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Posts posted by mrpepperkitty

  1. So do you think I can play Skyrim? I meant... I can jack FO3 all the way up with minor performance issues. (I really dont have money... Working on 18 credit hours of college in one semester, so I'm broke.)




    If FO3 functions at that level, it should work.Might just have to have it on high or medium, not ultra :thumbsup:

  2. Nope. Already have one I built over a year ago that should be more than capable of handling whatever they throw at it.




    I only got a 6.5 on my custom job, skimped on RAM a little, "only" 8GB, but everything else 6.8+. Do you think my rig can take it O magic tech man?

  3. If only this was a reasonable location for my favorie lycanthropic creatures-werecrocs. There's an article on them on the Tamriel Rebuilt website, it's highly unfortunate that theres no sense in seeing them in an arctic waste : ( But I'm looking forward to quality werewolf mechanics and the wereboars would be nice too. As for the vampires I think that it should have similar clan structures as in Morrowind, perhaps less specific powers but localized groups of vampires that once a vampire you could join and given the wolf-pack tendency in actual wolves it would make sense to have groups of werewolves. I'd envision these different groups as highly territorial and killing of intruders weather it be fellow werewolves or vampires however it would be really cool to engage in diplomacy to band together diferent clans (even werewolf-vampire relations) for a common goal.

    Factions is a really good idea. :thumbsup: Werewolf turf wars would be awesome.And make any mundane action or travelling on disputed turf very dangerous.Have to sneak through those places :ninja: .

  4. I hope the new engine comes with all new detection, It's impossible to play as stealth assassins when you have to drop your enemy in one hit or duke it out with them when they pinpoint your location in that dark crevice after the first shot.

    Do something with bodies upon cell respawns, and maybe dragging bodies to conceal crimes. If I slaughter people out in the woods, there'd better be bones there for a while. When all the towns guards chase me to my basement, and they all die, I don't want them to just randomly disappear, or sit there indefinitely, maybe turn to skeletons?

    Something with bounties, like if I'm wanted in one town, maybe that spreads around to other towns after a week or so, unless I'm very heinous.Some lesser things, like shoplifting or brawling shouldn't transfer at all.

    Different dungeon interiors, Seriously, looking in the construction set just reaffirms this, more than 2 or 3 "Caveentrance" or "Caveslope".Even different colors or vibes would solve like 90% of this problem.

    Every faction should be somewhat joinable, what if I just wanna be a bandit or necromancer while the world falls apart.


    This. I second these opinions. Corpses actually rotting would be awesome. They probably already have skeleton meshes, so why not?

    And definitely a lot of work should go into stealth - it's a huge part of fun and exciting gameplay for me!


    Given the climate of the game's location, it could be years, decades or even longer before dead bodies decayed. Even then, a bleached bone white skeleton would be extremely unlikely.

    You forget scavengers, good sir. In these harsh climates predatory animals are not above consuming human and animal remains. Very rarely are well preserved bodies found in the woods around here.And though the cold plays a vital part in human preservation, you'd be hard pressed to find a location, frozen year round with "Large cities" and "Farming",so you didn't take into account the summer thaw. Your preserved bodies would be rare sight, only possible on mountaintops and iceflows, buried in snow and ice soon after death. Remember, even though the permafrost never melts on the tundras, there is a summer thaw.


    In areas such as forgotten buried tombs there isn't likely to be very many large scavangers around to pick clean the bodies. Half the dungeons will probably have undead in them, undead which won't scavenge the bodies but will keep at bay most things that would. Not only that but how do you suppose a scavenger such as a wolf would be able to put your skeleton back together to be recognisable after he ripped your limbs off the torso to keep his share away from the other's in the pack? If anything you would find A bone, A skull or A rib cage scattered on the floor, not an entire skeleton.


    If you are killed by ice wraiths in a frozen crypt in a permafrosted valley... who is going to pick clean your bones? Maybe the next adventurer who comes along will get hungry, eat the meat off you, bleach each bone, then carefully place the skeleton back piece by piece to reform your visage and create this nice white skeleton you envision.

    Exactly,you've got it! :yes: There wouldn't and shouldn't be a complete skeleton, unless it's walkin around. Also when those die there should be a lot more pieces.When I first wrote that piece I was thinking of the monumental task of getting rid of a human body,how that'd make some assassin quests that require discretion much more real.When I put you in your basement and leave you, a year later there you should still be there, but in a lil' pile.If I dump you in the woods scattered bones and some items should be the final outcome of scavengers and the elements.Decay should be cell specific.Also, maybe the scavengers'll come after all those yummy meaty undead in the crypts are killed, by me. Also I like your idea of intact :thumbsup: adventurers in the crypts, they could be like little mini treasures, provided they haven't joined their killers as zombies, then they'd be mini-bosses.

  5. weresharks?

