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Everything posted by Issa 5
[WIP] Spectraverse - Magic of the Magna-Ge
Issa 5 replied to EnaiSiaion's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
This looks absolutely Divine (pun so very intended, even if not entirely correct) Can't wait, I fully expect it to be as awesome as everything else you've done. :) -
I think (s)he's asking for a replica of the phial, so (s)he can use the replica as decoration while keeping the original in his/her inventory in order to use it.
The ultimate weapon is a sword, but it also adds some other interesting rewards that are of different weapon types. I recommend installing any mod with a new game, but this should work with a level 15 character.
http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52248/? This mod lets you display artifacts. When you collect 120 (meaning you've basically finished every quest except for the battle against Alduin) you get given a sword. It looks beautiful, is the strongest, fastest one handed sword in the game and it makes your shouts recharge faster while still being enchantable.
LE Zahkrii Do Dovahkiin - Hidden DLC Dragonborn Sword
Issa 5 replied to pmnavatar's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
If this is the signature sword of the Dragonborn, I personally think that you should have to forge it yourself. However, I agree that it needs to be challenging to acquire. Perhaps a compromise could be something like this: To forge the blade, you must have Dragon Smithing, the materials for a normal Dragonbone Sword or Greatsword and a few special items: A clouded emerald (the small gem on Ghosu's blade) that can be found on an especially powerful Falmer wandering Blackreach. For extra challenge, the Falmer could be immune to magic. Meteoric Iron Ore: The reason the blade looks silver, one ore can be found somewhere on Solstheim surrounded by cultists who are trying to recover the iron for Miraak. You need two however, and the other is in Labyrinthian's exterior being guarded by a special Frost Troll. For extra challenge, it could be immune to physical damage. Finally, the weapon can only be forged on the Skyforge and you must have a book called 'Dragonbone and the Forge', a book that must either be stolen from the Winterhold College or bought from the librarian at an extremely high cost. The book would also have hints regarding the location of the emerald and the iron ore. The advantages of this method are as follows: -No official quest. This means you get to avoid all the difficulties involved with adding a new quest to Skyrim. -No voice acting, meaning less people are needed to bring the mod to fruition and also means you don't have to fiddle with revoicing vanilla characters. -Challenges the player by forcing them to track down the blade components themselves. -Makes the item truly 'endgame' by requiring you to travel across the land to complete the weapon and defeat powerful foes. -If the two immunities are added, forces the player to be a true master Dragonborn by displaying great skill with both a physical weapon and magic. -
I wish you luck with this: custom-voiced followers are always the best. :)
I love the concept, but I think that you guys are making it way too overcomplicated. The more moving parts a mod like this has, the more potential it has to go wrong and the less likely it is that a modder will be willing to make it. Simply place a special forge somewhere (maybe Labyrinthian) with a book next to it called "The Masked Ones", which gives some details about how the most important Dragon Priests were granted masks. The book should imply that these masks were made on special forges by the dragons for their most loyal followers, but one with the soul of a dragon and sufficient skill in the art of smithing could replicate such a feat. The special forge can be used to make unenchanted masks. That way you can name and enchant them yourselves. This is a lot simpler than getting other NPCs involved and I think forging it yourself without the help of others makes it feels more personal.
- 19 replies
I can't speak for other people, but I didn't download it because you said it was 'ongoing'. I hate that kind of thing because I dislike updating mods frequently mid playthrough, particularly when progress is restricted by having to wait for these updates. It looked pretty good and I'll definitely give it a go once it's finished though :D Some nice graphics and stuff on the front page might help too, the red font isn't overly professional. :smile: Good luck getting more notice, I sincerely hope it goes well for you. EDIT: Also, visual spectacle is a huge deal when it comes to downloads. The stuff you've shown looks very vanilla for want of a better term. I recommend thinking about maybe trying to use custom clutter and stuff to make the dungeons look unique and interesting. Maybe you've already done that and avoided pictures so as to not spoil things, but from what I can see, it's not overly aesthetically appealing.
