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Everything posted by Corlan

  1. Well last time I talked to sly he was trying to get me unbanned... Sent some msgs to Dark0ne but nothin happened, so I contacted LHammonds instead. Sly said something about "maybe have to sell house" or go hobo for protest something... I just wish he's ok.
  2. Last time I heard from her was about 2-3 months ago, in xat... Good to know zomb's still around. Btw Sly is MIA...
  3. Last time I heard from her was about 2-3 months ago, in xat... Good to know zomb's still around. Btw Sly is MIA...
  4. Nothin much, you back huh? I got reinstated 2 months ago, sup with Zombie n Miss Sparkle?
  5. Mastan Salamat Mikonand M'Lady.
  6. Rendan Salamat Mikonad, Jan ra gholamat mikonad.
  7. I was thinking about Tevinter... I'd make a good Magister.
  8. I don't suppose they would let perverts like me in the Chantry huh? Shame, I bet I can recreate the Chant of Light... How about The Chant of... Oh right you're a girl, never mind =/
  9. Pa chi? Ma'm az salam tajrish bakhtim.
  10. Haha, I was using IE and I dont know for what reason it doubles every comment I leave, and since I was too lazy to start up Firefox and... There you go :) Never too late tho, Hi :D
  11. Well after having every kind of Software almost for "free" here I don't mind paying some extra something to Apple, as long as it doesn't end up at Microsoft... Arrrgh Microsoft... How much I hates Thee...
  12. Apple! I'm gonna buy n iPod soon :D
  13. Ehe, Toye Mosabeghat Salam - Energie Azamoon bakhtid :P
  14. Ehe, Toye Mosabeghat Salam - Energie Azamoon bakhtid :P
  15. A Pie, I want a Pie, the Cake is a Pie.
  16. Unexpectedly Good! Thanks for the Re-visit by the way ;) What's going on with you?(Ugh, I sound like a Manic Bosmer from Anvil)
  17. Unexpectedly Good! Thanks for the Re-visit by the way ;) What's going on with you?(Ugh, I sound like a Manic Bosmer from Anvil)
  18. Glad you noticed Mr. Wiggums! And I gladly Accept :)
  19. What kind of food?
  20. Kudos : buddah.. Dunno I think he was over 1000 something
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