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Everything posted by Katarsi

  1. I've always wondered WHY, for the love of Mara, city guards have the need to go through player's back yard - especially garden. It's fine if they pass by the homestead - they're keeping watch after all, but posing as gardeners is beyond awkward. I've noticed this issue both in vanilla and modded player homes. When I arrive to my home, or leave the house after a while, I frequently find guards walking around my back yard like they bloody own it, and they also often dig around my planters. And they make random comments while they're at it, as if they met me in the middle of the street. I can't find where the issue stems from, because I don't know what to look for in CK/xEdit. If anyone can make a fix, please "assign" the guards with their actual duty.
  2. Thank you for all the suggestions, extraterrestrialvoidghost :smile: Yeah, it's very tricky to adjust brightness because my monitor is already "specially" calibrated. I'm not gonna change my monitor calibration which is set up for use of everything, for it only to work properly on Skyrim. Wouldn't make sense. Mods and utilities exist precisely to accommodate to the user's setup, not the other way around. Intrigued ENB looks very nice, but it also suffers from dark shadows so I guess thorough tweaking would be required - if I manage to tweak it at all. Like I said, some ENB presets have this contrast hardcoded and lowering it causes ugly grayness and washed-out feel of everything. Dolomite Weathers looks interesting! It's like a tweaked version of Cathedral? I also discovered eisVogel v2 ENB preset along with it. If I can tone down the saturation it could be a good combination, if either its default setting or one of its LUTs doesn't capitalize on a single color. I really don't like it when a single color is dominant everywhere (like the blue is in featured images). I looked over Azurite, it looks beautiful but it seems like it isn't finished yet. I'll track it for now. No NAT. Plastic Wax Museum impression here as well. Nice skin and soft shading on everything is a priority, so...no NAT anything. I also found Vulturian Shades ENB for Haze Weathers, it seems very good, what do you think? It has a downside though - something is off with the sky. I'm not sure whether it's an issue with the weather mod or the ENB preset.
  3. Hi everyone, I'm currently looking to switch from my weather & ENB setup to something more adapted to my eyesight, so any suggestions from users here are welcome. Weather and ENB are affecting everything in the game, so I have made a comprehensive list of stuff I use and what I'd like to have. I don't know how to make ENB preset from scratch, so if you don't know of an existing preset that would fit my needs, I am willing to learn how to make my own preset if you are offering to teach me. This is what I'm looking for: Balanced colors, soft atmospheric feel. I am not a fan of oversaturation or any sharp transition. I like fog/mist, but I don't like when it's too white. I don't like when a single color dominates over all the rest.Nice skin shading. I absolutely abhor the plasticky look of skin, especially since I have invested a lot of time into making both male and female skins look beautiful by mixing several mods. I would appreciate ENB preset which is "skin-friendly". (Sad example: Mythical Rudy ENB for Cathedral has the most amazing skin lighting, but everything else is crap)Vivid nights - no crushed blacks and no thick darkness. I have an issue with various ENBs when it comes to this, since the majority are too friggin' dark at night and in interiors. I see very well in the dark naturally and my eyes adapt to darkness very quickly, so when I see a pitch black area in the game, I instantly get the feeling of wrongness. I'm using both Lux and Lux Orbis because they provide quality shading/lighting, so something compatible with these would be the best. I'm also using Embers XD Light version, and of course Particle Patch and ENB Light. No Lanterns or Tamriel Master Lights. I'm using Quick Light instead of torches to light the way if necessary, because I can dynamically adjust its intensity. I also have DVLaSS.Soft day lighting. My monitor is calibrated specifically to prevent sharp highlights, because too bright light literally hurts my eyes. I imagine this is inversely related to my ability to see well in the dark, so bright daily light is, well, bad. In other