I really enjoy Forgotten Magic Redone, mainly because I adore how we can customise the spells and thus tailor them to our specification. I thought that it could be really cool if there was a similar mod for weapons, so that warriors could enjoy similar treasures. A suggestion for how it could be done: Each weapon starts out as powerful as an Orcish weapon of their type. A weapon can level up 5 times (increasing in damage by 1 each time), meaning that in raw power they will match Ebony Weapons but will be weaker than either Dragonbone weapons or Daedric weapons. Each weapon can be found in a different place hidden around Skyrim. Example weapons (just ideas, feel free to ignore!): Infernus: Steel Mace with a weak fire enchantment. The following perks may be applied to the weapon, 1 per level up: -Blaze: Fire damage on enchantment increases. -Everburn: Enemies set on fire by the mace burn for 50% longer. -Torchfire: The mace gives off light when drawn. -Beacon of War: All enemies are drawn to attack you, ignoring your companions. -Beacon of Might: All allies close by are strengthened by your reassuring presence. -Flameward: While blocking with this mace equipped, Fire resistance increases by 20% -Sunflare: Deals some Sun damage as well as Fire damage. -Explosive blows: Power attacks have a chance to trigger a fireball. -Funeral Pyre: Fire enchantment does 20% more damage against the undead. -Trollsbane: Health Regeneration is reduced by 10% with every hit of the weapon, capping at reducing health regen by 50%. Trickster: Glass sword with with a weak Chaos enchantment. The following perks may be applied to the blade, 1 per level up: -Discord: Chaos Damage increases. -Shadow Walking: Blade muffles footsteps whilst drawn. -Magus: Fortifies Magicka by <weapon level*5> -Souldrinker: Each hit with the blade has a 10% chance to attempt to Soul Trap your enemy. -Lifedrinker: Enchants the weapon with the Fate enchantment from the Black Bow of Fate. -Nightblade: Weapon deals same backstab damage as daggers. -Panic: Attempts to make living opponents afraid. -Phantasm: While wielded in the right hand, illusions in the left hand are strengthened. -Spellthief: While blocking, grants 20% to absorb incoming spells. -Debilitation: Each hit has a 20% to poison your foe. Hope people like the idea and that a capable modder feels like giving it a go. :D
Good list, particularly Aemer's Refuge-that's long been a favourite of mine. That said, I have a recommendation for a somewhat newer mod: The Dragonborn Gallery by icecreamassassin, It has displays for every Daedric Artifact (including Black Books and the like), Dragon Priest Masks, practically every piece of jewellery in the game and an array of busts for displaying every helmet in the game as well. It has a few special displays that trigger when you finish questlines as well as hold banners that appear as you become Thane of each area. The player quarters are located behind a secret passage, which is pretty cool too. One unique feature offered is the fact that several Daedric artifacts have information plaques that give you some lore about the Daedric Prince each artifact is associated with. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52248/?
When I started off, I would simply open each categories and look at both the popular mods of the moment and the most popular mods of all time. Nowadays I just look at the 'new' pages so I see everything anyway. Also, maybe calling it 'Children of Magnus' rather than 'Magna-Ge' could help, as you could steal views from people looking for child mods. ;)
LE Sword Request: Zar'roc (from Eragon, or the Inheritance Cycle)
Issa 5 replied to Issa 5's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Ooh, nice. =) I'm totally happy to wait for your take on the mod, to be honest I was hoping you'd pick it up-and I'll be getting a much better desktop in June so I can delay my next major playthrough for some time. -
LE Sword Request: Zar'roc (from Eragon, or the Inheritance Cycle)
Issa 5 replied to Issa 5's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
Plus it hasn't been updated in ages and the comment threads suggest possibilities of glitches. -
Hi guys, today I'd like to request a mod for the sword Zar'roc. I know there's a mod out there already that adds it but I personally am not a fan of the texture and furthermore it also adds a few weapons I have no use for. Preferably the weapon should look fairly similar to Urwy's awesome Brisingr mod, just so the two look nice to dual wield together. http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110326152757/inheritance/images/9/94/Brisingr%26zarroc.jpg Thank you very much! :)
Just popped in to wonder how the mods doing. :)
This mod looks like it could be absolutely superb. Best of luck to you all. :)
That's definitely a good compromise! :D Best of luck to you with the mod (and tell your friend that a random stranger on the internet wishes him luck with his own large mod! ;) )
Wow, it looks fantastic! Do you have any ideas for how to implement it into the game yet, or do you reckon it'd be better off just going into the forge like most other items? Also, if you have the time and inclination once you're done, I'd really appreciate a red recolour/retexture of the blade so it looks like Zar'roc. Sorry for imposing-I totally understand if you're not inclined to do so, it's just I got a little overexcited upon seeing the video of Brisingr in use! :smile:
Love this idea, having a few Ioun Stones floating around a mage's head seems like a natural fit for Skyrim! :)
Sofia - a funny, fully voiced and scripted follower(WIP)
Issa 5 replied to djjohnjarvis's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Awesome, thank you very much. :) -
Sofia - a funny, fully voiced and scripted follower(WIP)
Issa 5 replied to djjohnjarvis's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Like I said, it's definitely not a big deal at all, and I certainly don't have an issue with her current appearance! I think it might just be that the first image catches her in a weird light (or I'm just being blind!)-for some reason I got the impression that you had enlarged her jaw/chin. Can't wait to hear what other interesting features she has to offer-or maybe a little hints regarding any potential quests she has! -
Sofia - a funny, fully voiced and scripted follower(WIP)
Issa 5 replied to djjohnjarvis's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
To be honest, I kind of preferred her previous appearance. :/ That said, I'm far more interested in her dialogue and functionality that I am in her appearance so I'm still really excited for the mod! :D -
How to make a magic effect with three value modifiers?
Issa 5 replied to ElementalParadox's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I'm an appalling modder so I won't pretend to know what I'm talking about, but maybe looking at items that damage 3 values will help? http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Keening_(Skyrim) http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Dwarven_Black_Bow_of_Fate http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Harkon's_Sword -
Would anybody here be interested in a mod like this?
Issa 5 replied to ElementalParadox's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Would definitely consider using, depending on the uniqueness of the new enchantments. New armor enchantments would be very interesting as well. -
LE Looking for suggestions for new enchantments.
Issa 5 replied to ElementalParadox's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I recommend posting this here: http://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods It tends to get a lot of traffic so hopefully you'll get a lot more suggestions!