a mythological demigod in the shape of a giant wolf who is instrumental in the battle at the end of the world in classic Nordic mythos. As for trees that eat you, google "triffid." Oh, Nealus posted that there will be Dwemer ruins! Happy Day! I can only hope they live up to the potential! Wootz!

    You could go on and on, and did. Thanks. Everytime your article gave me an idea it was already there in the next paragraph. But also (hah) got one of my own. I wanna spider that I can raise from an egg that lives in my basement and kills n' eats the robbers (another idea, seriously, my shack w/ gems and artifacts all over the floor is like fort Knox or somethin)that come looking for my legendary treasure trove. Also, that idea about lava vents was SWEET, never heard anyone even near that one yet. But also, another extreme, more freakin water animals. Tired of the "slaughterfish", and then of course "big slaughterfish", and the worst of them all, MUDCRABS! Seriously, I know octopusses might be hard, but seals and other (even non predatory, but to be hunted by me, the fisherman) fish live in the water sometimes.

  10. Also remember, there are mods that create their own lore with their own new worlds(Nehrim) :thumbsup: .The mods for Nehrim should be Nehrim Lore friendly. Also, Nehrim is like an New Vegas from FO3, a new distinct game :woot: , seriously, how could Bethesda not hire everyone who works at SureAI and made this. How can anyone say Nehrim ruined anything, I realize the title of this forum should have been "Mods, choose wisely"Mods can't be grouped into good and bad, no one forces them on anyone, and I have to admit, there are some terrible mods out there that I will never consider using, alongside mods that have kept this game alive longer than the computers I play it on, and also probably sucked up a free hobby slot for me as well.Mods were a vital part of my Oblivion. But, to each his own, eh? Live and let mod!
  11. well what i hope for as for an idea, maybe when the quest line ends, maybe you could become the new king of skyrim, just saying as an idea just in case no one would like the idea.


    it's fairly obvious that the dragonbourne is going to unite skyrim. Otherwise there would not be a civil war in the story

    Or maybe you have to choose to lead only one of the warring factions! :ohmy: but you're probably right, restore a rightful heir or take over yourself sounds much more likely

  12. Fixed dungeon levels :S ?


    So let me get this straight . . . If you go into a ruin at level 1, all the enemies will stay at that level for the rest of the game? I'm seeing exploits here . . . :sweat:

    I think he means leveled before you even set foot in there, a pre set level(s). There is a strong push for the elimination of level scaling, because, wtf, it just nerfed everything. Nothing was ever too easy or too hard. At lvl 2(I did this :sad: )one should not be able to beat the main quest (I did it by making really terrible skills my main skills,and looking ahead, I think like 3 of the most worthless skills are being merged). At lvl 30+, travelling should be safe, even kinda fun(blasting all those lil' wolfies outta the way :devil: ), but now at 30, the wildlife is as magical and powerful as me. :wallbash: level scaling was also just like a major exploit, I was never up a creek no matter what stupid dangerous thing I did. It needs to go. Or at least be optional. And if it remains I'm not buying the game until the community fixes it( Oscuro's OO).



    Or it could be that dungeon's have their own levels instead. You're lvl 5 and you go in a level 30 dungeon, butt-kicking commences. You leave the dungeon, get stronger and the dungeon will still be the same level as you left it.

    You said it perfectly, but I think regions in the world should have fixed levels too, the happy meadows should never really have anything stronger than the mundane, and the glacier of death, well, nary a lvl 1-10 that enters should be heard from again.

  13. I think they would listen to the actual modding community (us), alongside of their fan community.They haven't hesitated to use our good ideas in their games, and that makes them the awesomest gaming company ever!Our popular mods are like meters of how popular new game features will be, along with how to make and implement said features, and they can tell where we are most unsatisfied with their products. We are more balanced and specific in our requests(sometimes). I think not listening to us would be bad for business, so they probably don't not listen to us. :biggrin:

    In Morrowind, if I remember correctly, once you killed a certain NPC that is related to the Main Quest of the game, you could not finish the quest anymore. You could still go on and do all the other guild and side quests hovewer.

    Ja, but in Skyrim the whole world is at stake( about to be eaten), so the character's indifference could actually bring an end to the world. The world is in your hands, but will it be duct taped in and protected by bubble wrap like in Oblivion, or can I actually drop and break :sad: said world. That would be the ultimate success of their new reality engine. Failure is always an option.

