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Everything posted by GamerPoets

  1. I have high hopes =) I wouldn't be online much without Nexus (I think that's a good thing?...)
  2. In response to post #43549550. You're a good person = ) I'm always up for a chat.
  3. In response to post #43240755. #43241360, #43241745, #43244095, #43245180, #43246510, #43256670 are all replies on the same post. Fair enough = ) .. fingers crossed...
  4. One thing that I'm curious about and I didn't seem to find anywhere... Will there still be (or the potential to retain) the ability (from MO) to view individual files that are being overwritten by others mods so that you can easily skim through them (each mod) and hide particular files from each mod? ex: 1 texture from this mod (hide), 1 mesh from that mod(hide), so on... ? One thing that I loved about M.O. was if I installed different texture mods I didn't have to worry about loosing the pieces of one that is already installed when installing new mods that overwrite parts of them. I could click a button and have a file from any mod at any time hidden or activated.
  5. In response to post #43219670. Everything that I've read from Tannin leads me to believe: -MO will still and always be available for Skyrim and the previous 32bit games it can be used for. -MO2 can still be used for fallout 4 but production has stopped, though, he will let people continue to develop it if they want to take it over. -New NMM won't be ready until after Skyrim SE but should be able to be used with all games eventually that both NMM and MO could be used for (fingers crossed for 1 to work for both 32 bit and 64 bit).
  6. In response to post #43219230. #43219400 is also a reply to the same post. LOL I love you = )
  7. I've put 80 to 100 hours a week into running a channel based on RP's and Tutorial creation that revolves around Mod Organizer for nearly 3 years. If I'm not upset about this. No one should be lol. I'll have to research, revamp and remake 1000's of hours worth of tutorials.. and I'm happy to do it. This seems like the best potential situation for mod managers in general. You have people from different managers, who have been working on them and receiving all the good as well as all the crazy feedback since they started working on them, who are capable and committed. Nothing is set in stone in life or in modding = ) ... but this sounds great.
  8. In response to post #41271050. #41271215 is also a reply to the same post. I know someone who is quite good at editing/video creation if you or Paul ever need some help.
  9. In response to post #39467495. #39507160, #39508060, #39508150, #39509035, #39511705, #39513590, #39513965, #39514025, #39514065, #39514440, #39515975, #39523015, #39583820, #39648355 are all replies on the same post. =) I feel that this community is probably one of, if not thee strongest online communities. There are a good deal of people who use mods who have no clue what I mean when I say that and that's "okay". Keep doing what you love to do. Don't let others intentions or miss-intentions bring you down. "Act" when you "need" to and step back accordingly and we'll adapt and move forward one way or another.
  10. In response to post #39467495. #39507160, #39508060, #39508150, #39509035, #39511705, #39513590, #39513965, #39514025, #39514065, #39514440, #39515975 are all replies on the same post. Dolby 1.1
  11. This is something that I shared in a different forum/site and while that topic was slightly different it was still brought about because of the topic here. I thought I'd paste what I wrote here for those of you who care to read it. ------------------ This is a generalized statement. I have no problem talking directly to individuals if I feel that I need to lol, so don't think that I'm beating around the bush. I just felt the need to share my thoughts on the subject at large. If I didn't respect everyone's comments thus far I wouldn't take the time to type this. There are some people that I have a lot of respect for who are posting in this topic, who have done a lot to help me on my modding journey and I wanted to share my thoughts with them. What I feel this all comes down to is this... Creative property in any form (music, television, paintings, mods) is one or more people devoting a large amount of their life (whether it's hours, weeks, months or years) to something that they believe in one way or another. Regarding mods and nexus and other sites, there should definitely be some sort of check box or something that says "yes, allow others to use my mod as they wish" "no, you cannot upload it elsewhere" " after this amount of time you can... blah blah blah" or whatever.. you know? I also feel that once someone uploads a mod that shouldn't be able to just pull it away from those who use it by removing it (I'll say why at the end of this book I'm writing lol) But none of that exists yet as far as I know so it's a moot point. So.. To guess at what someone else is feeling about this subject, if they have not said anything either way about it, (before disappearing or not) or to think that they "should" feel how you do on the subject (whether they actually do agree or not) is selfish, un-thoughtful and borderline narcissistic among other things. Words have definitions and regarding this situation to take someone else's work (and don't be fooled, because whether it is "fun" or not it is "work") is to be those words and that type of person. (The type of person that most people in this community want nothing to do with and to not be a part of. Which is the only reason why people like me even consider to continue being a part of it and to put so much effort into what