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Everything posted by lovender

  1. Oiiii...masi idup gueeeeeeee! Enak ajah dikira udah matee?! haahaha...
  2. im 18 and was expecting the same thing as you LOL!!!!!! :sweat: I'm 30.................... :facepalm: Anyone who like to fulfill this mod request, please PM me :dance:
  3. I'm requesting for the armor of Snow White from the upcoming movie Snow White & the Huntsman... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v103/raharnett/Armor/1%20to%201%20Armored%20ladies/Snow%20White%20and%20the%20Huntsman/Kristen-Stewart-in-Snow-White-and-the-Huntsman-2012-Movie-Set-Image-3.jpg
  4. I'm requesting for the armor of Snow White from the upcoming movie Snow White & the Huntsman... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v103/raharnett/Armor/1%20to%201%20Armored%20ladies/Snow%20White%20and%20the%20Huntsman/Kristen-Stewart-in-Snow-White-and-the-Huntsman-2012-Movie-Set-Image-3.jpg
  5. Merry Christmas! May your days be merry & bright! ^^
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      Happy New Year Day to you! :- )
    3. vvk78


      Hiya, how's the New Year dawning for you? Cheers!
    4. BlueDanube


      its not ==
  6. I finally found someone...So i stop modding for awhile & spend my time loving her.
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. lovender


      @Ithildin: Ithildiiiinnn!! Where have you been? ^^ *hug*

      @AV1: Heheee...thanks, Val! ;P

      @Pagafyr: Yea...good for me & her! :) After 7 years of me being single...

    3. Ithildin


      LOL *hugs back* :D
    4. vvk78


      What you predicted about me, has come true for you, dear friend!


      Congrats on finding new love.. it is like watching a fragrant flower bloom in your heart, it thrills your senses and makes you excited about every new day.

  7. Hello, Bis!! *waves Hello* ^^
  8. Halo, saya masih modifikasi Oblivion aja terus sekarang...sambil nunggu Skyrim keluar. Di Jakarta sini ada yg namanya FastNet internet povider. Kecepatan saat ini 3Mbps...Di sana belom masuk FastNet ya? Kalo Speedy udah belom?
  9. Will someone make Andy Bogard armor/clothing? Or at least Ryu from Street Fighter? I want to make pair pose for my Mai Shiranui... :ohdear: Thanks...
  10. Hi, Mr...long time no s...Emm, what should i say? ;D Well, actually, it's a GIF image, but i don't understand why it didn't move like the sheeps? ;P
  11. Hi, Mr.Hammonds.... I managed to move the vertex with proportional editing. But did you know how to get the exact same size between the left side & right side of the body? I mean, when i edit the left breast, i can't get the same size for the right breast. So, what should i do? Thanks...
  12. Hello, guys... First, i'm hoping i'm writing a post in the right forum. So, to the point... I really love to use T48b helmet with night vision. I got the textures that make the helmet looked its lamp & infra-red ON. But now, i want to make every BoS knights that already dead have their lamp & infra-red OFF. So...any idea how to do it? I think i need a script that makes every NPC in-game re-equip another helmet (with lamp & infra-red OFF textures) after they're dead. Can somebody help? :facepalm: Thanks a lot...
  13. Wow...r u a magician? It's magic... Problem solved with firefox. PS: Please fix this Dark0ne, cos i already favorited so much mods using IE.
  14. Can someone download mod from this link: http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_url?doit=done&tt=url&intl=1&fr=bf-home&trurl=http%3A%2F%2Fbbs.3dmgame.com%2Fshowtopic-742858.html&lp=zt_en&btnTrUrl=Translate ? It is Mai Shiranui clothing from Chinese Oblivion site. If someone can, please re-upload to Nexus please, so everyone can download. Thanks...
  15. Well, i love the new interface of Nexus site. But already 2 days i couldn't access the comments section in my mod file. Anyone know why?
  16. Hi, Dark...I love the new template/interface of TESNexus. Really Cool!!! Congratulations on the 10th anniversary of the Nexus & greetings from Indonesian Modders... ^^
  17. Hi, Bis...yesterday i saw in image share that you uploaded a new image...haven't got the chance to look, but now i got the chance...so, let's see. ^^
  18. Is there How-To-Adapt-Armor-Tutorial in nexus wiki already? I want to adapt armor to DMRA body. I tried to find in Nexus wiki, but still can't find it. If you know the link, pls let me know or PM me. :ohdear: Thanks a lot...
  19. Yay, ganti...tp kok gambar kecil yg di kiri ini kok gak gerak2 yah GIF-nya? ;P
  20. A 'lil bit busy these few months...thanks, Bis! ^^
  21. Banci, oi! ^^ haha...cewe denk! Mau ganti ah...
  22. Btw, can we make the weapon to produce light with glow_map? :thumbsup: I saw an image with armor that glows & casts shadows to the ground...
  23. Thanks, guys... :thumbsup: This post helped me create transparent clothes for my mod.
  24. Wow...& then the game will hang......LOL :laugh: Thanks, Mark... :thumbsup:
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