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Issa 5

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Everything posted by Issa 5

  1. It was just a joke. :P Anyway, Loki's scepter did not display anywhere near the power you think it's capable of. If it had, he could have eradicated the human Avengers except for Banner, naturally. Also, the Aesir are advanced aliens, not true gods/demigods. If this was based on the comics, you'd be more accurate (and in the comics, Loki would have stomped Hulk). Anyway, we shouldn't miss the point-whoever creates the mod will decide in the end. :)
  2. Ooh, it's great to see that people are still interested in this! :) I think that the weapon should actually a lot weaker than that Jitansgate-after all, Loki didn't have enough firepower to 1HKO the only giant in Avengers, did he? :P And anyway, the weapon was technically forged by Thanos or his Chitauri, not the Aesir. I think it should deal a little more damage than a Dragonbone Dagger. (making it the best sneaky weapon in the game but not by much. I reckon the best way to make it seem 'Godlike' would be to give it a Unique enchantment-perhaps the ability to mind control targets when you hit them at low HP?
  3. That does sound pretty cool! :) However, it's not really what I had in mind. I was thinking more along the lines of a tiny personal pocket plane that only your character could enter-a kind of visual inventory.
  4. I would like to suggest that some talented modder creates a pocket dimension (think something like the Haven Bag mod) but rather than a Bag of Holding, the dimension is a spacious room with a good deal of weapon cases and bookshelves along with Mannequins-something very organised that lets you show off a lot of your loot rather than hide it away in chests. The reason I'm suggesting this is because I'd love to make it a sort of Trophy Room for all my rare artifacts that I always end up carrying around-something which I feel a lot of players end up doing. This way, we can put all our shiny treasures on display while still having them close at hand! :D I don't mind how it ends up looking, but I think it'd be pretty cool if it had a similar aesthetic to Skyrim's Enchanting Table. Thank you to anyone reading this-I hope someone will be willing to make this! :D
  5. I think that something like this could be amazing. Perhaps it could be a Daedric Sword whose spirit retains it's sentience when sealed within the blade? This way there would be a valid excuse for it to have an old model and it's at least partially lore friendly. :)
  6. Those guys are typically creating their own visions, projects that they are extremely passionate about-that's the reason they invest so much time into them. I wish you luck, but I doubt you'll find someone who is willing to undertake such a massive task.
  7. I entirely support this request-I enjoy any ideas that increase player versatility. :)
  8. Looks very good, surprised it hasn't got more comments. :) My only suggestion is perhaps giving it stats closer to ebony to preserve immersion (normally I wouldn't mention this in a mod so clearly based on a movie, but you've clearly gone to a lot of effort to ensure that it fits canon anyway) as I'm 75% sure it says somewhere that Daedric armor is the strongest in the world. My only other comment is a plea: would you please be willing to consider doing something similar for Loki's armor and dagger/spear/staff thing? :D
  9. Just had an idea about the lack of an 'Aurum Reactor' idea for the mod. How about picking a few of the most powerful spell tomes and hiding them throughout Skyrim, or giving them to challenge enemies? I don't think any special coding would be required for this, and you can only do it to the most powerful/unique ones so it wouldn't require stupid amounts of work. It would be a cool way of encouraging exploration and spreading all your awesome content through the world as opposed to concentrating it all into the School. :)
  10. It's a matter of opinion, of course, but I disagree... I fully expect mod authors to promote their work. At least Phenderix appears to be literate; what gets under my skin are the authors who expect to be taken seriously when their adverts are full of spelling mistakes, randomly capitalized words, and run-on sentences. I mean, seriously, the forums have a built in spellchecker... there's really no excuse. Oh no, I assure you that I understand that mod authors are (rightfully) proud of their work. This was just a friendly observation based off the reactions I've seen to Phenderix's hype topics before. I have no issue with it myself, but I sort of can see how it could rub someone up the wrong way-and I sincerely apologize to Phenderix if it seems like I was needlessly criticizing him. (Can't wait for the 11th, by the way! :D)
  11. Cool! I'll certainly give it a try, especially if you do add Shadow Spells to PUMS! I do like the idea of linking all your mods together. :) If you want suggestions, perhaps you could add the ability to cast Simulacrum (create a replica of yourself that has all your skills but very low HP)? One of my favorite old D&D mods, and I think it would work perfectly with Phantom Magic. :) Good luck with this-you really do seem to work hard on these mods. I would suggest, however, that you tone down the 'marketing speech' when hyping up your new mods-I think it may turn quite a few people off downloading!