  15. Maybe there should be caves and such and you have a, sort of, coldness meter and if you start to get too cold you have to light a fire. This + the idea of hunting for food/melting snow for water (general hunger and thirst) would make this game excellent. I love games were you really feel like your fighting for survival, I guess thats why I loved Fallout 3 so much

    Love these ideas, never even woulda thought of some kinda meter.Maybe cold limbs could be like the damaged ones in FO3. We all know this kinda hardcore survival mode(eat, drink, sleep) is possible (Wanderer's edition), so I think it should be an option in the vanilla game. They'd do a bang up job on it with the time and resources they have. Also, I rescind my idea for official snowpiracy, the resources should be spent on better things. Like regular piracy (with nordic longboats :thumbsup: )

  16. Fixed dungeon levels :S ?


    So let me get this straight . . . If you go into a ruin at level 1, all the enemies will stay at that level for the rest of the game? I'm seeing exploits here . . . :sweat:

    I think he means leveled before you even set foot in there, a pre set level(s). There is a strong push for the elimination of level scaling, because, wtf, it just nerfed everything. Nothing was ever too easy or too hard. At lvl 2(I did this :sad: )one should not be able to beat the main quest (I did it by making really terrible skills my main skills,and looking ahead, I think like 3 of the most worthless skills are being merged). At lvl 30+, travelling should be safe, even kinda fun(blasting all those lil' wolfies outta the way :devil: ), but now at 30, the wildlife is as magical and powerful as me. :wallbash: level scaling was also just like a major exploit, I was never up a creek no matter what stupid dangerous thing I did. It needs to go. Or at least be optional. And if it remains I'm not buying the game until the community fixes it( Oscuro's OO).

  17. I hope that they learned something working on the Fallout series that people like having more control over the choices they make...maybe I dont want to help this guy because I find him to be a bit of an a**hole....maybe I want to betray my group because I belive what they are doing is wrong

    Exactly, but also, maybe you don't help someone because your character is a bit of an a**hole, or you betray your group because what you're doing is wrong. When it comes to endings, I won't be satisfied if you can't just completely fail and lose at the game. My first Oblivion game I attacked the emperor like 3 times, only once accidentally, and he chose me to do his quest.When I finally did the main quest it turned out that you could only really lose in like 2 places, and that just displayed a dialog box. If I go around smashing the gears (and people) of the main quest and loot and pillage as the world crumbles, my guy should eventually pass a "Point of no return" and no matter what I do from there should be futile. I think there should be at least toggleable(optional)time restraints on the MQ,like if after all the gates open wide I decide to go on a 3 month mages guild sabbatical the outcome should be grim. FAILURE IS ALWAYS AN OPTION! Cuz I'm gonna be a snow pirate :pirate:

  18. Some staff would be nice that is not magic. I mean like there is like a staff melee combat system. thus this would add room for better weapon.


    -level system-


    to hand crafted wood

    crude metal with wood

    pure metals

    metal design

    +form here on

    You'd need some blades in there too, maybe a "Polearm" skill.

  19. 1. Good luck with kemo and therapy.

    2. What a kick-ass wish!!!!

    3. God bless.



    Pretty mush your list covers everything that i would want. Except mayby some more armor slots: capes, armor slots, and etc. Oh and mayby a more defined class. Such as only warriors can use heavy armor (or a special kind of heavy armor), only mages can use certain spells, and only rouges get armor penetration/better sneak. Also more situations that can be achieved through stealth like trapdoors to more buildings and etc. Well good luck with everything and try to get a playthrough of the demo!!!!!!

    I second these, but also, if you can get really close up to someone, maybe throat slitting or just a good deadly stab in the gut.

  20. There should be distinct groups of wilderness dwellers, forest bandits, tundra bandits, etc. There should be localized groups of necromancers and rogue mages, and they don't just live in magic caves, they patrol around attacking travellers. They definitely need random encounters like in fallout 3. Maybe a long list of just random miniboss like encounters. Definitely unique vampire factions with faction specific abilities, like in the lore. I've heard maybe werewolves. And the wooly mammoths better be deadly and roam in packs, I only wanna be able to take down a lone sick one until my player is very powerful. Also no more leveling with my guy.What's the point of leveling if everything else gets harder with me. I level up to do things that are too hard before, not to make everything harder. Seriously, if you include it, make it optional. It just kinda blanded everything, I was never really screwed no matter how weak I was, even if I did something really stupid,(go into oblivion at lvl 1, and eventually beating the game at 3), and I was never god no matter where I went. Lvl 30s should be able to prance through the wilderness willy nilly, zapping all the lil' wolves and raggedy ass bandits they come across, or just own the local town guard, but instead when I'm lvl 30, amazing, fantastical beasts now roam every inch of Cyrodil, bandits have magical arsenals of ancient, mythical weapons, and the town guard is invincible.I got OOO a week after I got the game.
  21. I think you have a great start on your first mod. Start learning blender and you'll be a pro by November.

    Nah, my first mod'll be making dragons into airplanes.Gotta have me mah airplanes. Or skis, as I've mantioned, my first character will be a snow pirate :pirate: , so skis'll help with speedy getaways.

  22. So do you think I can play Skyrim? I meant... I can jack FO3 all the way up with minor performance issues. (I really dont have money... Working on 18 credit hours of college in one semester, so I'm broke.)




    If FO3 functions at that level, it should work.Might just have to have it on high or medium, not ultra :thumbsup:


    Medium? Really? I played Oblivion on very low quality on my Windows 2000 for 4 years. In other words, my life is complete.

    I started out on very low too. This good computer I built last year was my jump into the 21st century.2000 to Windows 7.

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