we do. There is enough BS in "real life" that I don't need it to ooze into my passions or hobbies and many feel that way, too. The reason that many stick around the community, and continue to create mods and to support it, damn sure isn't the replay-ability of Skyrim for 5 years+lol). Summary of all that: If you don't know how someone feels it's not your place to assume (that's with anything in life)...continuing on =) If someone says that credit is enough then cool, credit them and do as you wish. But if someone states that they want their mods only on nexus then they should be respected. You don't know what creating that mod did for this person. It could have been their way to get through a tough time in life. It could have been something that they poured every piece of themselves into creatively to prove to themselves that they could do it. It could be a simple form of therapy or just a hobby. Perhaps the mod author has something against the other sites. Perhaps the mod author has a strong personal connection to nexus and they want to give back to it for whatever nexus "gave" to them personally when they needed something to be given to them. It's not your "right" to guess or to even be allowed to know how they feel unless they care to share their reasons with you. When someone pours as much effort into their creative works as many mod authors do, taking their mod and uploading it elsewhere is like me taking anything that you have worked hard on, that you hold dear to yourself, and tossing it around in the mud like it's no big deal. ...Yes, that's exactly what it's like to some people and it's not your decision to say that they shouldn't feel how they do about it. As a human being you should respect their efforts and the fact that they made it public for anyone to use at all. More importantly, you should respect their feelings and your potential lack of understanding about them. On the other hand, when someone makes a song and sells it (just an example) and puts it on the radio there are large amounts of people who will fall in love with it. Once you have created something and given it to the world it is no longer 100% the creators. It's just not. There's no two ways about it. When you allow someone else to develop an attachment to something (minor or large, emotional or whatever) that you have created you have entitled that person to be able to listen to it, watch it, or use it, whatever it is as often as they care too or need to. If the initial requirements were for that person to pay for it upfront so be it. If the wishes of this person were for you to only play with these works on a specific version of a game, then that is what they are. You don't need a law to tell you how not to be an A-hole. If you have the desire to bring that mod to a "new level" then "you" "need" to do the work and put that same care and effort into as the original creator did to both respect and honor it and not just "bootleg their CD" and give it out elsewhere... because when you do that you go from being a supporter who deserves you're own piece of what you fell in love with, regarding their work, to a hustler (which I know a great deal about in "real life" lol). A hustler who may not have only ruined this experience/passtime/hobby/passion/whatever that a mod author (person) once needed but you have potentially robbed them of their passion by tainting it with selfish actions. Who know's what creating these mods really allowed this person to get through in life. And if they are being a dick to others... have you heard how horrible people in comments can be and how annoying? I didn't create a video called "The (bad placed here word lol) Song" for nothing. Perhaps this experience has already been ruined for them and they only keep their mods up on nexus out of respect for some or with hopes of regaining the feeling that they once had for this community. As I stated at the beginning of this long wall of text... "it comes down to this"... to be a decent human-being and to understand what it means to be one. If anyone doesn't understand that (and the majority of what I have wrote) they have a lot to learn about this very short life that we are living. Not everyone who creates a mod views them as "trading cards". Sure, modding is about having fun and sharing that fun with other people... TO YOU, that is what modding is =) ... and mostly to me = )... but that doesn't mean that our, my, or our thoughts and feelings allow us to take something that we didn't create and to do what we wish with it. Mods may be pass-times and ways to not be bored for some but for others they are life saving acts of creativity or monuments of personal growth. ----------- after typing this all out there was a comment that had been written in between and I liked what was said as it helped to define the point even further Anonymous Poster: "All I’m saying is...I do not think Leonardo da Vinci has a right to say that no alterations of the Mona Lisa can be made. I think it is ethically acceptable for these to exist, even if the author does not want them to." ---------------- Me: I like the Mono Lisa statement. You're right and people DO modify the Mono Lisa all of the time. However, they aren't allowed to simply paint over the original copy. They have to either recreate it from scratch and make adjustments as they go or use a photocopy of some sorts, but still, it's not the original version... not to mention that Leo has been long dead and his emotional attachments to his work are probably justifiably assumed to no longer be what they once were... however, we still do everything that we can to protect and honor the original... what a sexy lady she is lol Goodnight.
