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Everything posted by BlackRampage

  1. Hmmm those are some are strange bugs. Anyway, I'm assuming you use FOMM? You might want to try disabling all mods and then enabling them one at a time to see which is causing the problem/conflict. Also with that amount of mods you might want to create a merged path or, at the very least, run FO3 in Masterupdate mode. If you don't have it yet: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=637 and here is the manual: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8629 You might also want to give the following mod (courtesy of ccmechanic2) a try first, it works like magic (no, really): http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15877 Just be sure to give the author some feedback if it works.
  2. BlackRampage


    Well, you're right, I don't believe you. In my opinion it sounds like a bad dream. I can tell you here and now that I've had my share of bad dreams. Dreams which, indeed, seemed so real that, at that moment, I was certain they were. However, I am a pragmatist and a scientist, so I'm highly skeptical of anything that seems "out of the ordinary". Aided by a bit of science, I quickly found that my mind had been playing tricks on me. (the human mind is remarkably capable of "fooling" itself, especially when you have, for example, a high fever.) Now don't take this wrong, I'm not saying that this might apply to you, or that I don't respect your opinion, I'm just letting you know what my opinion is about the subject. Also, I already posed this question in my earlier post, but nobody seems to bother reading it. So therefore, I ask again: Why would a bunch of aliens want to fly at the very least 4.2 light-years (in the very most optimal case) all the way to some pitiful ball of dirt and start "abductions" and who knows what else? If aliens are so technologically advanced that they can apparently somehow overcome or rather circumvent the "speed of light" problem, why would they bother coming here? It's not like they can "learn" anything from us. Furthermore, if their intentions would be "good", why not show themselves? what's stopping them? If their intentions are "evil", well, then we'd all be dead by now. Again, what's stopping them? Most likely scenario according to me: Yes, there are aliens (a matter of statistics) Have they been to Earth? Probably not. Why? They still have to either overcome the speed of light problem. Or, it simply takes way too long to get here. (assuming they have similar lifespans) Who knows? Maybe aliens actually already know that we are here. We've been broadcasting messages into space as long as the radio exists. In the end, they still have to find a way to get here...
  3. Ehm what? Are you referring to what I said about Muddyhead's load order? I was just trying to point out to him/her that it's better to have the FO3 .esm at the top, that's all. If that's not what you meant, well, then I don't know what you meant :) Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna endorse your mod... P.S. It's not that bad if you don't respond immediately... woops I'm sorry I must have missed something, Lol oh boy I am gonna have breakfast and get some coffeehttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif in me, this is terrible. the load order of course, it was burred way back in my logs. Hahaha that's OK. Seeing how busy you are with all this stuff, I can understand all too well. Kudo's to you for making me LOL.
  4. Ehm what? Are you referring to what I said about Muddyhead's load order? I was just trying to point out to him/her that it's better to have the FO3 .esm at the top, that's all. If that's not what you meant, well, then I don't know what you meant :) Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna endorse your mod... P.S. It's not that bad if you don't respond immediately...
  5. Install this , and you should be good to go, it clears up more than the name implies, it was done deliberately For this specific reason Here's the link, Pm me if it works.>>>And this is MAGIC As you asked for ithttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif Fallout 3 Invisible wall bugs remover Yup I'll second that. Still had to give that a try myself, but yes, it is magic :) @Muddyhead: You might want to keep the Fallout 3 .esm at the first spot. Yes, I know you've got Anchorage disabled, but you want to do that anyway... (not a lot of mods you have btw but that's okay)
  6. A Quest for Heaven of course... I say, give it a try: EP 1: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10208 EP 2: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12887 EP 3: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15488 @Shaft39: I know exactly what you mean, never been able to find the key myself... just hit the ~ button and type "TCL", then hit "enter" and close the console again with the same ~ button. Then just walk through the doors which you can't unlock and repeat the above stuff with the console. (you need to go to male and female dorm first, then admin.
  7. AQFH episode 1 right? OK, it's been some time since I last played it so I might not be able to help you as well as I'd want to. Anyway, Do you use FOMM? If so, do you have any other mods installed? If so, have you tried changing load orders? You might also want to try disabling all mods and then enabling one at a time to see what mod's causing the problem. So it crashes if you try saving? Do you overwrite an older savegame? Or do you save in an empty slot? You might just have a corrupt savegame. Also, turn the game's auto-save functions off. Yes, even you don't have a corrupt savegame. Another thing you might want to consider is the fact that AQFH is a very resource intensive mod (all 3 of them) So, unless you have a badass gaming rig, you might want to try lowering your graphics settings... You might also want to try browsing through the mod page's comments section to see if your problem or something similar to it has been reported before. Otherwise you could ask it there yourself... I'm afraid, at this point, thats all I can do...
  8. BlackRampage


