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Posts posted by BlackRampage

  1. it allows a follower to walk around their immediate surroundings and interact with any "interactible" objects near them when you tell them to wait. (a.k.a: sandboxing)

    For example: if there's a chair nearby, a follower might sit on it. If there's a wall nearby, a follower might decide to lean against said wall.

  2. Imo it is better to read and judge for our selves then let the critics make it easy for us. By reading stuff we become like you, smarter for knowing.


    Point taken. Always good to explore different perspectives. Not sure whether this necessarily applies to pseudoscience though.


    Still, I dare say I might know just enough about all this stuff to be able to seperate the pseudo from the science. Others might not be so fortunate.


    Yeah! Why did you read it???


    Did a bit of a study on electromagnetism, electromagnetic waves etc.. (Don't ask, I still get headaches from having to memorize all those damn formulae) Stumbled across the electric universe stuff while doing said study.


    So Findlay's book, in your opinion, was not a journal for University studies, was it?!


    Not sure I fully understand the question, but it would never pass peer review, that's for sure.

  3. If you don't read the first chapter in a book you will not likely know what the ending is about. If you don't read Thomas Findlays book to get some perspective on a subject known too well everything you do know isn't going to help you much because you don't have anything to compare or refute what people think is correct and should not be tested any further.


    I'm sorry for interjecting like this, but that's quite a bold statement considering the whole electric universe hypothesis is just that; A hypothesis. Based on pseudoscience, at that. Findlay didn't exactly provide a lot proof to substantiate his bold claims. Neither have any other proponents of the "electric universe" hypothesis ever provided any evidence for their claims.


    Yeah, I've read his book. To many hypotheticals, theoreticals and pseudoscience.

    Also, too much "mainstream science" bashing and questioning well established theories without providing much in the way of proof or alternatives. And how come no studies on the "electric universe" (a.k.a. plasma cosmology) ever passed peer reviews or were ever published in scientific journals? Pseudoscience. That's why. How's that for some perspective?


    Shame on you for recommending a book filled with pseudoscience to the scientifically illiterate. Not just once, but 4 times in a single thread.


    Edit: Spelling.

  4. I thought, Blackened is like a more updated alternative to the FOIP, so i assumed, that, to make those mods work well together, you need this compatibility patch.


    Correct. It was just more beneficial for all parties involved to make the patches rely on merged versions of those mods. Less plugins means less chance for load order conflicts, means more stable game, means more room for other mods.


    Anyway, just ask if something is unclear.

  5. So I'm guessing you've got the retail copy of Fallout 3, not the Steam copy?


    If so, you'll first need to download and install "Games for Windows Live", or whatever they called it: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5549


    Next step: start the game once so it generates a .ini file. Otherwise you won't be able to perform the next steps.


    Uninstall GFWL again, you won't ever need it anymore.


    For good measure, get this mod to disable the in-game GFWL crap: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/1086/?

  6. It's not a possibility to email them. Or perhaps they have a "chat" function on their website?


    Regardless, the cable company I'm with has a nice feature with which you can let them call you back. Saves being put on hold (for the most part) + potentially saves you from a million dollar telephone bill.

  7. Wishful thinkings you say? you are very disappointing and not open minded at all... But i dont blame you :smile: There is trolls on every thread, world's need everything to be complete :* <3


    Lolwhut? Yeah, that's a great way to win an argument when you've run out of arguments. Just accuse the other person of trolling. I thought you said you had no quarrel with me? How very "open-minded" of you.

    I thought we could have mature debate. Pulling the troll card on me like that doesn't seem very mature to me, so this exchange is over.

  8. Could have sworn this thread was centered about what happened to some shark... Ugh, here we go again.


    Human have to rationalize everything, but our comprehension of the world is mainly based on science, and most sciences are founded and based on theories. I personnaly have another vision of things


    Wait. You just said science is based on theories. Then you said you have another vision of things. What's your vision based on? Theories. Actually, it's even worse: Wishful thinking. "I cannot explain it, therefore I hope it's some kind of Lovecraftian entity."


    You're not even right about science based on theories though. By its very definition science cannot be "based on theories" because then it would not be science.

    Science is based on observation and experiments. The "theories" part is mostly rationalizing based on the aforementioned observations and experiments.


    Believe in what you want



    Actually, no. I don't "believe" in works of fiction. Exactly why I'm coming up with rational explanations.


    I dont <sic> reject everything about modern science


    I thought you said you had "another vision of things"? So, as I understand it, you don't really agree with science (because it's, according to you, based on theories) but you don't reject everything about modern science either. So you're basically just cherry-picking modern science and applying wishful thinking to whatever parts you don't agree with.

  9. Sounds more like over-exaggeration on the part of whatever journalist wrote that (anything for the views).


    As an aside, I'm not sure whether it's even physically possible for something as big a great white + whatever creature attacked it to move "hundreds of meters in only a few seconds" in water at all.


    Edit: It's also likely that the shark was not at all attacked but just came into contact with a ship's propellor. Certainly would account for the shark being in pieces.

  10. Even the basic home style oven is like the stone oven with a hole in the side used in cooking. The difference it the door of an oven is closed and heat is trapped inside to get the best distribution. Where a Dutch style old stone oven outside has no door to close, but it's heat is intense though.


    Well, that's not really a Dutch style oven though. The "Dutch oven", as it is called, is basically just a big cooking pot with a close-fitting lid.

  11. I doubt you'll need to do any of that though.

    Could try loading FWE, EVE and the patch in Fo3Edit, find the metal blaster entry and see which mod overrides which. If you know what you're looking at and know what you're doing, you can override alter it on the spot. If not, make a screenshot and post it here.


    Edit: grammar.

  12. Good afternoon.


    Seems interesting, but I wouldn't want a bunch of mechanical hands preparing my meals or whatever for me. I want to be able to do and see it for myself.

    I'd be much more inclined to reprogram those things to clean the kitchen counter or clean out some really dirty pans or something.


    Edit: but yes, it does kinda reminds me of Fallout.

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