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  1. If you load up your mods in TES4Edit, you'll see which ones fix it. The unofficial patch fixes it, but I've found that those fixes don't always get carried over to the Bashed Patch for some reason. I often edit my Bashed Patch to carry over such fixes. In my case, I have several mods that fix it, including All Natural, so the fix gets carried over.
  2. I just went with the unofficial patch and then a mod to enable achievements when using mods. I have added a few more since I started, but I wanted to see what the game was like before adding a bunch of mods. I'm running the NG version from Steam. I did encounter the slow load times, so High FPS Physics fix has been very helpful.
  3. It also uses heuristics, so it's not completely reliant on a master list. It's a start for someone struggling to get going. It's still being maintained, with an update at the beginning of the month. Don't know about the master list.
  4. Oh yes, I remember this one. I think it has something to do with the teleporters and the destruction of the Bruma Mages Guild. I thought the UOP for the DLCs fixed it though. Try sorting your load order with BOSS and then rebuilding or creating a Bashed Patch. Also make sure you're using the UOP and the unofficial DLC patch.
  5. Nexus needs animated emotes. So people got tired of this pretty quickly and changed it. Yeah I might tweak them too.
  6. Yeah I figured it was "accidentally on purpose". I just thought it was funny. Dead like Me was a dark humour TV show where the main protagonist was killed by a toilet set falling on her head.
  7. I'm pretty sure there's a Bethesda employee who's a fan of Dead like Me... So I'm running around the Commonwealth, minding my own business, shooting baddies. I see a Vertibird fighting it out with some baddies off in the distance. Good stuff. I continue on my way. Oops the Vertibird has been hit - it's going down. It's not that close so I don't pay it any mind. Then I look up. You've got to be kidding me! Sure enough, BANG! It lands right on top of me. Massive damage but it doesn't kill me. A few days later, I'm cautiously approaching an encampment. I'm sneaking as I know there are lot of tough gunners and I'm trying to figure out the best way to approach. A Vertibird is engaging another group in the distance. It gets hit. I watch it. At first it moves off, but then it swings around... Sure enough, it's headed straight for me, again. This time I run, but it still hits close to me and does some damage. Worst of all, it made me run into the baddies I was stalking and now I'm in the middle of a gun fight. Seriously?!
  8. I did get a good laugh at the parental control question though.
  9. @dreamCloud Here's an animation tutorial for Fallout 4 that I just discovered. Much newer game, but it has links to lots of other tutorials, so perhaps there's something in that collection that could help?
  10. There was a user playing Oblivion that said their game timer reset to 0 when they hit 1200 hours played. Oblivion writes the number of hours played right into the name of the saved game file, so it's easy to check. They can continue playing, but the number of hours played reset to 0. So perhaps there is a limit, although it doesn't appear to be due to datatype overflow.
  11. I've had no issues with the NG version, but I never played on the old version, so I don't have any investment in the old mods. The few old mods that I've been interested in seem to work just fine on NG. One thing I did was delete the CC content and then remove all the references from the UFO4P using xEdit. None of the mods that I've been interested in need the CC content other than the unofficial patch.
  12. I can't help with the issues you're having, but have you seen Collectibles Helper?
  13. You make sure your new race is playable and just save the plugin. Then you enable it in your mod manager. Here's the wiki page on creating a new race. You might want to clean your plugin with TES4Edit just to make sure there are no dirty edits. Even looking at records will flag them as being modified in the base CS. The Construction Set Extender fixes that, but is probably overkill for your needs if you're not regularly creating mods.
  14. Does the Active Effects from the magic menu show anything? You might be able to track it down from there if it's showing the effect. It's not a standard Oblivion issue that I've ever encountered.
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