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Everything posted by Corlan

  1. Thanks very much Granny!
  2. Thanks a lot Uncle!
  3. Peasant scum. Before I go to bed each night I have my servants wash me down with fine oils and lotions to remove the stench that comes from mingling with the great unwashed of the Nexus Kingdom :smug: I heard about how the Barons and Earls at the Bethesda forums bathe in their peasants blood. Any dreadful punishments in mind for this Rebel?
  4. Sorry, but this makes me sick to read. I never bow to anyone, not even the king or the prime minister. They are just ordinary people like you and me, and their position is their job. But fair enough that Dark0ne rules, since he owns the site. I have to agree with that. Just don't put him on a pedestal and make him overconfident. ;) The thing we are trying to say, Dear man, or at least what I think we are trying to say, is that this is not a free society. You are guest within the halls of someone, their house, their rules. No matter what. So if you do not want to end outside I suggest a simple and obedience is needed, does not mean you can't share your thoughts. I know not whether Laws be right, Or whether Laws be wrong; All that we know who lie in gaol Is that the wall is strong; And that each day is like a year, A year whose days are long. So try to avoid the "gaol".
  5. I Do think there is something Similar here, but somewhat Unofficial. Some people and Modders who are known are usually given lovely notes called "strikes" before the Truncheon comes down but for the less prominent members of our beloved society the Hammer falls(or lands, whichever you prefer) the second Big brother notices something is wrong. Do correct me if I'm wrong. Cheers!
  6. Corlan


    Troll says Hi. http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/1913643-1302348834.jpg
  7. Corlan


  8. Now will it be so Different if it was... Lets say, Democracy? Do you really think such thing could exist in the Internet? What stops most of the people in "free" countries from doing things are Morals, in the internet knowing they can get away with this and that without anyone knowing it was them is causes a lot of harm. So such punishments from my point of view are Necessary. And there is no saying that even if there was Democracy things would be better, Democracy is simply the Bludgeoning of the People by the People for the People, it may work in a country but in places such as this, Never. People come here to share mods, and although some restrictions seem hard, they are necessary for the Community to live on.
  9. I would rather blame Politics, but that stuff is too boring to talk about.... Wait did that make any sense?
  10. Blame IE for the Double. :D
  11. So no difference from now? ):
  12. Me too, at least I know I have someone that actually understands Literature and could actually learn a thing or two.

    See you around mate.

  13. The minute I turn 18 I'm... Dunno, the Awesome thing that happens before Profit.
  14. BattleKnight, funny thing most Orders there have "have fun" as their 1st rule. That's the biggest use of Sarcasm I've seen so far.
  15. I hope so... I've seen more Drama in this Damned game than in my entire life Haha!
  16. Addiction for the most part *sigh* have nothing else to do really.
  17. Wasting my time in chats, useless Online games and more!
  18. Huh, I'm just sick of gaming these days, it doesn't go well with internet anymore. You play the Witcher, you'll have to argue with your friends about TW vs. Dragon Age, you play Modern Warfare, you'll be dragged into it's never ending meaningless battle with MW2. Hopeless.
  19. Huh, I'm just sick of gaming these days, it doesn't go well with internet anymore. You play the Witcher, you'll have to argue with your friends about TW vs. Dragon Age, you play Modern Warfare, you'll be dragged into it's never ending meaningless battle with MW2. Hopeless.
  20. Watch out for those Fishy sticks! http://www.explosm.net/db/files/Comics/Rob/crazyhobo.png Anyways, Troll says Hi. http://www.tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/1913643-1302348834.jpg
  21. Noooooo! What Hath Thou Done? *cries*
  22. Eff this! Witcher Here, Dragon Age that! NWN sucks! I'm sick of RPGs, right now all I'm looking forward to is Modern Warfare 3! And yet people manage to start war over that too.. Pfft, BF series kiss my...
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