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Posts posted by RedVexHK

  1. 's possible you might just not go psychotic..and although happy to leave your past behind you... also not willing to burden yourself with a needless revenge murder

    Nope. Anyone who buys the lone wanderer gets a free solo-player game of russian roulette with 6 rounds... Also, killing someone who bought you is never needless.



    I meant needless not in the general sense... but to some people.. the emotional burden of murdering someone.. even if they deserved it.. can be an empty and needless thing .to some people it would only make them feel worse... less human that they were before.. to find yourself willing to kill a slave owner who bought you.. but treated you well..simply on principle makes you no better.. even less human than the slavers.. just my personal opinion... the if the person abused you and worse... then I might out of pure hatred and need to literally wipe it clean.. do that... but I think even the doing would haunt me as much as the reason for doing it.some people could easily kill .. some would find an outright murder even with just cause... more dehumanizing than the cause.It strips some of your soul.. your humanity from you.


    Possibly as an added tho.. Evil aligned players have an option to return the favor and enslave their former owner.. or kill them.. good aligned players have the option in towns like Megaton and Rivet city of turning their former owner into the authorities.. or in Rivet City swinging a deal with Sister.."big negative Karma hit if Sister deal is made" and toss in some extra bad effects such as suspicion you were involved and needing to make speech checks 1 time per person fail and you take a karma hit..

  2. Thanks Kitty. even if you're an evil one.. LOL.. I can't even play Fallout as an evil person.. I tried.. and I keep falling back into sweetness. Anyways.. trying my newly downloaded player.. gonna add some songs and see how it goes.
  3. I only just found the Alice body myself.. still trying to figure stuff out including proper use of it.. but I agree Alice is a wonderful base and I do prefer the smaller more natural look and lines.. Alice has curves in the right places with out being a porn star with fake boobs. I prefer using mods like that for my Avatar cause she looks beautiful and natural. I'm small myself and I prefer small in my avatars.. no insult intended but those big boobed meshes... UHG!! you guys try wearing a pair of boobs that big! Only thing I can think of why big boobs would be nice.. is if you fell from a height.. built in air bags.. about the only use they'd have... well... ok.. flotation devices.. LOL.


    But yes.. more Alice items would be wonderful.there's a lot of wonderful clothing... the body jewelry..armors..clothing ect.. that would look just as nice on a petite body like Alice.

  4. EEP!!!!!!! I just saw your post after making a similar request...(rolls Eyes) Gah... oh well maybe if we both request... someone will decide it's imperative to do it.. LOL... guess kudos are yours.. you posted first.. :teehee:
  5. I'm not sure this is possible.. I know and have seen other applications with winamp plugins that lets you designate a playlist/folder and then while running your application it will load and play your MP3's with the plugin not by loading winamp it's self.. I'm wondering if anyone knows if it's possible to design such a playermod/plugin so you have a player and toggle on/off on your Pipboy I know.. turn on winamp!!.. LOL.. but what if I want to save system resources??


    Anyways.. just an idea.. plus.. being able to select songs from my list via Pipboy... even those darn Superchick songs that always make me cry...

  6. I would love to see WALL-E I think I have an idea for a gun tho... one of those Alien robot gun parts from Operation Zeta.WALL-E can make one that fires a high energy laser but it breaks totally after 6 shots and he has to make a new one... it can 1 shot kill just about anything... but when it's gone he has to scrounge the parts to make a new one.


    All in all tho I think WALL-E would be such a dear as a companion

  7. LOL! loved the Wal-E idea.. kudos on that... so it just made me think... If anyone is familiar with Bleach ..the character Rangiku Matsumoto has a Zanpakuto named Haineko If anyone is familiar with Haineko... I think she'd make an awsomely funny and mischief causing companion.. Flirty,biting wit and sarcasm. and a pretty interesting attack.. her default weapon would be a powerful Sword of course..
  8. LOL. I do agree.. but also.. if you are for whatever purpose lets say.... you convinced your owner that he/she for some reason felt you had earned your freedom.. and released you.. and as an owner wasn't brutal to you..it's possible you might just not go psychotic..and although happy to leave your past behind you... also not willing to burden yourself with a needless revenge murder..I think it might even be possible to play into such a mod the option for revenge... based on how you were treated..but could end up giving negative or positive karma based on your ex-owner's alignment and treatment of you.. maybe the "revenge" could be a quest...or reforming your former owner.. turning them away from slavery forever..possibly even depending on your treatment as a slave... and what sort of slave you were.. a Stockholm Syndrome perk might be added..and causing some interesting entanglements and complications between your character and his/her owner/former owner. I know.. now I'm making a big mod bigger.. just an idea.. so not getting mad...