  12. Second time I've suggested this, but it got a lot of interest last time so I think I'm justified in bringing this to modder's attentions again. :D I'd be incredibly grateful to anyone who can implement either of these items. I have actually tried to make the spear myself, but I failed miserably. :( Loki's Helmet:http://www.superheroes-r-us.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Loki-Helmet.jpg Loki's Spear (Dagger): http://www.cgsociety.org/stories/2012_05/eep/haa0890_plate_v001.jpg Loki's Spear (staff): Same but stretched out. His armor looks like this, but I doubt anyone will have the time to make it: http://www.figures.com/forums/attachments/news/27489d1337344761-movie-masterpiece-avengers-loki-1htloki16.jpg?stc=1 Thanks for reading this. :)
  13. Hello! Really love how this mod is coming along! :) I have a few suggestions for item stats if you're still looking for suggestions (tell me if you can't do custom enchantments): Dovahmaar If one-handed: Damage: 14 Weight: 15 Enchantment: Dovaah Aus (Dragon, Suffer). Weapon deals 20 additional damage to Health, Magicka and Stamina. Weapon damage increased by 6 when fighting dragons. If two-handed: Damage: 23 Weight: 25 Enchantment: Dovaah Aus (Dragon, Suffer). Weapon deals 20 additional damage to Health, Magicka and Stamina. Weapon damage increased by 7 when fighting dragons. Yah Al Damage: 19 Weight: 20 Enchantment: Dovaah Meyz Joor (Dragon, Become Mortal). Weapon deals 20 additional damage to Health, Magicka and Stamina. Weapon damage increased by 4 when fighting dragons. Arrows fired from this bow have the same effect as Dragonrend (not sure if last part is possible, but I have seen Fus Ro Dah arrows) Jade Shield (heavy?) Armor: 32 Weight: 15 Enchantment: Yol Liivrah (Fire, Diminish). Shield fortifies Block by 10. Armor increased by 8 when fighting dragons. When shield is raised, fire resistance doubles. Final item suggestion: Lahtuz ( (Magicka Blade) Weapon type: One handed Spear (is it possible to lock the other hand so it can only cast spells?) Appearance: Hamma's awesome staff/spear sketch. (so it will be used like a melee staff) Damage: 16, same speed as a mace. Weight: 20 Enchantment: Onik Lah (Old Magic). Destruction Spells wielded in other hand deals 30 additional damage. The spear itself deals 4 additional damage against Dragons. Hope these helped you in some small way. :)
  14. Whenever I've played as a pure mage, I've always felt a little dissatisfied with my collection of staves in Skyrim. They lack versatility, they don't actually train the skills and they're just a little bit boring all round. My suggestion/request is that someone smarter than I code special one-handed swords and staves that are solely melee items, with slightly lower stats than typical swords and maces respectively. This is offset by the fact that they all have inherent enchantments that greatly enhance magic wielded in the other hand-for example, a Flame-Channeling Iron Blade would have a base damage of 5, but while wielded all fire spells in the other hand deal 130% damage. This way pure mages would have a reason to craft, just like warriors. To make it even better, there could be special weapons, with more unique enchantments-for example, a roaming challenge-boss necromancer could drop a Cursed Daedric Blade, that increases the stats of any undead you summon with your free hand. Thanks to anyone reading this, I hope that you like/are inspired by the idea! (and for bonus points, if anyone can make one of these rare channeling items resemble Loki's Sceptre from Avengers, you will have my respect for life) :whistling:
  15. Thanks for adding those awesome reference pictures geoeve! I wonder if it would be possible to have a Lesser Power that causes the Sceptre to extend, switching between a 1 handed blade/dagger to a staff with mind control?
  16. Wow, that looks absolutely superb! Can't believe I didn't check on this before. D: Thanks so much for working on this, can't wait to see the finished set. :)
  17. Thanks for the support, I have to agree-Loki's original helmet was cool. :) By the way, janvi, it may interest you to know that someone's already done a fantastic Mjolnir mod over at the nexus. Follow this link: Mjolnir, Thor's Hammer Hope I helped! :)
  18. Sorry if this counts as a bump (I'll delete it if this is the case, but I've found a much better picture for the Sceptre: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120428203942/marveldatabase/images/e/e2/Loki%27s_Sceptre.JPG
  19. Thank you very much-at the very least, you've shown me it should be possible. :)
  20. Thank you very much for the input! I would have attempted it myself, but unfortunately I really don't have the time myself for learning to mod.
  21. As a massive fan of the Avengers/Thor movies, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to make some of Loki's weapons and armors available in Skyrim. A few images: Armor: http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120327162437/marvelmovies/images/thumb/d/d3/Loki_rule.jpg/663px-Loki_rule.jpg Weapon: http://popcornjunkie.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/the-avengers-loki-tom-hiddleston-image.jpg I don't mind what the stats are (although an enchantment strengthening magic would be great), but I would appreciate it it if they were viable endgame. I'd be really grateful to anyone willing to take this challenge on. :)
  22. How about one similar to Loki from the Thor movie? Average film, fantastic villain. http://data.whicdn.com/images/10738556/Loki-loki-thor-2011-22245952-480-270_large.jpghttp://cinemafence.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/loki-thor-marvel.jpg?w=361&h=239
  23. Just a quick note before I leave this topic until the CK comes out-Zar'roc should look like it does in the second picture, but with the red ruby on the pommel and the black symbol on the blade. : )
  24. Thanks for the interest! :) I would code it myself, unfortunately my only modding talent is scriptwriting and that's something a mod like this doesn't really need.
  25. I have an idea for the setup of the story, if you haven't decided on it already. It's a way to retain the vanilla Skyrim, as well as introduce Riders. How about we have Eragon come to the land of Skyrim after he has defeated Galbatorix (Skyrim conveniently being the land he sailed to) and you have defeated Alduin, you meet with him after he hears about the Alduin crisis and he gives you the oppurtunity of becoming a Rider. You take a few aptitude tests before going to look for an egg, your morality decides which color of egg hatches for you. You then gain the option of travelling to Alagaesia, where a super powerful Shade/Dragon/Galbatorix reborn/penguin has begun a campaign to topple the fledgling government by forming alliances with those who fell into disfavor after the death of the old king. Eragon and Arya would be the two main questgivers and allies, while Murtagh would occasionally show up to help out when things get really desperate.
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