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Everything posted by Sky999

  1. I look around online for Skyrim mods that increase FPS and performance, but all they list are mods from 2011, some of which are no longer supported etc... I used Skyboosy, but then I found out you couldn't use SKSE with it, so I had to uninstall it. Are there any mods people would recommend that they use to increase their performance?
  2. I want to add some different clothes to Jarl Balgruuf using the Creation Kit, and I thought the best method was just to create a new outfit, add the clothing items I wanted into that outfit list, then edit Balgruuf in the CK and select that outfit from the list in his inventory, however the problem I'm getting is that, when I've done this, I'll go in-game and he will be walking around in nothing but his underwear? :confused: Can anyone walk me through, or link me to, the steps that need to be taken in changing an NPCs clothing?
  3. 1. Birds of Skyrim. 2. WATER. 3. Climates of Tamriel 4. LIAT - Lively Inns and Taverns. 5. Immersive iHUD :thumbsup: Now go forth!
  4. Well I know that I'm going to hunting these vampires with my crossbow...and that's all I have to say about that. :armscrossed:
  5. They didn't seem very nomadic in Morrowind.
  6. This has rekindled my faith in Skyrim modding! Awesome work! Simply amazing!
  7. I haven't tried to be honest, I thought it was best to just stick with the guy I aimed at in the first place. I wouldn't have thought it would be this difficult just to change a character's outfit!
  8. I'm trying to put a certain mod outfit on Balgruuf the Greater in Whiterun, my method of doing so doesn't seem to work though. Here's what I did. Then I get this error message... When I try seeing if it worked in-game he has no clothes on... :confused: What am I doing wrong?
  9. I hate to say it but I am bored of Skyrim as well. I looked forward to it for ages, bought a new graphics card for it, but it just doesn't come close to giving me the same 'buzz' that Oblivion game me...the problem is I can't for the life of me say why! :confused:
  10. I've made a cave where I'm trying to place a Vigilant of Stendarr who's dead and I want to be able to place him in certain pose/position. How do I go about doing this? I've clicked 'Starts dead' in the edit section of him, but I can't figure out how to alter his body in the CK, he just stays in the default rigid standing up position? :confused: I know I can click on him, then run the havoc sim and see the body go all 'floppy' but I still can't alter individual limbs?
  11. To be fair, we did have all the Ayleid ruins we could want in Oblivion, it's not like we went into Skyrim never having experienced them. Still I think the name 'Heartland High Elves' just sticks with people because it sounds so mysterious. :thumbsup:
  12. Really? I don't see that myself, especially since the imperials have a very Southern European appearance, I would like to see some more Celtic/Scottish mods for Skyrim though. :P The Aldmeri Dominion and the Summerset Isles, unlike the human races in TES, aren't really based on a human culture/people from Earth, they, like the Dunmer in Morrowind, are meant to have a completely alien civilization and, I don't believe, can really be compared to a human civilization from our world.
  13. I've been experimenting with a lot of mods lately, and I've found a few that make the game seem a bit more 'dark' than vanilla is, such as a black retexture of Alduin and Enhanced Blood Textures, but apart from that I haven't been able to get the game to feel any darker or grittier. Everything seems so colourful in Skyrim, what I want are mods that make the game seem more brutal, dark, bloody and ultimately more realistic, are there any mods that do this? http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2010/3/17/1268840108634/valhalla-rising-film-001.jpg
  14. Yeah I can record by speaking, and I assume it's my PC speakers that pick up my voice, but the audio volume that way makes my voice incredibly hard to hear.
  15. I'd try to, but since there don't seem to be any tutorials on modelling for Skyrim....... :down:
  16. I'll make this short since the longer posts never seem to get any replies. Are there any tutorials or guides explaining how to create more NPCs/Bandits for the in-game world and roads?
  17. I'm torn really, on one hand I can understand the Forsworn's desire to retake their homeland, but on the other hand their tactics of killing random civilians to do so is really off-putting. I also really turned against them after I started to look closer at their rituals and practices... http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120123104255/elderscrolls/images/7/7f/Forsworn.png I mean look at this guy! He's had his heart cut out and replaced with a magic one, that's not right! There's that and let's not forget the fact that the associate with, and seem to worship, Hagravens! Hagravens!!! The Forsworn may get some sympathy for losing their lands, but their practices and believes are messed up beyond belief... I'm guessing they mean it in the sense that after the Nedes left Atmora for Skyrim, they branched off into the races of the Nords, Imperials and Bretons.
  18. I'm trying to add dialogue to a quest I've made, but for some reason when I click 'configure', in the 'Edit Reponse' section, and try to select my Sigma Tel Microphone to record the lines with... http://i726.photobucket.com/albums/ww264/JammyDodger/sigma.jpg I'm greeted with this after I click ok... http://i726.photobucket.com/albums/ww264/JammyDodger/audio.jpg ...and, since it's blank, I just have to click ok and my Sigma Tel Mic still won't be selected. What's all this about? :down:
  19. Personally I hate them and think they are a ridiculous eyesore that looks even more ridiculous in the world of Skyrim. That being said, I completely respect the right of those who like Anime to create Mods of their own, it even looks at times like the best modders are the one's who are the most into it. There does however, in my opinion, desperately need to be an anime filter option in the catagories, the mods are so vastly different in appearance that they really do warrant their own section.
  20. Here's the new look for him. http://i726.photobucket.com/albums/ww264/JammyDodger/Ulfric.jpg I just have no idea how to make it into a proper mod that replaces his texture in game when enabled, it's worrying to know out of the 51 people who've viewed this thread, not one person knows how to help with getting this mod working. I think that means there seriously need to be some more tutorials covering all sorts of things because clearly knowledge is lacking for a lot of us in the community...
  21. Right, I've made the retexture after duplicating Ulfric to UlfricCopy0000. I'm not sure how exactly I go about making it so that it can be downloaded on Skyrim Nexus and it will replace the Ulfric appeance in-game when the mod is used? It's hopefully quite simple since I've seen plenty of other retexture mods, can anyone explain it?
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