    And Burning Paradise Falls to the ground....Since Slavery is a huge business..... I'd expect a new slaver group to spring up if not in the same place...somewhere in the DC Wasteland very quickly to fill the void. Something that could be added into any slavery mod... wipe out one den of evil and a new one pops up elsewhere.


    I was also thinking that for Slave condition 4) Dinner... if you had completed Blood ties.. and was allied with the Family the possibility of while enslaved by a Cannibal you might find a way to get word sent to them and as repayment for a debt they owed you for solving the issue in Blood ties... you could be rescued or assisted in escaping .


    I know tho what you're saying about going Psychotic and burning the place down.. but not everyone is terribly violent.. I know if I were in said situation.. I'd not waste time doing that... I'd run as far as I could as fast as I could.. and never look back.. I'd likely have nightmares for years.. and the PTS I'd be suffering I'm sure I'd never want to be close enough to burn it down.. but yes.. some of you boys would be that way.. not every girl is tho.not that gender should decide your choices ingame... just saying....


    BTW.. I appreciate any input or criticism and if anyone would like to try to make this mod.. I'd like to hear if you are interested.

  9. Well if someone wants to make a go at a quest mod like this.. many other options for escape might be scripted in.. weapons scrounger might be able to cobble together a makeshift bomb and kill his/her owner with it to escape.Other slavery conditions might allow for an attempt to seduce your owner and rob them of the controller.I agree there should be more than 1 option available to gain your freedom.. If you use a any method other than one resulting in your owner actually FREEING you. you'll be marked as an escaped slave triggering Slave Hunters. an active part of the mod where as a runaway you can be caught or even turned in if you deal with the wrong person.Then you'll be returned to your original owner and punished.. or returned to Paradise Falls if you killed your owner... and resold.

    Escaping slavery would not only be a tougher quest then.. but depending on HOW you got free.. remaining free might be an equally tough quest. Possibly even throw in an association with Sister.. where he may demand services of you in return for protecting you based on what sort of slave you were ,He might also betray you to the Slave Hunters getting what he wants and then deciding you are worth more in caps than in favors. Many NPC's may also use similar tactics on you.. though I would think one dealing with Sister could be made quite detailed and complex.

  10. Aww,you gotta be kidding me... I hope not... that's like soo unfair a thing to get banned for.. lets just hope it was coincidental to something else very bad.


    Still I'd love a mod like that if there is one somewhere.it'd just be too funny.

  11. Ok.. this idea is purely for the fun aspect... plus it's pretty gross.. LOL A small (no backpack) flamethrower powered by methane extracted from Brahmin poop.

    Every time you find some of them you can try to gather poop and load it into the gun's reaction chamber.. (bet it's be as messy as it would be smelly.. but then the beautiful flame shooting out would make up for the rest.. LOL... just an idea for a funny mod.

  12. OK.. I've thought this through and have some ideas for a more in depth slavery mod if anyone is willing to try to make it.


    Random slaver encounters result in attempts to enslave you,a failure results in a battle.. success you wake up with a slave collar in the pens in Paradise falls.


    SOLD!!!! You are now a slave bought for god knows what purpose... you'll soon find out.


    1) Scavenger : Your new owner has purchased you with the intent of using you to scavenge the wasteland and bring back any scrap metal junk or assorted items you find.When sent scaving you have 48 hours to complete a run and return you will be paid 3 caps per run failure will result in being forced to pay extra caps and a beating ..a bigger harder run the next time...

