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Everything posted by Katarsi

  1. Maker's balls, you did quite a wonder here, apomorph! And you got it in the end, while I still don't know how to use Save Editor...at all :sweat: I was away on another Skyrim modding spree, but I eventually remembered to check on DAI. Going to the mod page to check it out! :thumbsup:
  2. Yeah, I disabled JK and everything related to it (including DynDOLOD.esp and Occlusion.esp) in one go, and I entered the city just fine. I don't know whether the issue here is RAM (or perhaps VRAM) as Helmsmasher said, or something more "sinister". I'll try disabling stuff one at a time for testing purposes, to pinpoint the exact culprit. EDIT: Found it. It's Embers XD - JK Skyrim Patch. This is the thing that's been causing CTD. I reported it on Embers XD mod page, since that is its source. Thank you guys for helping me root out the problem :)
  3. I've never had persistent crashing in my game in all these years, but now I do - when I try to enter Windhelm. I have no idea what might be the cause. Here is my Crash log: I don't know how to determine the cause of the crash from the log. If anyone knows how to read it, please help.
  4. Here is the save file right after defeating Coryphepants, at the Skyhold party: https://filepost.io/d/dUXMHYLTqi I didn't talk to anyone in the room yet. My Inquisitor is an elven female mage, sided with mages as partners, banished the Wardens, left Hawke in the Fade, Alistair is the Warden contact, I made truce between Celene, Gaspard and Briala, and the Inquisitor drank from the Well of Sorrows. DLCs are completed as well (except for Trespasser at this point). All areas are explored, it was somewhat of a completionist playthrough. And Cassandra is supposed to be elected as Divine - wrongly, because I supported Leliana. The mod Choose Your Divine is active there. Edit: Here is a save with no mods at all, at the same spot: https://filepost.io/d/6iLvPSXwy4 I thought you might want that one as well. As for the rogue/mage build, well, I expected it wouldn't be easy, but that seems way too complicated...at least for my current mindset :cool: But if you ever decide to turn it into a mod, I may be willing to help with testing. Anyway, when you get to poke around with the provided save, let me know of the results, and whether you'd like some other save file. Thank you for the effort :happy:
  5. That would be great! When you have time, do look into it. The Divine shebang starts right after the quest Wicked Eyes And Wicked Hearts, and there isn't a clear moment when the War Table mission for supporting the Divine starts. Actually, I never even got that mission in my most recent playthrough. I was trying hard to support Leliana in every dialogue, so I suppose it didn't even trigger when I was talking to Cassandra and Vivienne. I did get Leliana's dialogue where I can tell her that I support her (and I did), and that happens right after the quest What Pride Had Wrought. And we find out which Divine is elected after the final battle with Corypheus, because either Cassandra, Vivienne or Leliana informs the Inquisitor about that at Skyhold party (before the end of the main game). I can provide the required save, though you'd have to be specific which one. Or all of them? Edit: BTW, that rogue/mage combo sounds awesome! If it works, you should post that mod, I'd be among the first ones to try it out :)
  6. That's right. I made a post on the mod page where I clarified my issue. On the page of the link you provided, about Divine election, you can see at the bottom of the page in the Bugs section that the wrong candidate can be elected without a clear cause. I was hoping we could get a mod that will prevent this occurrence, because it primarily affects Leliana.
  7. I switched from DAIMM to Frosty entirely and I have no issues with cosmetic stuff whatsoever. There is a Conflicts tab where you can see whether your mods are playing nice or not. I prefer Frosty because of its stability and the ability to make mods work in DLCs. DAIMM has a lot of issues with DLCs, especially when it comes to complexions and hair. If you are adamant about using both mod managers, I'd suggest using Frosty for Character Creation stuff and other cosmetics, and DAIMM for technical mods. Here is the bottom of my current load order in Frosty, if you'd like to use it for hair and complexions. It's just an example of how your load order should be if you want it to work. Highlighted in yellow are optional cosmetic mods since you may want to use something else, and white are necessary. Anto Anchor for Morrigan is a hair mod for her. The mod WINGS is a hairstyle for my EF Inquisitor. The last mod - Dreamcatcher for Solas - is a hair mod for him, and since it's a bundle mod it needs to be loaded last so it would play nice with other hairs. And remember: you can have only one custom texture hairstyle for your Inquisitor in the load order. Everything works in all DLCs without a hitch.
  8. Bear with me, please. Instead of sticking to a list of extremely specific dialogue options and choices in the game, having a mod that enforces Leliana as Divine would provide more elation for a playthrough. Like I said, the game sometimes doesn't acknowledge that she has the majority of Divine points and elects Cassandra instead. It's been known to happen to some, and I am one of them. Also, some of us have a story in our head that we want to play out; what if I want to side with the templars and banish Grey Wardens, and still have Leliana as Divine? Mods are there precisely so we could have more options and more freedom, they don't necessarily follow the game rules. I don't want to argue about whether this mod should be made or not, I'm only asking if it's possible to make and if someone knowledgeable would be willing to do it. I am sure I wouldn't be the only one who'd benefit from it.
