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Everything posted by Leubast

  1. Actually I'm going to add a new crafting table, with a new crafting menu for specific items, so I need to know how it's done.
  2. Could anyone help me? I'm trying to make a mod that adds an item and when dropped from your inventory it becomes a static object (specifically, a type of crafting table, but can be taken anywhere). Then crouch and using it will pick it back up.
  3. To add to the above. Making something scary not be dangerous and vice versa works, too. It's why the little girl demon became popular. Maybe make a type of friendly, haunting spirit that follows and protects you. Like a flash of light that kills enemies (and itself) but blinds the player. Just a "WTF was that?!" moment, not knowing what could happen next (the scariest thing, the unknown).
  4. It would be cool, like if your fame as a shield bearer (Shield skill <40) is high, people will hire you to protect a location/person. People know you as an Alchemist (Alchemy skill <30) so they could ask for different potions from you.
  5. See the above post, he is working on it. The Dead Isles [WIP]
  6. It's always bugged me how bows are sheathed in most games. They just float/stick to your back. Where are the bow scabbards. Like these: It should look like this: Would anyone be willing to figure out if this would be possible?
  7. Could anyone help me? I'm trying to make a mod that adds an item and when dropped from your inventory it becomes a static object (specifically, a type of crafting table, but can be taken anywhere). Then crouch and using it will pick it back up.
  8. I like these ideas and will look into them more... I may be able to use some of the animal behavior for some of the monsters (warn distance/ attack distance), This would make them stand their ground. Waiting in the darkness. Also, I will definitly use skeletons, bats and zombies and will attempt to place them in a smart way. I appreciate the suggestions. No problem. Maybe I can get my headset sometime soon so I can offer my voice for this mod.
  9. That looks very Witcher inspired. I like it. If you could somehow make AI for a vampire/werewolf/dark monster that actually hides in the dark with glowing eyes, making haunting sounds... that would be AWESOME! And for the small monsters, skeletons and zombies are cliche, but they work. Don't give them weapons though, maybe make them look at the environment for a weapon? Like have 2 attack you, front and behind, while a 3rd looks for a weapon? Remember, use sudden flying bats overhead for some jump-scares :)
  10. You definitely need to take inspiration from the in-game book, The Exodus! This has a lot of potential as a lore-friendly horror mod. I'm excited! :D
  11. I found the problem! Jaxonz Smart Looter from JaxonzUtilities.esp was running even though it was disabled. I enabled it then disabled it and kept the MCM for it up to make sure and I stopped auto-looting.
  12. Be sure to add blood trails that lead to secrets (or doom). Also, disappearing creatures could add that "*sigh of relief* It was just my imagination... AHH!" effect. Maybe notifications that occasionally pop up saying things like, "I feel someone's breath on my neck." "I feel like someone's watching me." "Why do I feel trapped?" Hope you could maybe add some of this to some caves and ruins that deserve to be haunting once you get it down.
  13. Animations is the only mod I can think of, it adds animations for looting containers and corpses, harvesting plants, lockpicking doors and chests, opening doors, activating levers, praying, drinking and eating potions and food, equipping armor and opening map. But I've had that mod for about a year or so. I tried running my saves through the save tool but nothing changed. Here's my current load order: Skyrim.esm Update.esm Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Dawnguard.esm Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp HearthFires.esm Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp Dragonborn.esm Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp CraftSketching.esm Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp PersonalizedMusic_v4.0.esp PM_TempleMusic_v1.0.esp CCGuides.esp CCScrolls.esp CCStaff.esp CCTailoring.esp CCMainFile.esp Dead Body Collision.esp Exhausted.esp ImmersiveSpells.esp No Permanent Essentials Redux.esp No Permanent Essentials Redux -- Dawnguard.esp No Permanent Essentials Redux -- Dragonborn.esp Open Empty Containers.esp TouringCarriages.esp WetandCold.esp WetandCold - Ashes.esp Footprints.esp RaceMenu.esp RaceMenuPlugin.esp SkyUI.esp iHUD.esp DragonSoulConverter.esp SkyrimSpellCleaner.esp Cloaks.esp Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp 1nivWICCloaks.esp 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch.esp Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp Immersive Weapons.esp Pauldrons.esp Equipping Overhaul.esp ERSO 30 - Better Enemy AI Dawnguard&Dragonborn.esp Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp ImmersiveFP.esp Killable Lootable Children for Hearthfires.esp dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp Open Cities Skyrim.esp RealisticCarryWeight.esp RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp RND_Dawnguard-Patch.esp RND_HearthFires-Patch.esp RND_USKP-Patch.esp Predator Vision.esp Werewolves by Erundil.esp Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp kuerteeFightOrFly.esp SmithingTree.esp SmithingTreeDG.esp dD-No Spinning Death Animation.esp vImmersiveBeds.esp mmkhajiithair11.esp dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp RealisticWaterTwo.esp RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp PhysicsImpactDamageFix.esp Soul Pool Perk.esp RND_AnimalLoot.esp Earlier Health Warnings--80 Percent.esp Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.esp Animations.esp WetandCold - Holidays.esp Open Cities Skyrim - WCHolidays.esp Signs_of_Skyrim.esp iActivate.esp AnonymousPeople.esp MovementandStaminaOverhaul.esp SmithingTreeDB.esp Dr_Bandolier_Realistic.esp Dr_BandolierDG_Realistic.esp JaxonzUtilities.esp Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp Apocalypse - More Apocalypse.esp ScopedBows.esp Skyrim Unbound.esp CraftingNeedsTools.esp LessIntrusiveHUD.esp LootandDegradation.esp DeadlySpellImpacts.esp DeadlySpellImpacts - Two Fire.esp KrittaKitty_horses_uniqueFrost.esp Dynamic TimeScale.esp Chesko_Frostfall.esp GQJ_DG_vampireamuletfix.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities and Town Interiors.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dawnguard Interiors.esp RLO - Adaptive Interiors Vanilla Weathers Patch.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Weathers.esp DarkerSkyrimLighting.esp LightlessAbandonDungeons.esp RandomClappingAnimations.esp Chesko_LevelUp.esp Chesko_Step418.esp Chesko_WearableLantern.esp EnchantingAwakened.esp EnchantedArsenal.esp EnchantingAwakenedFrostfallPatch.esp EnchantingAwakenedApocalypsePatch.esp No GPS.esp NoCombatMenu.esp DFB - Random Encounters.esp Dragon Combat Overhaul.esp trulyundead.esp Dead_Is_Dead.esp DragonbornNPC.esp kuerteeSimpleMultipleFollowers.esp FemaleNakedComments.esp NakedComments.esp herman.esp Throthgar Follower.esp HothFollower.esp HothFollower UFO Patch.esp Thorald GreyMane.esp Realistic Teeth Dawnguard Serana Vampire Fix.esp
  14. I have no mod that modifies PC looting or any auto-loot mods but my character is picking up any item near him (he won't steal though) and any item I drop. I didn't have this problem before but just today I made a new character and he's doing that. My last character didn't (played with her today, too). The latest mods I've installed were a few follower mods and Realistic Teeth.
  15. Well, I know there's a Naruto Overhaul mod that adds some Naruto items and a lot of carefully detailed spell (jutsus) and powers from the anime.
  16. assassins creed Unity Isn't that more like climbing or LoZ:OoT ledge jumping? I mean more like jumping, (not vaulting) over fences, rocks, up a small ledge, ect. I'd like to see NPCs who can jump (flat ground) and use that same jump to overcome obstacles, like the player does. Although adding actual climbing and vaulting for both NPCs and the PC would be cool.
  17. Dual Wield Parrying will add a new block button that will allow you to block even with a sword and spell in hands.
  18. What was the last game that even allowed NPCs to jump? I really would like to see NPCs that chase you down, have rooftop battles, ect.
  19. According to his posts, Last Seed will be in development after Frostfall 3.0 and Campfires is complete. He backed out of Last Seed a long time ago and may not have updated the site. Now he has found new scripting techniques that improve the speed of placing tents from ~9secs down to almost instant. Campfires and Frostfall 3.0 should be released soon and with that, Last Seed development.
  20. Turns out it was uploaded w/o permission. From the mod author, chinagreenelvis: Realy sucks. We need this guy unbanned. It can be found here (his own site) and here (Workshop).
  21. Skyrim Unbound is a alt start mod that lets you choose where and how to start as well as choosing what your start spells are, or no start spells.
  22. Just wait for Chesko's Last Seed mod. After he updates Frostfall with his new Campfires mod, he's going to work on Last Seed, a needs mod of his own with the best of both iNeed and RND, to go along with Frostfall and Campfires.
  23. Man, she must really like Khajiit and children. You should continue looking at the mod pages for them and see if they have a "Compatibility" section to look at. Like I said, I'm seeing many mods that modify the Khajiit and Child races so I'm sure there's some conflict there (LOOT is not perfect) Finally, teach her about compatibility and load order, that not every mod downloaded will work with every other mod, lol. xD Glad to hear that it's not because of it's 'questionable' mods. That's all fine and understandable reasons.
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