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Everything posted by GreatLucifer

  1. I think I know which one you mean, that's indeed a bit disturbing mod yes... Personally, I blame Japan ;) Ok, I am now officially burning with curiosity :psyduck: Please, do say what you're actually talking about.
  2. There is a T-rex like something floating around on the nexus.... But not only do I not remember the name, it was not a companion either. Might be a startingpoint though.
  3. The same.... :psyduck: In scripting, it'd be this though; scn theamuletquestscript begin OnAdd if GetStage theamuletquest == 10 setstage theamuletquest 15 endif end
  4. Wait, what...? I don't have DarnifiedUI or whatever, and I do have a 'continue game' button. Am I missing something here or something...? Please clarify.
  5. I'm gonna have a wild guess here and say you forgot pathgridding... Seeing as if you don't have a pathgrid in your new place, upon load (of the cell), they will try to teleport to the nearest pathgrid. If there is no pathgrid in the current cell, they will stay put. So I'm gonna have another wild guess here and say you reused another interior cell. Am I right :psyduck: ?
  6. After working in the CS for awhile, you'll grow familiar with quite some different objects. What I always do (when I find a spot ingame and want to find it in the CS), is look around for the most unique recognizable object. Than in the CS, go to the object, userinfo, and tada.... Though I fully admit it is probably not the most professional of methods.
  7. OnEquip will work for misc items. OnUnEquip will not, however. i think your problem lies in the removecommand (just a hunch); are you using "RemoveMe"?
  8. I have like, nothing to say to this... Lucifer out! :psyduck:
  9. Indeed it would be. Guess again :psyduck:
  10. Oh yes, I forgot to mention that.... :psyduck: Note to people; Requires SI
  11. oh yeah, my bad... been rather busy lately. Let me go at this point by point; It works for me, and KingTitan as far as I know. I'm sorry to have to say this, but seeing as I use no mods myself, I have no intent of making things compatible. If we open that door, there will no end to it. I suggest you try it without all the mods first; see if that works. Frankly, it's not that hard at all. As you said, a lot of the content is already there. Does not mean it is not a lot of work. Sorry, but I feel compelled to get back to my earlier point. I use no mods, and so tested this mod with only this mod activated. And I have no such issue... the prisoners stay in their cells, at ease, animations, it all works. Only thing that doesn't really work, is when you execute someone in one of the three lethal manners (hang, hang, and crucify), they sometimes get stuck in a wrong facing. Problem here is, that the game tries to keep headtracking to the last second, and therefore sometimes twists the upperbody in such a manner, that when they get frozen (after about two seconds, to make sure they can't be moved) they look odd and might clip (worst by far with the cross). I have found no solution for this however.
  12. Ah, as in not giving stats itself but altering a multiplier...? Sounds nice, but I doubt it can be done...
  13. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10717 Tada...
  14. Though I haven't looked at it in detail, this might be the difference between the vampire-race and vampire-disease. Several effects also appear to be hardcoded, as for instance the reanimation spell with the white eyes. Perhaps the game is hardcoded to add fangs as well...? Worth a shot.
  15. Wow, that's good news. Finally, patience pays off for once :P
  16. Well, it's supposed to make people mad, yeah.... if you don't want it to, uncheck the "Effect is hostile" checkmark. The prisoners and celldoors I had nothing to do with. That is not good. Did this you happen to have used it on a CM-partner, or some other mod-added (not AT) NPC? It has an animation, the SE writhe-in-pain animation... that's basically all the spell does. Does it not work for you?
  17. To put it quite simple, you have to interrupt the CharGen quest-script. Replace it with your own startscript, so to speak. One of the first lines should read 'player.moveto MyXMarkerheading'. This works like a charm.
  18. Are you all aware that Midas Magic contains several pretty nice robots...? http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9562
  19. Than sorry, but I wouldn't know... I can't work with obse, nor am I familiar with it.
  20. I won't get very far, but I would still like to give my shortlist of the best...; -Elsweyr Desert of Anequina: Quite professionally made, yet still extensive. Hard to find that combination. -Midas Magic: Same argument as above, plus originality. -Phitt's Artifacts: Small, yet very professional, and above all unique. And the best I kept for last; -Waalx's Animals and Creaturs: Such an incredible amount of new creatures, weaponry, and whatnot. Ofcourse in quality :thumbsup:
  21. The DP has been recreated in the AT mod. From scratch, so all new structures and all. They can be used after eachother, without resetting first. The execution category, with the exception of the beheading, are semi-permanent. The bodies can be taken down by activating them (and resurrected with the staff). Probably some other new details I forgot too.
  22. What you could do, is use two of the same meshes. If you constantly swap them out, they'll update collisions and look the same ingame. Because, as it turns out, the original collisiondata when loaded (enabled in cell), remains the same. So, if you constantly disable the one and move it away, move the other in position and enable it, and vice versa, it will work. Or well, overhere atleast. NOTE; non obse-user. I have a boatscript which works without menus, can accelerate / decellarate and whatnot, but no walking around ondeck while sailing. This method did however allow me to get collision on my boats.
  23. Ok, thanks. And thanks to everybody, you all helped a lot :)
  24. I might be crazy here, but.... can't I just do as I have always done; in my esp, go to "Races", than give things their appropriate meshes and textures...? I don't see how this would not work, as I've been doing it quite some time and it always worked before.... :confused: (or am I missing something here..?)
  25. Oh, like that... :D Well, it won't deter me ;) I'll keep fighting the good fight :armscrossed:
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