  9. Can we have a mod that enforces Leliana to be Divine? The path to her election is extremely vague, and there is also the ingrained in-game bug that sometimes ignores the majority of points in her Divine pool and Cassandra gets elected instead. This is the second time I've invested 100+ hours in the game and got the wrong Divine. I never supported Cassandra and I still got her, even with this mod. If a player is set to choose Leliana, it would be best if we could do it by simply supporting her in the dialogue. Or the mod could predetermine it from the start. If making this kind of mod is possible at all.
  10. I've scoured the mods for DAI here and I can't find anything that would enable us to pick party members even if we're not in camp. Did I miss it somewhere? If not, can anyone make this mod? For Frosty, of course.
  11. Thank you very much for such an encompassing and quick reply! :thumbsup: I will check out the mods you've suggested, and I'll try the conversion recipe. I'll give feedback on my efforts.
  12. I would like to convert some very good mods made with DAI Tools Suite - which isn't supported anymore - to our current trusty Frosty. The mods in question are not textures or meshes, but rather utilities. I don't want to bother with making these two mod managers work in conjunction anymore. The process is tedious, at the very least, and there are awesome texture and mesh mods out there for Frosty. Except...I don't know how to do the conversion. I don't mean simply tossing a .daimod into Frosty and hoping for the best. This won't work sometimes; otherwise, we could put any .daimod into Frosty and just boot up the game. ...Except the game won't start. Are there any among you who have successfully converted utility mods? If so, how is this done? I've seen that the Conversation Camera Zoom mod was converted just fine. I'd like to try my hand at No Perk Requirements, Schematic Spree, Search Radius Increased, Crossroads Supplies, War Table No Waiting, and such.
  13. I have just one. It's small and merely visual, but in my opinion, it breaks the immersion of a particular cutscene and ensuing dialogue. When Johnny and Alt are having sex, and when they talk afterwards, Alt has her bra on - and that is really, really weird. Why leave just that on? She doesn't appear as a person who'd be ashamed of her breasts, or whatever the hell that bra was supposed to do for that cutscene. If the game is already for mature players, why the false modesty? So yeah, that's it. If someone can remove Alt's bra while she's being intimate with Johnny (and later during their dialogue), it would be great. We sorely need as much immersion as possible for this game anyway.
  14. Is it possible to modify the appearance of an NPC who is classified as Elder Race? I'd like to modify the face of Fralia Gray-Mane. When I opened CK to check on her stats, I noticed that she's classified as Elder Race, not Nord.
  15. Can someone knowledgeable make a comprehensive tutorial on how to use Uniboob Reference? Namely, for CBPC - CBP Physics, as well as for armors without physics. ...If such a thing is even possible. I hope Uniboob wasn't made only for 3BBB physics.
  16. Here's my sad story, I'll try to be brief. I had dark mist and foam on water during overcast weather, and after some troubleshooting people pointed out that it's an ENB problem. I've always only used ENBoost and it had served me well - but apparently it doesn't play nice with water and weather mods, producing aforementioned mist and foam darkness that resembles ghastly pollution. To be clear, I've never used ENB overlay in the game. Since I was instructed that lighting and particles should be adjusted in the ENB menu in-game, I had enabled the setting UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics, switching from true to false. After I started the game, I saw that the lighting had changed: the bloom was now very strong, textures were softened and fuzzy, and saturation kicked up. Outdoors seemed darker and desaturated, while indoors it was opposite. Some people may like these things, but I don't. Not to mention my FPS went to bust (worse than usual). After looking up basic ENB settings, I pressed Shift+Enter and the menu appeared - but I couldn't click on it at all. I'm playing with a controller, so some key commands might be off, plus I had two cursors visible. Being unable to influence lighting settings, I decided to remove ENBoost from my game entirely. I'd rather downgrade some performance-heavy stuff than suffer another moment of polluted water and black mist. I deleted the files for ENBoost: d3d11.dll, d3dcompiler_46e.dll and enblocal.ini, including the folder enbseries containing weatherlist.ini and intlightsprite.fx.ini. That is all this ENBoost entails. I tweaked Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini back to how it was before ENBoost. I started the game again...and the ENB overlay was still there. Trying to find the solution for this entirely new issue, I discovered ENB and ReShade Manager and gave it a shot. The utility did its thing, and found that there are no files to remove - I've already removed everything. Which brings me to a conclusion that my game is now visually corrupted in ways I can't either comprehend nor fix. I changed my weather and water mod; from Dolomite to Cathedral, from RWT to Cathedral. The water looks fixed, no dark mist and foam anywhere. But the rest of the visuals is busted, in ways I already described. And before you ask - I had the combination of Cathedral Weathers and Cathedral Water before and it also had the dark issue. I actually switched to Dolomite and RWT trying to fix the issue, but it actually made it worse (the mist and foam were nearly black). Well, I've finally fixed the water, I think. In exchange for messing up everything else. Can someone help me? What should I do? I've also posted this issue on S.T.E.P., so any help is appreciated from both forums.