    It has actually been theorized that life on earth may have indeed possibly come from Mars. A more realistic scenario then spaceships however would be that if a big enough asteroid had hit Mars when it may have had life, some of the debris from the impact containing microscopic life could have been thrown into space to eventually end up on earth, thus starting life here. Personally however, I think that the origins of life here on Earth also started right here.
  9. BlackRampage


    I'd say it's highly unlikely, if not, impossible to have and paradoxes or something like that. Why? Because the laws of physics as we know them were made during the Big Bang. There are however, places in the universe where some of these laws do not apply. Such as within a so-called Singularity. However, something that even affects time and thus space as well (space-time) and thus the very fabric of the universe might be expected to ignore or circumvent certain laws of physics. That said, I'd say it's nigh unthinkable, if not arrogant, to think that we might be the only intelligent life in the entire universe. I mean, the universe is absurdly big, so big even, that our minds can hardly comprehend the vastness of it. I suppose, in the end, it's just a matter of maths. For example: If out of all the galaxies there are in the universe, only 0.1% would contain intelligent life, one would still end up with hundreds of millions of galaxies which would contain intelligent life. So, in my opinion, the real question is not whether there are aliens but rather when we'll find them. When we do find them however, there is a high probability that they will have evolved way beyond our current state and also be way more intelligent then us. Why? Because, on the galactic timescale, humans have only been around for a very short while. (If the time the galaxy exists would be downscaled to 24 hours, humans would evolve in the last 3 seconds.) What should also be taken into account is the fact that our sun (and thus the planets around it) hasn't been around as long as the galaxy and thus many other stars as well. More accurately speaking: our sun is a so-called second generation star. This means that our sun was born from the remnants of other stars. There are however many stars that were formed right after the Big bang and and thus first generation stars. (red dwarfs for example) If only one of those stars (of of trillions) would have had a planet circling it on which intelligent life has evolved, that life would have a head-start of at least 5 billion years to evolve! (The human race has been around for only about a million years.) Have aliens been to earth? Do aliens visit Earth right now? Are there Aliens among us? I really don't know. What I do know is that since the laws of physics apply everywhere in the universe. This also automatically means that wherever you go in the galaxy, nothing can travel faster then the speed of light. (just going at the speed of light would require an infinite amount of energy) So, even if there are aliens out there and they indeed are insanely intelligent, they would still be faced with the problem that nothing can travel faster then the speed of light. Unless of course they have found some way to circumvent this problem. (hyperspace, wormholes, you name it) Besides, even if they would have found some way to travel faster then the speed of light and are thus insanely intelligent, why the heck would they bother coming here? Why would, out of all the galaxies they can choose from and all the stars with planets around them, they come to some backwater planet? What would make us so special? Our resources? Highly unlikely. If they can travel from one galaxy to another, they'll probably use gas giants or even entire stars as a means to get resources. Sorry for the looooong rant.
  10. Whenever I look for some good mods I usually go to this page: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/categories.php then pick a category and use the filter to sort them by the amount of endorsements they've gotten. The more endorsements, the better the mod is.
  11. Hi, I'm guessing "some poses" wasn't what you needed then?
  12. No idea about the talking animation stuff. For the "camera mod" you might want to try Some Poses by Backsteppo: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1391 Otherwise just search the nexus for "poses". You might also want to consider asking this in the "What mod is this?" thread.
  13. Hmmm I don't think there's anything like that, or whether it's even possible. Nevertheless you might be interested in this mod: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5847 I know it's not really what you mean, but it might be helpful anyway.
  14. Hmm a superhero mod huh? To be honest it's not really my cup of tea. Although the Master of Disguise might be interesting to see in FO3. That said, I'm actually missing Superman. If you are planning on making a mod featuring him as well, you might be interested in the following mod: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15915 Naturally if you're going to use that mod you should ask the author for permission first...
  15. Well, if you are indeed new to this and want to give the mods I mentioned a try, you should really install FOMM (Fallout Mod Manager) first. It's essential when you want to play a lot of mods. (If you don't have it already, that is) The mods I mentioned also have the added bonus that, story-wise, they don't really depart from the original game. (Although some feel otherwise.) Yeah, I know I missed a good one with Half Life, but you missed out on 2 great mods which could easily be sold a as an official add-on (I'd pay for them) so I guess that makes us even :wink:
  16. Wow, Cube experimental huh? Been some time ago since I last played that one. I was actually not aware of the fact that the mod had been inspired upon a movie (or a part of the mod) Neither have I ever player Half-life so I don't know about that either. Personally I didn't feel that it was monotonous or confusing or something like that. I guess in the end, cube is just one of those mods which everybody has to have played at least once and then move one. At least that's what my experience with it was: I played through it once, gave all the add-on weapons a try (and decided they were seriously overpowered) and then deleted the entire mod again. (though the last was also to prevent any conflicts with other mods) Furthermore I feel that Cube experimental was a great mod when it just came out but has been trumped by even better mods liked "a note easily missed" and of course the "A Quest for Heaven" episodes which, In my opinion, has yet to meet it's better.
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