words, overall environmental contrast shouldn't be high - but it shouldn't be bland and monotone either. I will adjust this in ENB settings if necessary, although some ENBs have their contrast "hardcoded" and lowering the contrast causes ugly grayness.I don't want to use ReShade with ENB preset. I have a relatively good rig, it's a gaming laptop (specs on my profile), but I generally cherish my FPS like everyone else. I'm not looking for screenarchery, I want to actually play the game.I don't like DOF and I never use it (except when I make screenshots for my mods, but this is very rare). I also don't like Bloom. I'm indifferent when it comes to godrays, I can live both with and without. Lens flare is out of the question. I also don't use those annoying sun rays that mostly contain freaky images (like frogs and bunnies or whatever).I use RWT solely because it provides rain ripples. Water for ENB looks better, but doesn't have this feature. I tried to combine these two by letting only WENB's meshes and textures overwrite RWT, and it's a weird mix. Currently the only problems I see are LOD seams and super-shiny wet rocks in the streams. I'm trying to figure out how to tweak it better. If anyone knows how to implement RWT ripples into WENB, please enlighten me! Water is definitely the trickiest thing to adjust. And don't even get me started with overly bright waterfalls! Bright Waterfall Fix isn't functional anymore due to recent updates to both of these water mods, so I truly don't know how to go about that. It looks like every single ENB preset I try screws up water, it's either too bright or too dark.I will try any weather that goes well with the provided ENB, as long as they match. I'm not a fan of constant rain though, which is why I always tended to avoid Obsidian. I used Cathedral Weathers for the longest time, but opposed to Obsidian, it's somehow too bright. Its lighting is very difficult to manage because any ENB for Cathedral Weathers that I tried so far only capitalizes on Cathedral's super-strong brightness.As for landscapes, I'm using Cathedral Landscapes and Tamrielic Grass. My snow comes solely from Cathedral Landscapes, but I'm open to suggestions. I will consider replacing Cathedral Landscapes if you have a better idea. Tamrielic Grass must stay, I love how it looks and the variety it provides - especially green tundra. Cathedral also has green tundra, but it doesn't have as much of grass variety as Tamrielic. The rest is Noble Skyrim, along with HD LODs, and of course, SMIM as the base. I don't use Majestic Mountains, my rocks are covered with Northfire's Photoreal Mountains and I will not replace it. My flora is 3D Trees and Plants with Cathedral 3D Pine Grass, Depths of Skyrim for underwater, and trees are a personal mix of SFO, SBT and 3D Trees (don't ask, it's chaos). I'm using DynDOLOD 3 and No Grass in Objects. Thank you everyone who have read through all this and are considering to advise :)
  4. Thank you for all the suggestions anjenthedog :) I looked further below into the crash log, and saw something about cubemaps. Oddly enough, there was also mention of DLC2CyrodillianWhiskey. I had this cubemap mod installed and identified it as the culprit. So I uninstalled it and got this one instead, and no crashes occurred. I still have no idea why Cyrodilian booze was listed, neither are nowhere to be found in game files, but they certainly have something to do with cubemaps. I also don't have Beyond Bruma or anything Bruma-related. Skyrim is weird sometimes :ermm:
  5. My game is crashing on startup and NSF Crash Log consistently lists this as the cause: Possible relevant objects (2){ [ 198] BSLightingShaderProperty(Name: null) [ 350] BSFadeNode(Name: `DLC01CyrodiliacWine`)} Any help? I can't find the culprit because I have no bloody idea what Cyrodiliac Wine is supposed to be.
  6. I'll check it out :) As for dialogue, Kaidan actually has sex-appropriate dialogue in his existing lines. It's so immersive that it's hard to believe it wasn't tailored for the follow up of sex animations. So no, voice files don't have to be altered/added at all - the existing lines merely have to be integrated with FG animations. As for animations, it would be good if they're random, rather than having the option to choose a specific position. That way we could have the factor of spontaneity. And I wrote to Xiderpunk nearly three weeks ago and no luck. He didn't even read it yet. Perhaps he's away from Nexus for a while.
