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Posts posted by BlackRampage

  1. Well, how about that. I just ordered a new graphics card not 2 hours ago.

    No, not an RTX 2070. Not worth the money considering I only play older games anyway. Ordered an EVGA RTX 2060 instead.


    It's going to replace an aging EVGA GTX 970 SC which has performed beyond expectations even when overclocked and therefore managed to long outlast its projected lifecycle.


    It also just occurred to me that I win.

  2. Well, you already know my answer from the other thread. But yeah, Parker Quinn.


    Not only is he obviously trying to scam you out of 110 credits, but, even worse, he calls the player character a retard whether you fall for his scam or not.


    Totally agree with strong too. I do save him (because I want to save Rex Goodman), but I definitely do not take him with me as a follower. I just leave him standing in what's left of the lobby of Trinity Tower. He can stay there for all eternity as far as I'm concerned.

  3. The following based on the assumption that you've already played through the game at least once and are thus aware of certain massive spoilers. If not, don not click on the spoiler!



    Look up images of Revan in the SWTOR game and find whichever head looks most like him. (which probably means you'll end up with mullet man anyway. Though space jesus might be a contender too.)


    Anyway, back in the day, I usually went with the bald headed goatee guy. He just looked the most believable to me as a former(?) dark lord. To me the others looked too average joe



    Edit: I also basically still pretend like anything post-KotOR that Bioware came up with simply didn't happen. Yeah, I don't like the way Bioware treated him either.

  4. maybe a way to get some money to the people who are making the package.

    A you kidding me? What about the authors of the mods that get included in such a package? Don't you think they deserve infinitely more recognition then some dude who spends maybe half a day piling mods together that took weeks or even months to make? That's just insulting.

  5. Major letdown was that you needed to take half the case apart to clean the three front fan filters.

    Hmmm. That wasn't the case (no pun intended) with the Antec 900. One could basically just remove the entire front panel without even having to unscrew the side panel.


    I didn't buy another Antec case after that either. Gave the Antec case plus contents to an ex, then got an Aerocool Xpredator X3 (the black & orange version).


    Currently have a Be Quiet Silent Base 801. Compared to that, every other case I've ever had sounds like a turbofan on steroids.




    I also happen to win.

  6. -Case

    NZXT H510 ATX Mid Tower Case

    Way to expensive compared to it's "predecessor", the H500. If you're really intent on getting a NZXT case, i'd suggest the H500 instead. It's more then twice as cheap.


    Actually, considering how poor cooling is with either of those NZXT cases, I wouldn't get either of them. Well, unless your intent is to keep the front panel removed permanently.


    Plenty of cases in the same price range as the H510 which are way, way better then that thing.

  7. I'd suggest having a look at the Enderal mod for Skyrim. It's basically a total overhaul which makes it look like a completely different game. It even has its own launcher and whatnot.


    Perhaps check how the developers of that mod managed to basically create a whole different game while still retaining the Skyrim master file and everything contained in it. As a bonus, you'd also be able to share your mod/game with others this way.


    Also, that's quite an ambitious project you're planning on undertaking. Especially if you're planning on doing it by yourself. You'll require a whole bunch of different skillsets and lots of time.

  8. Whatever you say, i am not that type of thinker, what i say or type is up to you to translate into proper meaning.

    That's bull and you know it. Yours is the responsibility to make sense. That includes proper grammar.


    TL;DR: Lighten up already. It was just a joke.


    Edit: Also, I win.

  9. Why would you need to load this ESM between the core DLCs? That seems like a recipe for disaster.


    Edit: After speaking to Tannin, this may actually be an oversight in the FO3 support for Vortex. We're looking into it.

    No, it is not. It has always been sorted before the Broken Steel DLC. Been that way back when BOSS was the go-to load order sorting tool too.


    Also, copy/paste from the Fallout Street Lights mod description page:



    If you have Broken Steel DLC you should have Street Lights before it in your load order.


    Fallout Street Lights: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/8069

  10. GMAD: General Mod Author Discussion. It's one of the two sub-forums in the mod author section of the forums. And it's also the place where a lot of debating, bantering and bickering happens. Hence the reference.


    I guess you'll be able to see and experience it for yourself soon enough.

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