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Status Updates posted by BlackRampage

  1. Nice! Thanks for the heads-up.
  2. Aaaah a ghost! *calls ghostbusters*

    On that note: That smartgun does looks a bit like those "guns" the ghostbusters used I think :P

  3. Ever had that spam stuff btw? I hear it tastes awful :P
  4. Hmm it's been some time since I last spammed your profile comments, hasn't it? oh well. Correcting that now.
  5. For months? Wow. I know what you mean with the misinterpretation stuff btw. It indeed is sometimes hard to relay the meaning of a message just right. Especially since people can get really worked up about it sometimes. Myself included apparently >.< *hits himself in the head*
  6. Whoops. Slight misunderstanding. Sorry about all the confusion.

    Forgiven and forgotten :)

  7. Oh, but I'm afraid there's not much new actually. Unless you have something new yourself of course.

    You did give me a good excuse to spam your comments though ;)

  8. Yes? I saw you peeking. Peeker!
  9. Hehe. I had "Princes of the Universe" by Queen in my head. Why? Cause that Kurgan guy said the same thing in the first Highlander movie. (church scene) :P
  10. *Sets ectoplasm on fire*

    You know what they say: It's better to burn out then to fade away :)

  11. Yep, check your PM :)
  12. Ouch! That hurt! Nah, who am I kidding. *pokes back and runs*
  13. *Ghosting* Of course I'd love to see Cameron conquer the world! :P
  14. He 5-7! Did you notice that your 19th part (of your comic of course) shows up as the 20th part over here: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/414626-twentieth-part/

    Yes, I know it is of little concern but still ;)

  15. Well, I think the graphics card will indeed be able to handle it, but a single core + 2 gigs of ram? hmmm. Well, I do really hope it can handle it. If it does, maybe you can even try ewe on top of that.
  16. Pity you were banned. You seemed like a pretty capable modder. Too bad I never got to try out the final version of your Apocalyptica mod :(
  17. Hold on. Don't you have to bake it first? No, wait. Werewolves like it raw, don't they :P
  18. Well, as long as you see me as food supplier instead of food supply :P *gives another steak*
  19. Oh, I that case... *gives some steaks * There. Eat and be good :P
  20. Peeker! I didn't know werewolves were so inquisitive XD

    *Looks down* Oh, looks like someone finally decided to check his status :D

  21. Oh, I get it. I didn't show up on your list, right? Well, I do know :)
  22. Oh, nobody found your bones just yet? In that case it's indeed essential to stay close. Otherwise your "spirit" might never find it's way back :P
  23. Yep, resting easy now :)
  24. Really? Hmm in that I might ask you some things about it very soon. Right now I'm reinstalling the entire game :( (I screwed some stuff up yesterday *hits himself with a super sledge*
  25. A Pm from you? No, I didn't
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