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Everything posted by Drakefell01

  1. I Ban everyone for posting at night!
  2. Nice, you should play ban for fun in the forums game, your Banned icon suits it.
  3. No idea looks like a display glitch as you can still post and everything, do you have any idea what you could have said/done to get banned? If not try getting in contact with nexus support about the issue unless you think it will be a fun inside joke.
  4. Truly life is like broken eggs, You can overcook it by mistake.
  5. If this was ban for fun I would ban the both of you! I just got back from my walk... it is quite wet outside and was only 15 degrees when I first went out this morning. I ate out so I am not posting on an empty stomach... I had a lot of fun yesterday... (Not commenting.) So yeah I win for now.
  6. I ban Pagafyr because Oblivionaddicted is obviously building imperial tower with a hammer to chisel the stones.
  7. There was a tad of snow a few days ago. Right now it is 14 degrees and very wet outside... lots of puddles... If I put that in the freezer I could make a snowball so watch out.
  8. I am happy because my allergies are gone.
  9. Hello I am the creator of Uvultak Baby Dragon Follower but sadly getting Uvultak to have dialog and be able to attack is outside my moddability as the panel required goes off my screen and I can not activate it... I am looking for someone to make a mod that fixes Uvultak's issues. You are free to make the mod as long as you have Uvultak Baby Dragon Follower being a requirement... Go to the link below for the mod and feel free to help out... Please also link the video below to your patch mod. Mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/107336 Video: Thank you for your help... You are permitted to get engrossments and donations on your patch mod.
  10. I ban Pagafyr because I am going to bed See ya.
  11. I ban anyone who dares ask what I mean by 'Other reasons'.
  12. Oh me saying 'Other reasons'? Is that what confused you? I was covering up something private that is really nobody's concern. I ban you for attempting to invade my privacy.
  13. I ban Pagafyr because I have no idea what he is talking about, I just comment on my life and go on with it leaving out vital details for various reasons.
  14. I ban Pagafyr because I had... other reasons to extend my planned tour of nearby castle Rachel has had her eyes on.
  15. I ban Pagafyr because he is crispy in NA while I relax in England.
  16. My wake up was a accidental smack in the face this morning, it made for a good laugh.
  17. Actually I am thinking of staying permanently. Rachel said she would not mind.
  18. I ban Pagafyr because I do not eat cereal, I am not a cereal killer. (LOL)
  19. I ban Pagafyr because I have fresh not burning air here.
  20. I ban @Oblivionaddicted because those are not texus castles they are new spain castles during spanish colonization. And I am currently in an area with real castles dating back even a thousand or 2 years.
  21. I have no idea, I am staying at Rachel's, we had to move the castle visit to wednesday for... personal reasons.
  22. I ban Pagafyr because thank you... I wonder what castles smell like, I am going to see on monday.
  23. I ate mashed potatoes and gravy, with a side of dark meat chicken and gravy, the dish had spanish herbs put on it.
  24. I ban Pagafyr, because three twenty eight pm? I think that is like japan or something... no clue. Anyways banned. And I love how easy it is to get my tea here, it is like I was meant to be here in london england.
  25. I ban Pagafyr because I'm in the UK. and it's 10:08.
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