    WereLANDsharks too, :tongue: , but seriously, werewolves would be so great for this game, you're walking through the frozen woods on a calm, crisp winter night, the full moon above you lights the way through the blanketed forest. Suddenly, a howl in the distance, other howls, everything else falls silent, dead silent...... What will all of you do?. Amazing random encounter, you don't even have to thank me for that one Bethesda. :rolleyes:

  6. I'm sure myself and others would really appreciate a companion template from which to build our own for release, with required link and download of the original framework of course.

    That's a REALLY good idea, maybe preset templates for all different kinds of NPCs too, included in the Creation Kit, character creation was by far the hardest basic function of the Construction set for me. :wallbash:

  7. There definitely need to be snowballs, not really dangerous until your strength is like 200, but then they'll take your head clean off. This would be such a good, easy to make thing too. :thumbsup: Also says you can smith your own weapons, these would be like the easiest option for blacksmithing. In the wilderness, when your weapon breaks, you're now surrounded by nature's arsenal, snow!
  8. There definitely need to be snowballs, not really dangerous until your strength is like 200, but then they'll take your head clean off. This would be such a good, easy to make thing too. :thumbsup: Also says you can smith your own weapons, these would be like the easiest option for blacksmithing. In the wilderness, when your weapon breaks, you're now surrounded by nature's arsenal, snow!
  9. It seems like much of the stuff people continue to ask for has already been confirmed by Bethesda. Perhaps I will see a few final suggestions that I haven't seen yet before I venture out on my trip, which will probably be next month.

    Don't forget to tell them about skis, they have mountains and snow. Pleassse , I wanna get my ski on w/ all their new snow! Also rob travellers then ski off into the sunset. :pirate: SNOWPIRATES! :pirate:

  10. It's certainly possible. Look at Nehrim.

    What? Nehrim uses the same engines and .esms. It is an Oblivion mod, not an entirely new game :no: , it is Oblivion completely overhauled, but still Oblivion to when you peel away all the bells and whistles. Skyrim is a new game,entirely new engine.But yes Nehrim's awesome :thumbsup:

  11. I hope the new engine comes with all new detection, It's impossible to play as stealth assassins when you have to drop your enemy in one hit or duke it out with them when they pinpoint your location in that dark crevice after the first shot.

    Do something with bodies upon cell respawns, and maybe dragging bodies to conceal crimes. If I slaughter people out in the woods, there'd better be bones there for a while. When all the towns guards chase me to my basement, and they all die, I don't want them to just randomly disappear, or sit there indefinitely, maybe turn to skeletons?

    Something with bounties, like if I'm wanted in one town, maybe that spreads around to other towns after a week or so, unless I'm very heinous.Some lesser things, like shoplifting or brawling shouldn't transfer at all.

    Different dungeon interiors, Seriously, looking in the construction set just reaffirms this, more than 2 or 3 "Caveentrance" or "Caveslope".Even different colors or vibes would solve like 90% of this problem.

    Every faction should be somewhat joinable, what if I just wanna be a bandit or necromancer while the world falls apart.


    This. I second these opinions. Corpses actually rotting would be awesome. They probably already have skeleton meshes, so why not?

    And definitely a lot of work should go into stealth - it's a huge part of fun and exciting gameplay for me!


    Given the climate of the game's location, it could be years, decades or even longer before dead bodies decayed. Even then, a bleached bone white skeleton would be extremely unlikely.

    You forget scavengers, good sir. In these harsh climates predatory animals are not above consuming human and animal remains. Very rarely are well preserved bodies found in the woods around here.And though the cold plays a vital part in human preservation, you'd be hard pressed to find a location, frozen year round with "Large cities" and "Farming",so you didn't take into account the summer thaw. Your preserved bodies would be rare sight, only possible on mountaintops and iceflows, buried in snow and ice soon after death. Remember, even though the permafrost never melts on the tundras, there is a summer thaw.

  12. I've seen talk of trans-game converters for many games, always attempted, they never ammount to anything, except when the actual company dedicates lots of professional time, resources, and money to it. The only company I've seen actually pull off a game bridging file converter was Paradox, and that was for much, much simpler games.
  13. On a lighter note however, I have read that they aim for much more diversity in "dungeons" and the like, which harkens back to Morrowind.In Morrowind there was Quality, in Oblivion there was, well quantity of dungeons, and in Skyrim, I hope they will find some balance of the two.
  14. Wait, I lost you, so because they merged some superfluous skills into larger categories, it's dumbed down?Also, adding blacksmithing, woodcutting, cooking, mining, dual wielding, random quests, dragons and their player side, the dragon shouting doesn't make up for a few really, seriously empty/incomplete skills(mercantile AND speechcraft, athletics AND acrobatics, etc.) being merged, not even cut, but merged?
  15. Perhaps for a hardcore mode, or something to that effect, but I don't think I'd enjoy that as something you're compelled to do no matter what. Realism doesn't always equal fun. I don't want to get caught in a snow storm and then repeatedly notice that the same crap is happening with my corpse being piled under 100 feet of snow. Just the same I don't want to have some ridiculous blizzard that I need to sit out in an inn for a week. Skyrim isn't a winter wonderland, but it's also not a frozen hell.

