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Everything posted by piotrmil

  1. In response to post #64110961. #64111471, #64111571, #64111716, #64111811, #64111971 are all replies on the same post. >that are inteligent enought to not fall on ad scams, It's not being about being intelligent or falling for any ad scams. I still vividly remember when I first encountered my properly horrible ad on-line. I just had my PC fixed, I turned on one of the news sites, and then the screen went black. Completely, without any means to recover, no cursor, just black. I had heart in my throat, and then, when I was about to scream, an image of some new brand of car appeared in the middle of my not-so-dead screen via a full-screen flash ad. That day I switched from IE6 to Firefox, and never went back. So it's about preventing the browser doing something you definitely don't want to, and if you do search a bit, you'll learn they can do much worse than that. If nexus has some ways of preventing such malicious (or just annoying) activities, then it's all and good, but their promise (or their ad providers' promise) is not enough for me, I have to make sure it's on my end as well.
  2. In response to post #64079816. #64079916, #64080396, #64080626, #64111786 are all replies on the same post. >Everyone, including Nexus and other YT creators know that ads are annoying but the alternative (currently) is to not exist. I... I know of at least one other alternative. Going to work. It sucks, but it is an alternative to finance your hobby. >Some channels do a sponsor segment, I think it might anger some people Yeah, I hate when channels do that. Some handle it sensibly, like putting the sponsored message AFTER the video, so I don't have to watch it (Numberphile, a very good channel on YT does that). Some put them at the beginning, which is quite annoying, but again, can be skipped ( I wonder if anyone made an extension that does that automatically for certain channels). And then there are people who deserve a road straight to hell for putting them in the middle of their videos.
  3. In response to post #64110961. #64111471, #64111571, #64111716 are all replies on the same post. That's why I said in another post that at least they're not pulling that stuff on us, so they could have gone way worse route. And given how many of us are there, it's not really egocentric at all. But I do understand your point of view, try understanding ours.
  4. In response to post #64110961. #64111471 is also a reply to the same post. >this is not punishing the use of adblock, but rewarding the not using of it, One's floor is another person's roof. We could get uncapped transfer as well, but just because we use some piece of software we suddenly can't.
  5. In response to post #64088746. #64092951 is also a reply to the same post. Same here. Never really minded the cap, it's still lightning fast to me, and I'm not ditching ublock any time soon.
  6. I'm still not satisfied with how you talk about people who use adblockers - these programs are, by definition, blocking something we don't want to see. Something no one wants to see, either because of annoyance or in rare cases danger of letting some alien script run in one's browser. So, we shouldn't be punished at all for using a tool that makes browsing internet better. That being said, you could have done much worse, so at least there's that.
  7. Has anything changed in that topic? I'd like to see if there is a tool that reverts the process of changing NIFs. Bethesda had to mess everything up with SE...
  8. Oh, dear lord... First you add the patreon, the weird mod points, and now a gift shop. This used to be a site dedicated to modding, not spending money. I have to admit I am completely disappointed with the way Nexusmods is taking. It pleases common folks, but sets more and more dangerous precedences, linking earning and spending money with a once-pure hobby.
  9. In response to post #60450772. #60469072, #60495697 are all replies on the same post. I do fear the same thing, Cades. As soon as I learned about this program, I opted out of it. I do not want any form of financial compensation for my hobby. Also, @dikr, number of files one has uploaded has nothing to do with this person's perfectly valid opinion.
  10. In response to post #60434912. #60435157, #60439167, #60487932, #60495767, #60568452, #60581147 are all replies on the same post. >Modding is a hobby and doesn't require money for compensation. As a very humble mod author, I completely agree.
  11. In response to post #57434956. I agree, the previous design was much more streamlined and easy to access.
  12. In response to post #54671943. #54672703, #54677478, #54678053, #54681883, #54683388, #54683578, #54686488, #54686998, #54687253, #54687418, #54687503, #54688283, #54689173, #54691103, #54691838, #54692348, #54692833, #54694268 are all replies on the same post. I agree with Jokerine. UI is crucial to people, and if we can't use the website efficiently, then we're not going to use it as often. It' simple as that.
