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Status Updates posted by wolfsangeleyes

  1. Happy New Year Carah, blessed be.
    1. Carah


      Happy New Year to you too.


  2. Happy New Year Sue
  3. Happy New Year Samurai, to you and your family.
    1. vvk78


      Hey there, Wolfie. Long time, no chat! Hope you are doing well.


      New Year wishes to you and your near & dear ones. Cheers!

  4. Happy New Year to everyone. Let's hope 2017 is a great year, filled with hope, friends and good health.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ithildin


      Happy New Year! :)
    3. Deleted6317247User


      Happy New Year to you too!
    4. VisseNekku5746


      I hope you are having a good one too! :)
  5. Hi there. I came across your username in the 'console mods theft' thread and wanted to give you kudos for your spoiler. Yep, I clicked. Oh boy, did I click and click. And I won the :thumbsup: Yeah me. Thanks for giving me a great laugh, I really needed it.
    1. billyro


      Heh heh, you're welcome. :)
  6. I wish you could give a sign of live. We still miss you!!
    1. Qessanea


      Seconded! Hope you're alright :)
    2. wolfsangeleyes


      Happy New Year Spaceritual, where ever you are.
  7. Hi Hoofy...what? Peeking and no saying hi? How have you been? Great to see a picture of your boys. The best screenshot ever!
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bison1967


      ... How is the Dovah-Grandchild doing? I hope you and your family and she are doing well these days. Stop by my profile anytime you get the urge chat or whatever. :)
    3. wolfsangeleyes


      Senility is bliss? Then I am blessed for sure :biggrin: So Sam has inherited his dad's hooves...ehr feet? Won't be long before he is a full head taller than you. And play Skyrim perhaps? Wouldn't that be fun?

      My little Dovahkid is almost 4, can you believe it? Time goes so fast. It feels the older I become, the faster time goes by.

      My family is doing better these days, thank you for asking. My mother was fighting breast cancer but she is a lot better now and the last te...

    4. bison1967


      Wow! Marilyn is almost four already? I agree with you, time does seem to go faster the older one becomes. Your reply got cut off by the Nexus due to word/character limits, but it appears like your mother is recovering well from that terrible disease and that is great news! I hope you and your family stay safe and healthy, and I will keep your mother in my prayers.
  8. Hi Mami, still alive? Good to see you're still around.
  9. Hi Eliora, thank you for the friend's add.
    1. ElioraArin


      Hi :) I keep noticing you popping up in threads that are also in my content so I figure we must have some things in common!
  10. A belated Happy Birthday Cheesey. I hope you had a great day and were spoiled rotten.
    1. CheeseyBall


      Thank you, I did/was! :D
  11. Hope all is well for you, where ever you are.
  12. Back after a long hiatus. My apologies to those who said hi and left comments. Thanks to the gremlins, I was never notified. It is good to be back!
    1. AurianaValoria1


      Welcome back, wolfie! *big hugs*
    2. Ithildin


      Hi, Wolfie! Very nice to "see" you again. <3
    3. VisseNekku5746


      It has been a while :) Hopefully things have been alright, or at least entertaining.
  13. Kowalski, have you fallen off the face of the earth? Hope all is well.
  14. Hi there. I just wanted to let you know that I answered your question concerning the question marks on the Pretty pose page. I hope it helps.
    1. AdF312


      Uhm hi... Really sorry I missed this message by 7 years. I appreciate your help.
  15. You take some seriously breathtaking beautiful pictures. Kudos to you.
    1. gtf323


      Thank you for your attention! Glad that you like my pictures.
  16. New playthrough, new screenies: Dreams of Fantasy http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/392981/? Riverwood Mill http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/Images/391861/?
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      So! Your area is one of the many that's been keeping all those pennies from heaven for yourselves. ;- p The Big Sky Country got a good soak a few days after I left the comment here and it kept returning for a few days too. wOOt Seems we are in for some more rain this weekend. Why?! Why during the weekend?

      AArggh! :- ( Have a comfortable day! :- )

    3. wolfsangeleyes


      Well, you know what they say. Careful what you wish for.
    4. Deleted54170User


      ;- ) The weekend was cloudy, but rain never threatened to spoil the 3 day holiday. It got a little windy, but that was probably because the seasons changes are beginning. The trees, shrubs, and ground level greens will bring delight to the eyes as they begin their nap time in the Autumn rhythm and drift off to sleep before winter.
  17. Hi Moein, it's been a while. How are you?
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. wolfsangeleyes


      The links look very interesting but like you I think I'll be wanting Cabal's stuff. His book of Silence is amazing and the textures never had an impact on my low graphic's card before. I also think I'll give SMIM a go, it look awesome in the videos.
    3. m14aria


      i suggest you first install the hd2k, then add or replace other mods with that. that's what i did as well. if you need any help, just tell me. :)


    4. wolfsangeleyes


      The Skyrim HD - 2K Textures by NebuLa? Yeah, I'll go for that one first. And thank you for the help.
  18. Happy Birthday Carah, Blessed be.
    1. Carah


      Thank-you very much, Wolfie. :)
  19. Happy Birthday und Glückwunsch
  20. I so hope you are doing well and beat this damn cancer. Give it hell and come back to us when you feel up to it. You are missed! I wish you and your family all the best in the world.
  21. Happy Birthday Aenya. Have a great day, I hope they spoil you rotten.
    1. Aenya


      *sneakishly hugs and goes back to the shadows* Im on a spree! >:D Miniature one tho...
  22. Noooo, forgot your birthday. Happy Birthday CheeseBall.
    1. CheeseyBall


      Thank you! :D I would have replied earlier but you know, 'real life' and such :P
  23. Help please! I received several pm's of people asking me if they could have my save file because they like my character. My question is: are they the ones located in your Game folder? And all they need are the same mods I use like the Lunari Race? Is it that simple or is there more to it than that.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Deleted6317247User


      Sadly, I won't be much of use here. I only know how to do this in Oblivion not Skyrim. Though, it's really nice of you to share your characters (if that's what you're intending to do). I once shared two of my Oblivion characters but it was only with friends.
    3. Tobjoern


      ...ah, stupid me. I posted some tips/tools for Oblivion, but you are in Skyrim. :D
    4. wolfsangeleyes


      Sorry for the late reply but thank you very much for your responses and help Tobby and Nightshade. Yes, it was meant for Skyrim (I am an idiot for not mentioning that) I found the facegen thingy incredibly confusing for Oblivion but wasn't sure if I needed it for Skyrim. As far as I can tell I don't. Oh well, back to the drawing board. Thank you guys anyway. I appreciate it.
  24. Hi peeker. Thought I'd peek back and say hi. I was wondering about your username MayoStuff. Is that Mayo as in county Mayo, Ireland?
    1. MayoStuff


      I'ts actually Mayonnaise related
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