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Everything posted by GamerPoets

  1. In response to post #48146255. #48146575, #48146820, #48147580, #48149420 are all replies on the same post. First, I enjoyed the interview = ) Second, I agree that folks should have their preference respected when they create something. I personally reach out to mod authors before creating videos about their mods because I don't want to waste my time creating something that isn't wanted. The only time that I do create a tutorial for something when I can't get a hold of the mod author is if I get enough comments asking me to do so, if a mod author hasn't responded at all (didn't say yes or no) and its a part of something that I base an entire guide around (personal policy). Though, here's my two cents... This would cause a split in the community, if it was used. Many mod users will be annoyed (being on one side of the fence or the other) with either youtubers or mod authors. Many youtubers who agree to not create videos for those mods won't be able to show any mod lists that they create or have guides on that incorporate those mods so the youtuber would omit that mod all together and teach their viewers to not (indirectly) use those mods to follow their guides (and probably some would say directly not to use them). Then a question would arise...would there be a way to differentiate between whether or not tutorials and showcases are the same thing? If that same mod author wants a tutorial (due to many people complaining that they can't install it) how does he or she justify that one person can create something about their mod but another can't? (its preference, cool, I get it, but many won't "get it" and will be put off by it.) What if a youtuber has a lets play or a lets roleplay series and uses one of these mods in it? It would technically be showcasing the mod when it pops up in the LP. If that's allowed or if a youtuber just uses it in an LP regardless, viewers may ask (if they like the mod) for the youtuber to showcase it. Then the youtuber (the ones who reply to comments) would say they can't showcase it and state why. Then that viewer would form a sort of "annoyance" towards that mod author.... and the list of things that I could expand upon along these lines is too long for me to care to do so = ) So back to my initial statements. Let mod authors do what they want. I respect it either way but be mindful of what could and will (in some form or another) happen even if mod authors were simply encouraged to write on their descriptions (don't showcase my mod) but to not have it directly enforced some how (an honor system). There will still be a growing disconnect between those authors who flag their content and the people that bring their creations publicly to thousands and millions of people (even for innocent reasons) and it would open a door to split mod users, mod creators, and video viewers down the middle on various issues/questions. Perhaps a better solution would be to find a way to flag video creators who misrepresent a modders creations and force them to produce a better product or to not create a video if they can't respect the mod. No one will be upset (at least not many) and most will respect (again, only a small few wouldn't) the mod authors for not wanting his or her creations misrepresented and the youtubers who obey their wishes. However, you just can't go "too far" with it because then you would get into the area of "you are modifying game content that wasn't yours to begin with (I get people bashing modders frequently in my comments and I ban them from my channel as I'm friends with a large number of mod authors) and you don't want others to modify what you have modified or to share it in videos or you want to put restrictions on what some do for a living... (news reporters report news whether you want them too or not, whether it's accurate or not, about any subject on earth or beyond, that they want to report and whether it properly represents the subject at hand or not and they make a living from it.. even if it ruins peoples lives). So again, even if you find the best possible way to implement something like that there will always be an opening for a large split in the community, for those who actually care about it. People love to hate people on the internet. Just give them a reason too. Even if you can't enforce a video restriction (which you can't) but "politely" flag your file as "do not create a video of said mod"(via an honor system) it will still create this type of controversy. And the only content (video) creators who would respect a modders wishes are ones who care about the community and the authors creations in the first place. So you would reduce good media production on your mod and only have videos out there by youtubers who could care less about an authors wishes in the first place. If the solution was "you can use my mod in a video you just can't monetize it" then you are going to get people (myself included) who would simply opt out of the mod all together ( i create tutorials that take from 50 to 200 hours to create and barely make enough money to keep my channel alive no matter personal income). A youtuber who creates playlists of tutorials or "Must Have Mods" videos that doesn't show a good mod because it can't be monetized?... well re-read everything that I already wrote. In my position, it's not hard to see the many potential outcomes even when done innocently and with good intentions.
  2. In response to post #48008655. Long time sir =) Good to see you. Thank you.
  3. In response to post #47819730. #48060815 is also a reply to the same post. Agreed. I loved the game Red Dead Redemption when it came out some years back. I liked the story and how it felt but I never got use to 3rd person. You can never quite get the same feeling with a game as you can when in 1st person.
  4. In response to post #47971435. I'm happy to hear that = ) Thank you biper
  5. In response to post #47898035. LOL = ) That is pretty awesome. Definitely gave me a smile and a happy laugh (first sentence). ... and thank you.
  6. In response to post #47877170. =) Yes, it is a fun and crazy place this community. .. and thank you. -Michael
  7. In response to post #47859650. Thank you Mark = ) I responded the other way as well. I appreciate your comment. I figure there are a lot of places out there to find "other" types of content. If I want to learn how to do something I want to figure it out as fast as possible without missing steps and get back to what I'm fiddling with. I have videos that "entertain" but other than some interjections to lighten up the load, I rather my tutorials to be just that. Thank you for the support man = ) -Michael
  8. In response to post #47827360. Unthought = ) I know you. Good to see you sir. Until not too long ago I would get the urge to want to produce more content and find ways to cut corners but in the end.. I could never do it. I'm building something not only to help and or entertain folks (hopefully motivate at times as well) but something that I can look back on and know that my time was well spent. You can't cut corners on who you are if you want to continue being you = )
  9. In response to post #47824895. .. .and it pretty appreciated moxica = ) Thank you Yeah, reading things on PC/device is "cool" but for stores I have a bit of a disconnect unless I'm holding paper. ... Keeping it = )
  10. In response to post #47824800. Thank you Alex = )It's good to see you sir. Plenty more Paxton and Sawyer (.... and Louis) to come.
  11. In response to post #47796960. #47797130, #47824635 are all replies on the same post. Not possibly... definitely =) It also means other RP's will stay pretty slow on release but it will be good for me to have more options when creating things. Hoping to start it by the summer.
  12. I agree with Jimmy, The Ayleid Steps look pretty cool = ) .. and I never played Dragon Age but that first person mod looks awesome. I'm hoping someone makes one for the Witcher 3 so I can give it a go. I dislike playing games in third person for too long.
  13. In response to post #47815385. I know you! = ) Always good to "see you" Alicia. If it wasn't for support from people like you I would have given up a long time ago.
  14. In response to post #47813740. =) Plenty more years of Paxton (Sawyer and others) coming.
  15. In response to post #47802570. =) lol I've had more than a few people curse me out for saying that I do things to slowly and treat them like they don't know what they're doing (you know... tutorials lol)... I appreciate it friend = ) Thank you
  16. In response to post #47800095. Thanks Bane = ) I've wanted to do something with the CK regarding tutorials for quite some time. What has stopped me is a lack of knowing how to organize videos about it in the way that I create other tutorials. Other than Installation & Setup (which perhaps I should just make for each CK slowly in between other tutorials) there's not much that is straight forward as far as progression from one tutorial to the next in concerned. DarkFox127 is AWESOME with his guides and how he shows users to do specific tasks (specific creations), which, I may have to barrow from at somepoint and try to get him some credit from others who may not know him but do know me in the process... but I still haven't felt a way to make a CK tutorials (beyond install/setup) feel like a "GP" tutorial. With my final format in place perhaps I'll be able to start thinking about it better... It generally takes me a week or two now to create a tutorial from start to finish and I have a few on my plate (Oblivion, BOSS.. as I plan to do an Oblivion RP in the not so near future.. chip away at it.... as well as some other updates to old tutorials and what not) but if I keep being reminded (horrible memory when it comes to some things) perhaps I will = )
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