    Perks gained :lvl 1 animal friend. (they decide you are harmless.) Expert Scavenger perk +10 stealth +2 luck +25 Rad resist -10 Speech


    2)Weapons scrounger: Your task is to find weapons ammo and explosive devices you have 48 hours to complete a run and must find and deliver as much looted equipment as possible. you will be paid 3 caps per run failure to complete a satisfactory run will result in being forced to pay extra caps and a beating. A bigger harder run next time

    Perks gained :Lvl 1 animal friend :Gun Runner Perk +25 repair+25 explosives +2 agility -15 Barter


    3)Food Delivery :Your task is to find food of all types as well as pure water and dirty water. You have 48 hours to complete a run and must find and deliver as much looted equipment as possible. you will be paid 3 caps per run failure to complete a satisfactory run will result in being forced to pay extra caps and a beating. A bigger harder run next time

    Perks gained :Lvl 1 animal friend :Store Clerk Perk: +25 Barter +2 Charisma +2 Luck -20 Medicine


    4) Dinner : I think this one says it all .You have been bought by a Cannibal and have 48 hours to find a way to escape or you will be served tender and very rare..permadeath.. restart at vault 101 exit.

    Perks : The Dinner +25 stealth +25 lockpick +20 speech -15 Unarmed -15 Melee -1 Endurance


    5) The Gilded Cage: Your innocence is lost.. A Brothel owns you now. After weeks of brutal "training" you are expected to earn caps for your owner every night.

    Sleep comes hard when it does come. Customers may treat you brutally or with tenderness. each brutal encounter affects your morale making sleep fitful and without benefit as you will suffer nightmares. A tender encounter will offer X2 caps a personal tip of 10 caps and a fully rested and healed state.enduring this slavery results in substantial mental damage and suffering. including the possibility of contracting an STD which you will have to pay for to heal.Both genders will demand your services so be prepared.

    Perks: The Pet: -2 Intelligence -2 Strength +2 Endurance +4 Agility +4 Charisma Sex Slave: every NPC you meet will recognize you as a sex slave /escaped sex slave and treat you with disgust or compassion depending on the alignment of NPC and may demand sex from you . Sex Addict:Your time as a slave has made you an addict. you can only sleep by engaging in sex acts Added Perks Lady Killer/Black widow



    Additionally.. for each enslavement other than Dinner. you can hide tips or looted caps in a lunchbox .If you find one you can use it as a secret stash no one will ever know about. when you earn enough caps you can attempt to use what skills and caps you have to bribe a guard to disable your collar allowing you to escape. Collar then becomes a wearable reminder.


    If you become a slave victim you will suffer traumatic stress permanently.5 % chance of nightmares for 1) 2) and 3) 15% chance of nightmares from 4) 25% chance of nightmares from 5)

    Nightmares will cause you to wake prematurely from sleep losing the well rested benefit and unable to sleep again for 24 hours.


    All perks can stack negating some bonuses and negating some negatives



    I hope this mod is not too insanely difficult to manage.. and the more mature parts will obviously make it.. NC17

    I would think though the being the Lone Wanderer doesn't make you immune to slavers.. or worse... your new owners.. and you can suffer considerably

    depending on what sort of situation you suddenly find yourself in.


    Can you survive your scars? the physical and the emotional?


    I hope my idea doesn't offend and does interest .Just wish I could mod it myself..

    Input would be gratiously accpeted.

  13. Alright.. so I'm on a mods request craze.. LOL.. sue me..



    I'm interested in a more.. esoteric mod... male/female players can have sex.. no.. I don't mean a prostitution mod.. but one of cheap love.. and maybe occasionally if luck comes your way.. real love... but as with sex in real life.. you can find yourself a Daddy.. or as a female player.. you suffer from morning sickness and then yep.. you're pregnant. till you pop that little bundle of joy.. endurance slowly reduces.. you tire quickly. and when you have your baby. well now you need diapers extra food.. milk.. and you MUST carry your baby with you.. no good wasteland mommy would ever leave her baby alone at home.but occasional dirty diapers or hunger can make baby cry.. very inopportune if you were sneaking.. Daddies (male players) can either support mommy by bringing home caps to pay for upkeep and keep both mommy and child happy.. or lose Karma and become a deadbeat dad.

    Yeah.. this would be a pretty big mod.. but it might be fun if anyone wants to try doing it.

  14. I have an idea I'd like to see implemented. using the sniper scope zoom feature or the Gauss rifle zoom.. a set of easily and cheaply bought Binoculars. Sometimes you just don't have a scoped weapon... and something to get a look at range before you walk into a trap would be nice.

    Maybe even include a night vision mode would be sweet.