  13. I do hope you will leave the old design as an option. The old one is way better and less cluttered. Don't force things down our throats. The " Don't fix what's not broken" is exactly the argument I'd use if I had to describe the new look. Utterly horrible.
  14. Sadly, that didn't work for me. With these settings, I still sometimes get the weird inverted colours bug.
  15. Can this thing merge formlists? Cos that would be useful. Edit: So, I made a patch, but instead of an esp, it's a SAVE file. What do I do with these now? Edit2: Oh, god, it turns out this thing doesn't automatically loads masters, hence the esp was empty. Kinda counter-intuitive, gotta say.
  16. In response to post #43702785. #43703270, #43704190, #43704300, #43704350, #43704675, #43704695, #43706040, #43706800 are all replies on the same post. >At 99,9%, citation needed
  17. From what I have seen, fame did rather poor job on those so-called "popular" mod authors, turning them into somewhat... unpleasant characters, so I'd be cautious with that.
  18. What if someone makes a really miniscule edit, not touching Navmeshes at all, and I still get these weird wild edits?
  19. I had the same issue today, and sadly I also had to setstage 9000 to finish the quest. I have however, narrowed down what the problem might be. All the 1000s objectives that OP was missing are set by a script on a hidden CWAttackCity quest, which, from what I observed, failed to start. Starting it manually did not work, which usually means some of the aliases needed for the quest were not properly set up (for example, some might have been disabled, while the quest needed them to be enabled). I haven't gone through every single one of them (and there's quite a lot of them), neither have I figured out what exactly starts that quest (I suppose it's a sendevent thing). I might post here more if I find out what might be causing it. EDIT 1: My hypotesis was correct! I made A Very Silly Patch that made all the aliases on CWAttackCity quest optional (a lot of them were optional already). Upon loading a save from before Galmar's speech, I was able to continue the quest! Now I will load that patch again, and I will try to undo my changes, one by one. I will mark my progress here. Edit2: First progress. In my setup, CityFieldCOImp seems to be bugged. Leaving him not optional fails to start the quest. in three hours I'm going on holidays, so I doubt I'll be able to figure the culrpit before :D Edit3: Hm.... The actor that would be chosen is being edited both by Usleep and (in my case) by patchus maximus, but neither of these edits do anything important; their edits do not do anything harmful. So the field general must be somehow being edited on the fly by some other mod. I'll keep looking into it, but that might be difficult to pinpoint. What is weirder is that this guy can be dead, disabled or reserved. So... perhaps he's not there? He is being chosen by conditions. Edit4: Okay, for some utterly bizarre reason, Legate Quentin Cipius, or whatever his name was, was a) disabled (which isn't a big deal), and b) was in Valtheim towers. Not in Whiterun, which means his location did not match the one in conditions. So, a new enigma arises - what on earth was he doing there? Edit5: None of my mods make permanent edits to that guy's reference, gotta see if somehing's moved into valtheim towers
  20. In response to post #41272325. #41274465, #41275065, #41275135, #41275585 are all replies on the same post. That is very, very true. I do hope that the authors will give us options instead of shoving the new design down our throats.
  21. In response to post #41268885. #41269455 is also a reply to the same post. Perhaps to monitor one's page, or respond to comments? Although god knows how can one do that on a non-existent keyboard.
  22. >This may be a little controversial, but we have discovered through extensive research and heat-mapping that this part of the site is often skipped over and our users jump straight into the game of their choice. We’re hoping that having the news and articles close to the top of the site will interest enough people to take a look. Wait, you were surprised by the fact that the site oriented around mods will make people omit the news section? Really? I do hope the front page can be customised, so we can turn on and off things we don't like. For example, the supposedly "popular" or "trending" choices. We all know that most of them will be half-naked gals, instead of actual worthwhile content. Or the news - if people didn't like them, why force it? I hope I could do things like on the frontpage of one's Deviantart, where you can hide and switch different elements to your liking. Other than that, the design doesn't really look any better or worse than the current style. I'm glad that you have finally realised that PC screens are horizontal and not vertical - dropping the elongated form definitely will help. Will it be possible to leave the current skin while retaining the functionality of the new version? That is one thing I really wish for: options. Lots of them. Allow people to shape the visage of the website they are viewing.
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