  12. As someone who has created more than 30 tutorials for Mod Organizer over the last 2+ years and now finally knows every little piece of the program (the version that will not be brought to 64bit games in any near future lol... though there are hopes for the second version of it) I can confidently say that there are only a handful of options that MO offers (staple functions) that if NMM implemented would make it the most logical choice for all modders. The 2.3million downloads for MO apposed to the 6 million for NMM (which has been around longer, is able to be used for more games and has had a lot of people leave it behind for MO) shows that MO has an obvious pull and the reasons are truly not that many. While profiles are "great" they are not the reason that MO is a better choice for the games that it can manage. It would be nice to have a single "go to" manager for all games. I don't think I'm alone in that thinking. However, it's never going to happen unless the key features of MO are incorporated into NMM. The simplicity and learning curve of NMM is very attractive (especially to new or casual modders) however, that simplicity comes with restriction that is only revealed when using a manager like Mod Organizer and quickly becomes something that you frown over when NMM becomes the only "good" option to mod certain games (fo4 for example) after having all of that functionality at your disposal left behind. -the "Hide" function being one of those features. All this to say that I'm rooting for you guys and hope that you can implement some of these major functions that NMM desperately lacks.
  13. In response to post #36106690. #36107690, #36108150, #36108295, #36108475, #36108975, #36109705, #36110735, #36110965 are all replies on the same post. I agree that not everyone is like that. And if what I wrote comes off as if that's what I meant, then to others reading, understand that's not what I was saying. It's good to object. It's good to "go against". It's good to complain if there is a reason to do so and there are ways to make your opinions heard instead of having them dismissed as being apart of the sort that I initially posted about (of which a few felt inclined to respond as I knew they would). Count9, I hope that you keep in mind that there are still a good amount of people who appreciate the creative effort that mod authors and the game makers put in. And I knew upfront that I would get at least a few people who have responded to the post as they did lol, but this community is worth more than the annoyance that some provide and there are members that actually care about it and see it as more than just a place to take something away from. Thanks for the response = ) Edit: Caleb... agreed = ) Dedicating the majority of my time over the last 2 years to our channel, which is largely based on the nexus community, I stay pretty up to date on all the happenings and pay attention to quite a lot. Though, in recent months, I've been loosing interest due a lot to what I've mentioned... anyways, I'm off lol. I've said my piece.
  14. In response to post #36106690. #36107690, #36108150, #36108295, #36108475, #36108975 are all replies on the same post. No, I provide thought, not "F this" "F that". The only thing that I'm complaining about are the idiots that are directly related to the FACTS that I have provided. -Skyrim mods get twice the views that FO4 mods get. VIEWS. Not just downloads or endorsements. But people (when fallout 4 was the number 7th most searched topic on google in 2015) have literally stopped even looking at the mods. -I speak with and work with a large number of mod authors on a daily basis. My "opinion", is based on fact. It's a fact that many mod authors have left FO4 behind because they (those who have) are sick of reading comments from those who whine about the games and mods and are losing interest in creating things for people that don't appreciate their time and or get a bunch of grief for giving their creations to them. The same type of people that don't even take the time to realize what a "Beta" is. -You (sugardaddy... ) have endorsed 10 mods, have 6 posts, no uploads, but have been a "member" since 2010? You apparently haven't experienced anything regarding this community no matter "what I'm sprouting about".