    I agree, I didn't mean for all of Skyrim to be like that, just in the mountains/tundras in winter.

  16. Someone gave Civ V as an example for steam games (I know nothing about this steam thing). But I have a normal version of it. Just putting the CD in and playing it. Is this because that game has both versions in the market?

    I'm not sure, but I have steam, and it autolinked up when I installed Civ 5, and now it doesn't work in fullscreen and crashes like every couple minutes :wallbash:.I asked 2K and they said Steam was doing it.

  17. Wouldn't it be cool if the snow would slow you down a bit when you walk and drain your stamina as you run through it? More as it gets higher

    and slow hypothermia approaching? well no problem, lets dig here a campspot put up some tents and fire. mmm cozy, then to hunt deer in nearby forest and feast in the moonlight. ahah well I think they will make hunting profitable in TESV

    Fast travel would totally nerf that, so maybe make it possible for fast travel to fail, and dump you like halfway there in a blizzard.Now that'd be hardcore.

    now imagine yourself without compass (idea of compass being expensive item) in middle of storm no idea where you are dumbed in middle of nowhere and possibly with zero visibility or big tower telling where to go (hinthint IC hinthint)

    And bandits steal all ur clothes and items so you have to chew 2 trees down and rub them together for fire! yeah but seriously, ur idea is really good, I like the no compass idea! Also you shouldn't be able to just randomly see those mapmarkers in the bar for places you've never been to, just because my mappy sense tells me there is a discreet trapdoor in on the ground 100 meters from where I'm running at night.Also maybe maps are an item too, what if your map gets wet or on fire when you swim or catch on fire...?I started my own thread on this stuff u know.

  18. We've all been hearing a lot about this fancy "dynamic snow" and "rough environment" from Bethesda's releases to Gameinformer, but now they reveal "Given its northern location and extreme elevations, Skyrim's climate is more prone to snowfall than Cyrodiil. To create realistic precipitation effects, Bethesda originally tried to use shaders and adjust their opacity and rim lighting, but once the artists built the models and populated the world the snow appeared to fall too evenly. To work around this problem, they built a new precipitation system that allows artists to define how much snow will hit particular objects. The program scans the geography, then calculates where the snow should fall to make sure it accumulates properly on the trees, rocks, and bushes." Snow on rocks n' trees n' bushes seems a step down from "rough environment". I draw even grimmer conclusions since they started trying to get it with shaders and rim lighting adjustments. I had been hoping for at least some environments that seem not only "Northern and extremely elevated", but also dangerous, as said places and elevations tend to be. I hope their dynamic snow will pile up and up during winter storms, making travel and survival actually hard in some harsher locations, remember Bethesda, Skyrim is the rough, frigid backwater of Cyrodil, not a winter wonderland.There should be real and dangerous winter weather, along with the feet of snow it drops.Those storms in oblivion made everything look kinda nasty, but now it should look nasty and be dangerous. I don't want to prance through the frozen forests in my metal armor and not get frostbite, or at least a cold. I hope there are actual blizzards, and you can't just fast travel out of them. Sometimes in the frigid North, survival itself should be a fight, not just keeping the wooly mammoths away from ur camp's food, but setting up camp, and waiting it out, or packing up, and trekking onward. I know this is a lot to ask for ,but you are Bethesda :woot: Anyone else got any ideas about Skyrim survival?
  19. How can they call it "rugged environment" when from what they're saying about the snow a, a few inches here, a few inches there...It sounds more like a Winter Wonderland than a harsh land of snow and ice.I hope they add a lotta snow, at least by the release date. They have plenty of time now.I wanna jump off buildings into snow and not get hurt, like I can do here, in New York, the place that's making their "rough environment" look kinda wussish now. :sad:
  20. Remember kiddies, snow isn't just pretty white stuff accumulating "dynamically" on trees and rocks. That s**t's DANGEROUS man! :ohmy: I think that snow and snowy weather should at times be severe enough to pose a serious risk to the player. Frostbite would be a major issue, especially if you fell through the ice or something, got all nice n' wet. I hope that's where woodcutting comes in, making emergency fires and shelters. Also blizzards should be there, and real accumulation, not just a few "dynamic" inches here and there, feet n' feet of it! You can't fast travel out of it, you can hunker down at a town or your shelter, or attempt the dangerous trek through it, if you're really that impatient. The worst blizzards should be catastrophic, a few times a year in different spots disasters, snowing you in for days or a week or two :wallbash: ,giving you the option of waiting it out and maybe failing a timed quest or two, or packing up and making the deadly trek out. keep in mind we don't wanna slow down the game too much either. And there should be shorter, milder ones more frequently during the winter months, that you can traverse with a little warmth and planning. Since it's Skyrim they have a one time chance to make a realistic, danger filled world of ice and snow, or a winter wonderland with no real consequences for stupid actions (swimming in ice water, walking through a storm in metal armor, prancing around a frozen lake with said armor...etc.) I hope they put quality over conveinence on this issue. :yes:
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