  15. If it's possible... I was thinking it would be an interesting mod.Occasionally random slaver encounters occur... and when they do.. the slavers will attempt to Mes you and enslave you.. forcing you to either fight or if you fail to resist the Mesmetron wake up in Paradise Falls in the cage with a collar awaiting sale.. (random owners) each possible owner will expect different things,anything from gathering junk or food or water or ammo.... whatever that owner demands.. up to more adult situations such as being sold to a Brothel or even more horrible fates..some that may result in your death (sold to a cannibal) if you cannot find a way to outwit and escape your new owner in time.


    Additionally.. just more as a question... I've found one mod that lets the player experience what slavery is like from the collar end of it.. but the mod has given me no end of bugginess.. so I kinda quit using it..I'd like to know if there's any other such mods. and what/where.

  16. OK... I will start with the first idea.. a MAC 10 SMG would be really nice.. a modification of the 10mm SMG with a MAC 10 texure and model.. needless to say a MAC 10 eats thru ammo like crazy... it's a short range weapon but very scary output. basically mod the 10mm to fire about 3 times the current rate reduce the range. I think that would be a fun type of gun to play with... just make sure to REALLY stock up on ammo..


    The other is one that SHOULD be possible.. but PLEASE!!! none of those crazy huge boob jiggly meshes..

    I think with some of the better models and textures made for Fallout 3 a decent jiggly mesh to make females look and move more naturally would not be too much to ask.. Now don't go all indignant or whatever... I mean until it upgraded to the point where too many people couldn't play and quit pending their own pc upgrades.. an MMO I used to play had a jiggly built into it.. took me by complete surprise... but women moved and jiggled like women.

    it was a very moderate jiggle not something wildly weird like some I've seen... but quite natural appearing, Nothing modders here can't manage.

    Just want my avatar to not only look natural.. but move and jiggle naturally.

  17. Have you found the reactor yet??? she's in a different zone of the cells you were in... you need to open a doorway go around to some other cells and she's locked in one.. the reactor is just down the hallway. Somah even comments on like" what the hell is this?" when she sees it.if you never got that comment or found the reactor.. you are not in the right place.check more doors..
  18. Ok.... I think I originally posted this in the wrong place so I'm reposting here... (gotta be the right spot now)


    I know some of you boys like good romance mods and most of us girls really enjoy some good romance in our games. so far Burke is the only romance I've found.. and he's a creepy stalkerish sort... yeah.. at first it was really sweet... and I don't know if it was him or some weird bug but the last time I went in my Megaton house there was a gorgeous vase full of flowers.. and regardless of my feelings for the creep that was soooo sweet!!... if it was him...

    But other than his... long distance romance by mail... there's no LOVE!!! NOWHERE!!! I'm a 19 year old vault escapee... a total cutie... but the guys around.. all they want is my caps... gawds... other than a prostitution mod... (no thanks) there's just no interested or interesting people to romance.

    PLEEASE!!!!! "begs and pleads with a tear in her eyes" give us some romance mods!!!

  19. I know some of you boys like good romance mods and most of us girls really enjoy some good romance in our games. so far Burke is the only romance I've found.. and he's a creepy stalkerish sort... yeah.. at first it was really sweet... and I don't know if it was him or some weird bug but the last time I went in my Megaton house there was a gorgeous vase full of flowers.. and regardless of my feelings for the creep that was soooo sweet!!... if it was him...

    But other than his... long distance romance by mail... there's no LOVE!!! NOWHERE!!! I'm a 19 year old vault escapee... a total cutie... but the guys around.. all they want is my caps... gawds... other than a prostitution mod... (no thanks) there's just no interested or interesting people to romance.

    PLEEASE!!!!! "begs and pleads with a tear in her eyes" give us some romance mods!!!

  20. The original cartoon version was pretty tough... the Movie version was like sheet metal... but either version.. Liberty Prime is HUGE!! very very tough.. fires energy beams.. heavy caliber ballistic shells and mini nukes like they were pez... somehow I think poor Optimus would have a real owie... or 20...
  21. Ok... this is not really scary.. but being a girl myself.. I found it was creepy..I did that nuka-cola quantum quest and for kicks I decided to see what happens when I give the 30 bottles to that jerkwad that's trying to get into what's her name's pants.. and the next time I go in and see how he is doing.. when I go to leave he's like.. Sorry to see you leave.. but I love watching you go... gawds... the guy is a complete letch...makes you want to wear power armor just so his eyes don't make you feel soiled.
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