  15. In response to post #36106690. #36107690, #36108150, #36108295 are all replies on the same post. Nothing that I said has anything to do with "holier than thou"... You're obviously the sort of idiot that I'm talking about. Give being an idiot a rest, will ya?
  16. In response to post #36106690. #36107690 is also a reply to the same post. No, it's not.
  17. First, I love Nexus. Second, I have to say, this is a Beta. Beta means it is not finished and Beth is allowing users to give feedback while they finish it instead of just throwing it out there and saying "here you go, deal with it". If you read all of the ignorant comments from people swearing and complaining and take a moment to really take it all in, this is the reason why Skyrim mods (many of which are not even favorable to the majority of Skyrim enthusiasts) are still receiving more than twice the views/downloads and the same amount of, if not more, endorsements than mods for a game that is 4 years newer. The attitude that so many put forward in general (the self entitled stance that users take about the works of mod authors, the complaints about the community or games without even attempting to provide solutions) is not only what kept this game "down" in the eyes of many fallout fans but is what has kept a great deal of well known mod authors away from modding the game. No one wants to spend their "hobby time" reading the childish nonsense (no offense to children) that so many troll into these forums/threads. Yes, the Creation Kit not being released yet (which there is a reason that it wasn't released yet... perhaps they were trying to tell you that some big additions to the game itself were still being created and you should wait to implement/create mods that could be broken with whatever updates Beth intended to create?) is also what is keeping some authors on hold before they start creating, but the attitude of so many who do nothing except wine and complain? It's disgusting. Regardless of your stance on Fallout 4 as a game, it's obvious why so few people are even VISITING the mod pages for FO4... and it's not Bethesda.
  18. JK's Skyrim, while "Great" depending on personal taste (I use a few of his towns just not all of them) can cause major downs just by themselves. I have 32gigs of RAM a good CPU that I can't think of off my head as im falling asleep lol a gtx980ti and I can't play at dragonsbridge with his version of it without major slowdowns to where I don't care to use it. Currently to tired to think anymore lol = ) Im off to sleep. -Michael edit: On your enblocal.ini change the video memory size to what your GPU is. Cap your FPS to 59 or 59.9 as havoc messed up at 60 and higher (items falling through tables, arrows not staying in targets, so on) Some report that the capping doesn't work, it works fine for me.
  19. Always makes me happy to see the site continue to improve and expand = )
  20. Good to see the community building its team = )
  21. In response to post #28555414. #28558194, #28559089, #28560709, #28561369, #28564614, #28564899, #28565409, #28566309, #28566554, #28567089, #28568234, #28570559 are all replies on the same post. @Dark0ne Youtubers make more money off of ads than what the ads on nexus make but by no means is it a "crap ton" = ) . If you simply monetize a video with the standard, pre-video, post video and single mid-roll ad (3 in total for a video more than 10 minutes long), and enable all of the types of ads including non-skip ones (which don't play every single view) a youtuber with a 90% ad cut (me) makes about $1 per thousand views. We are then left to put 30% of that aside for taxes. I work 100 hours a week on my channel as I'm on disability and have the time. I have been doing so for the last 18 months since I started the channel. Becoming somewhat known, at least in small circles and having 2.1 million views (not a lot for a youtuber), the channel has made a wopping $2,700 dollars, just over $800 of that to the govt, and over those 18 months working nearly 8,000 hours I pocket $1,900 all of which has gone back into pc equipment and programs to record and edit video. So while its definitely more than a mod page gets, its by no means a crap ton (not to mention that I donate 1/3rd of everything after taxes back to the modding community and as far as I know, myself, and Dirty Weasel Media, are the only youtube channels to donate back to community at all in regards of youtubers who benefit from it) Just wanted to get that off of my chest. That's all lol. Good day. =) -Michael
  22. Welcome to the GamerPoets Nexus Profile.
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