  17. I'm aware of both, that's not the issue. So I'm either really cursed or my game is broken only in that part, because everything else works as intended.
  18. ...Oh. :pinch: But you don't know the extent of the curse. About a week ago, I had decided for the first time to adopt a kid. So I adopt that poor creature freezing in the streets of Windhelm. I married Ysolda, because who else would a notorious master thief marry than an undercover skooma dealer? So I take them both to Honeyside, close to my "work" base. After the first night - instant Father's Love effect. I was so surprised, I momentarily forgot that there actually is such a thing in the vanilla game. And the wife? ...Turns out she's with me just for my money and connections. Sloot.
  19. LOL :laugh: ...Wait. Are you suggesting that Mara has somehow cursed me? :ohmy:
  20. I've noticed that ever since I started to play Skyrim, I've never had the Lover's Comfort effect after my character sleeps with their spouse. It doesn't matter whether it's a vanilla or modded NPC/follower. It never, ever occurs. I never paid too much attention to the lack of it because my character usually gets very powerful very fast and that effect was never really essential. I've always been fine with just Well Rested. However, if anyone has an idea why my Dragonborns' spouses aren't honestly in love with them, I would really like to know and try to fix it, if I can.
  21. Vortex. Yes, it's the Mator Merged Patch I created. And I do have SSE Engine Fixes (both parts), it's not a regular plugin so that's why it's not on the list.
  22. Got it. Here it is, copied from LOOT: I'm using Vortex.
  23. Of course. Which game settings should I provide? ini. settings perhaps? And mods related to what specifically in the game?
  24. I wasn't sure whether I posted this in the right place, so there is an identical topic in the Mod Troubleshooting section. Moderators, delete the misplaced one if it is so. All of these behaviors/occurrences are rare, but they still happen randomly in my game. They don't always apply to the same objects/NPCs. Sometimes killed NPCs fall through the floor. Even when I disable collision via console, they aren't there (beneath). Often it's impossible to loot them because of that, unless their weapon is left on the ground.Some items in the world aren't positioned correctly (e.g. an item half-sunken through the shelf) or they just float weirdly. Sometimes items fall through the ground entirely.Sometimes my arrows don't hit an NPC, even though the aiming was perfect and I saw the arrow go right through them. This usually occurs at medium to long distance. It's bloody annoying.NPCs get stuck, messed-up pathfinding. Examples:- I follow Hadvar to Riverwood, he runs into the village and then runs back to the front of the entrance and just stands there. He never gets to talk to Alvor because of that. After leaving the village, he disappears. - Hulda getting stuck at the counter when I rent a room at The Bannered Mare. After a while, she may reach the room eventually - or just pop-in on top of the bed upstairs. The ground seems to be super-slick. If there is a slope, people will start slowly sliding. This is especially prominent during conversations with the player. NPCs/followers/creatures are more prone to sliding than the player.There's a lag in followers' reactions to quests. I don't know what issues my game could have to cause these behaviors. If you have an idea, please let me know. I'll be happy to provide more info on my game settings and specific mods.
  25. I wasn't sure whether I posted this in the right place, so there is an identical topic in the Technical Support section. Moderators, delete the misplaced one if it is so. All of these behaviors/occurrences are rare, but they still happen randomly in my game. They don't always apply to the same objects/NPCs. Sometimes killed NPCs fall through the floor. Even when I disable collision via console, they aren't there (beneath). Often it's impossible to loot them because of that, unless their weapon is left on the ground.Some items in the world aren't positioned correctly (e.g. an item half-sunken through the shelf) or they just float weirdly. Sometimes items fall through the ground entirely.Sometimes my arrows don't hit an NPC, even though the aiming was perfect and I saw the arrow go right through them. This usually occurs at medium to long distance. It's bloody annoying.NPCs get stuck, messed-up pathfinding. Examples:- I follow Hadvar to Riverwood, he runs into the village and then runs back to the front of the entrance and just stands there. He never gets to talk to Alvor because of that. After leaving the village, he disappears. - Hulda getting stuck at the counter when I rent a room at The Bannered Mare. After a while, she may reach the room eventually - or just pop-in on top of the bed upstairs. The ground seems to be super-slick. If there is a slope, people will start slowly sliding. This is especially prominent during conversations with the player. NPCs/followers/creatures are more prone to sliding than the player.There's a lag in followers' reactions to quests. I don't know what issues my game could have to cause these behaviors. If you have an idea, please let me know. I'll be happy to provide more info on my game settings and specific mods.
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