  7. I want to make Flower Girls work seamlessly with Kaidan 2. FG has a patch in its download section for Caesia that does the similar thing for that follower, meaning the follower isn't attached to the standard FG seduction system, but rather to her own dialogues and approval system. FG merely "fills up the blanks" when it comes to intimate scenes. As it is now, if you want to apply intimate animations to Kaidan, first you have to go through the seduction system in order to do that, and that breaks immersion big time. He has his own dialogue prompts for intimacy but nothing happens when they are set off, because he isn't connected to any intimacy mod. FG has PSC files already, and I have successfully managed to decompile Kaidan's PEX scripts into PSC. However, this is where I've hit a wall because I don't know how to alter scripts. Or add new ones.
  8. Does anyone know how to edit scripts from one mod so they could work with scripts of another mod? Quest Dialogue and Conditions involved.
  9. Yeah, she even has her own matching earrings and necklace, and that sword! I mean, this outfit is practically made for Skyrim. It'd end up in Hot Mods within 15 minutes from release.
  10. Can someone make this armor? FIRST IMAGE SECOND VERSION, SAME GIRL (yes, it's my avatar and I've been wishing for this armor for YEARS) So... Please? ARMOR DETAILS: The armor is Light Armor and has two variants of torso and boots. The 1st torso is full leather, with elbow-length sleeves and both shoulders are equally armored. The 2nd torso is fairly visible on the 2nd image so the differences are obvious. The boots differ only in heels: 1st boots are flat, 2nd have heels - as seen in the images. There is a jewelry set: earrings and the necklace. The armor is accompanied by a one-handed sword.I'd honestly be happy with first image version only. I use CBBE-3BA so the armor is needed for that body model. If anyone is interested in making this armor, please contact me in PM.
  11. There are male tattoos (overlays for RaceMenu - not skin textures) that work properly only either on vanilla male body or SAM. Namely, DomainWolf's tattoos are awesome, but full body ones are misaligned at the waist and the top of thighs. I asked about this, but I got no answer. So what do I need to do to convert these tattoos to work on SOS body without misalignment? I'd like to do it for myself. Any help is appreciated.
  12. ~ Single player 3rd person RPG forever ~
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. thumbincubation


      Oof, when I thought I had a witty comment, but then I clicked the next notification and realize I made the exact same one on the last comment. >.< Memory is the first to go, I guess.
    3. Katarsi


      Well, I still fixed the misspelling...but only my own ;)
    4. thumbincubation


      It's ok. Give me a few months, and I'll probably forget and make the same comment again.
  13. I have only one custom home in my game - Riverside Lodge - although this concept could be applied to other custom homes as well, if doable. I know there is a mod that already moves the family to custom homes, but I never adopt and children are not an option for my Dragonborn, I don't hire bards for my home and I don't invite housecarls either. I don't want to cram unnecessary scripts and records into my load order. I just want to move my spouse. Spouses can live everywhere is severely outdated and meant for LE, so proper conversion is not guaranteed. Custom family home is also an outdated variation of Hearthfire multiple adoptions and it obviously doesn't work as intended. If there is some CK mojo or something else to apply to a custom home for it to be recognizable by the spouse, please give me your suggestions.
  14. It is definitely MUCH better than before! I can actually look at Vigil without feeling discomfort, and you also preserved the impression of an ancient VI. I'd install it in my game immediately. Thank you for putting effort into this :thumbsup:
  15. Is it possible to visually mod the Prothean VI - Vigil - on Ilos? If it is, someone do it, PLEASE. During the entire conversation with Vigil, his shifting holo produces a horrible, nauseating stroboscopic effect that makes my eyes/head hurt every time. I also have a health condition which puts me in danger every time I'm continuously exposed to bright, in-my-face quickly flashing light. Is it possible to remove this effect entirely? A steady glow would be far more preferable. I literally have to keep my eyes closed during this interaction except when I'm required to choose dialogue options.
