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Marxist ßastard

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Everything posted by Marxist ßastard

  1. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v301/Streakfury/not-sure-if-serious.jpg Okay, I've got a serious question: Have any of you actually read the PPACA – or even a summary of it – before declaring yourselves Internet experts on the subject?
  2. OBAMACARE is 100% pure pork, designed only to line the insurance companies' pockets. We were duped! What we all NEED is a bill that makes the insurance companies FALL BACK INTO LINE. Something that...FORCES insurance companies to limit their profits.PENALIZES insurers and pharmaceutical companies that engage in monopolistic behavior.FORBIDS insurance companies from dropping customers once they get sick.FORBIDS insurance companies from denying coverage to people with disabilities or preexisting conditions.REMOVES all lifetime limits.LIMITS insurers' ability to hike rates.ADDS ACCOUNTABILITY to insurance billing – no more "administrative fee" BS!ADDS ACCOUNTABILITY to insurers claim-dropping process so you can appeal if turned down.MODIFIES doctors' pay to reward healthy outcomes.EXPANDS Medicare.APPROVES more generic drugs.FORCES employers to offer insurance to all full-time employees.But such a bill will NEVER BE PASSED because WASHINGTON POLITICS AS USUAL is too entrenched with BIG INSURANCE COMPANY LOBBYISTS. WHY ISN'T OBAMA LISTENING????/
  3. Okay that is gold. Pure 100% gold. From now on I will call OP the THREAD OPERATOR.
  4. Are you, like, 12?
  5. It kind of disturbs me where your priorities are. Concession noted and acknowledged.
  6. Do you have any idea of those countries' nuclear capabilities? They're pathetic. And do you really think that they both want to nuke us at any moment but are being stopped by a treaty – one which NK already withdrew from ten years ago? Why are you fantasizing so hard about "real-world Fallout" that you're willing to completely ignore reality?
  7. I — Jesus Christ. Someone please remind me never to view these boards logged out again, so I don't have to suffer through this guy's posts. That list was copied verbatim from a hate website for islamophobes. F*ck everything.
  8. Well that's putting the cart before the horse. The recession ended three years ago, and the stock market is now above where it was in '06. Unemployment remains high only because Employers are now used to having one employee do the work of four, andThere aren't enough wages being paid to stimulate growth in demand.We won't have more jobs once the economy picks up. Rather, the economy will only pick up once we have more jobs.
  9. Oh, absolutely. But STEM fields take the brunt of that particular kind of sadism. "Entry-level" positions routinely require five years' experience. Internships are now asking for two years' experience. On the extreme end, I've seen apprenticeship programs (EIT) where it's "not asked for, but encouraged" that applicants have six years' experience in that industry. HR acts surprised that they can't get a PE to sign onto their apprenticeship, then grudgingly accepts a fresh grad (at greatly reduced pay), all the while bemoaning how they can't find qualified applicants. And every few months, like clockwork, the media responds with a special report on the US's "critical shortage of scientists, engineers, and skilled workers."
  10. That's a problem here too, to the point where many employers have begun listing "Bachelor's/Associate's Degree Required/Preferred" for jobs that don't even remotely require one. they're so worried (some of them) that high school didn't do the job right that they think a degree is going to fix that. Companies are just hiring based on what the market will bear. They get so many applications for so few jobs that they can demand applicants have a bachelor's. If they could, they'd demand a doctorate. It doesn't mean they think you need a bachelor's or doctorate to take phone calls. It reflects nothing on the quality of schooling. This is just a way of culling the herd which is just slightly less arbitrary than saying "REQUIREMENTS: Last name must begin with letters 'A' through 'G'" or "REQUIREMENTS: Candidate must have perfect kindergarten attendance record and blood type O-negative."
  11. We're talking about grade-school students here. How many of them use clothing to "express themselves visually," beyond saying I have X money and I belong to X clique?
  12. What are you on about? In the US, the number of births fell 27% from 1957 to 1974 yet the number of BA degrees conferred rose 39% from 1977 to 1994. More people are studying liberal arts than ever before.
  13. No, what makes you seem insane is when you openly fantasize about having a gun and painting it blood red, stock-to-barrel, once you discover it's tainted by hidden Illuminati symbols.
  14. 100 becomes 20, then 10, then 5, then 3. To be quite honest I'm sick of your BS.
  15. Okay, just a picture of the gun will be fine then.
  16. Ghogiel, tell us about your lodge's glorious past stretching back to Ancient Egypt.
  17. Really? Because you posted a few weeks back saying it was "your squad in action." But that's 30th INF and 10th MTN. Those are Army divisions, not Marine divisions.
  18. Really? Because in that thread you said the military routes all your Internet traffic through a hub in the US and you were unaware of this. Oh, and you said it must have been a weird coincidence that the hub was located in your mom's basement. Hey did you say you're in the Marines? What division?
  19. Okay you have been playing that card a lot but I saw in another thread that a moderator confirmed that while you said you were in Afghanistan, your IP address came from your family home in Ohio. Would you care to explain that?
  20. Yes, it sends the message that they need to keep radicalizing and appealing to "the base" because people like you are too cool to vote.
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