  16. ~ Single player 3d person RPG forever ~
    1. thumbincubation


      You misspelled "1st person," though. >.<
    2. Katarsi


      I fixeded it :P
  17. Playing a decade old games because the gaming industry sucks nowadays
  18. So the only solution to this problem that I have been able to find is to install the combination of Realistic Water Two and Water for ENB by this recipe. I sacrificed a few FPS, but I have my fish farts again. And, well, the water looks very nice overall.
  19. Is it possible to make the default male Shepard face editable, like other presets? AND/OR: Is it possible to tweak eye models so they're not all twisted and creepy?
  20. It might have been an internet hiccup, so the page didn't get to load properly? The internet phone service in my area is kinda bad (even though I live about 6km from downtown of the second largest city in my country). The speed is fine, but it's fluctuating in the sense that it goes off for a few seconds from time to time. And I have no alternative :sad:
  21. Well, this is weird. I tried it now and it works. Several times before I have tried putting a spoiler. I checked if I wrote it correctly as well. In the end I always deleted the broken text, so I can't really point you to comments where it happened. The last time was this morning, here; I ended up posting a pastebin link instead of a spoiler because I didn't manage to make it work. I honestly have no idea what might have caused this, but I'm glad it doesn't happen anymore.
  22. For some reason I am unable to post spoilers in my comments in the Comments section of mods. I tried all of these and they don't work: [spoiler ]text[/spoiler ] - I added spaces in square brackets to avoid formatting; the spoiler tag apparently works just fine in forums[spoiler ]{text}[/spoiler ] - same as the above[spoiler=title]text [spoiler={title}]{text} Is it possible at all to post a spoiler text in comments? I would like to use it to save space if my comment is very long.
  23. Did you make her body meshes and textures dependent on other mods?
  24. Hello everyone :smile: As the title says, I'm looking for help with specific mod creation. I've been working on a mod that enhances a vanilla follower, but due to my lack of tech skills, I'm stuck when it comes to dialogue edits and the follower's integration with the player's activities. I know what needs to be done but I don't possess the skills to do it. I've tried, and some things are simply beyond my capabilities. I am primarily a fiction writer in my spare time. What I've done in the mod so far is pretty much the extent of my "technical" knowledge. I'm looking for someone experienced and knowledgeable who would work with me closely on this project, by being the execution to my ideas. I am also open for suggestions and improvements. My collaborator will have equal credit for the mod. If you wish to partake in donations and other mod rewards, you can take full advantage of those, I want nothing else but to make this mod happen as I envisioned. The main take are dialogue edits and dialogue additions, whether by using xVASynth or splicing.Since the follower should directly influence what the player is doing and vice versa, there would be some scripting as well.As for the follower's specifics: he will have a backstory, he will own a horse and nothing else (save for his starting gear and skills/spells). He will be acquainted with some key people in Skyrim, he will have lore knowledge and he will be familiar with some places, and he will be able to advise the player according to all this knowledge.The follower will have to be quest-aware when it comes to vanilla quests and DLCs. This includes dragon crisis, vampire crisis, joining the guilds, daedric quests, and civil war.The follower will offer his opinion on everything important and depending on the player's actions, his approval can change. So there will definitely be an approval system that will dictate the follower's disposition. If the player's actions clash too much with the follower's system of values, the follower may leave and he will not be available for rehire.I still haven't decided whether the follower should have his own framework or if that would be up to another mod, it depends on the level of complicated of either of those options. As I said, I am open for options. I wish to expand on this follower in a way that would make him immersive and self-conscious, not just some brainless tool. I am open for communication here on Nexus via PM, and also on Discord, just point me at the right server. I hope someone will answer, because if I don't get any help, Belrand will remain as he is now. Thank you for the attention :happy:
  25. Yes, I have Flower Girls. I've never rented a room from innkeeper's wife (the "head wench"), so that must be it. Thank you for the tip :)
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