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Everything posted by GreatLucifer

  1. I'm totally gonna make them tiny and fast, and hunt them :psyduck: It'll be perfect. On another sidenote, as I'm on the question / request band now anyway, Another thing that occurred to me are reedcigars. I'm sure I've seen them ingame and even in-editor before in the past, but I can't for the life of me seem to find them. Any idea what the actual formID (name, number, category, anything) is...? Thanks :D
  2. That's great news man... does that mean it's done :D ?
  3. No rush from this side. On the one hand I am curious, on the other... I'm only done heightmapping sofar anyway. Lot of work. Btw, did you know about Waalx Animal and Creatures...?! It appearantly has a whoooole lot of creatures (no frog though), among which crocodiles. Never even knew.... appearantly they were available, just not on tesnexus. Soon there will be frogs :dance:
  4. Indeed, I'll take them all :thumbsup: Thank Ub3rman The cypress was the only one I had sofar, seemed logical as I'm set on using those stump-clusters. How I could have possibly overlooked the weeping willow is a mystery... Well, that solves another problem. Now I'll just have to heightmap, texture, clutter, pathgrid, and inhabit several cells :armscrossed:
  5. So Alonso, any progress, screenies...? :whistling: And a question in general; does anybody know if there are nice trees available somewhere? And if there are none, what trees would you consider most swampiest?
  6. Simply keeling over is fine I suppose... never really thought about how frogs die :blink: @MarkInMKUK That would be a nice idea and all, except my swamp isn't dangerous. Only dangerous swampanimals I can think of are snakes and crocs, which aren't available. Unless you consider a scaled down lizard-like baliwog (recent idea) to be dangerous :P
  7. I can't wait to try it out :psyduck:
  8. That is speedy progress man, it looks nice. As for the texture, could you simply make it green / brown?
  9. Behold, one of our common local frogs; http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bestand:RanaArvalisFemale.jpg And that is definitely a frog :D But indeed, it'll probably be small and hard to notice.
  10. @Telyn Well, you do actually have a point there. It might even, when adjusted a bit, fit into the athmosphere. I suppose it's mainly that I've never seen them before myself, so i hadn't really thought of that. When when you put it like that, it does indeed remind me of such stories. Your theory about the faultlines might be right as well, as there's a lot of swamps here, but no faultline and very, very rare swamplights. I suppose if I can make them more frequent at night, more transparent, a bit larger, and passive, they'll work fine. Which I can :D
  11. Well, frogs (in real life) can climb, hop, walk, swim, burrow... So little restriction on the realism part. Though I'm not even sure how much work it would be, I personally prefer it if the frog could atleast hop, swim and idle. Thanks again sofar.
  12. Ridable even? :D Wow :O ... Will it hop....? With straighter I ment like in the third pic, how the knee is a bit of a curve, to make it somewhat straighter / bonier. But as MarkInMKUK reminded me of, I might have been thinking of the wrong frog... :whistling: (I'm Dutch, we only have like one or two kind of frogs overhere, just a whole lot of them) What you made now looks an awful lot like a treefrog, which'll work out great. :rolleyes: I hope I can figure out a way to make him sit on a lilypad...
  13. Thanks Alonso, that's great. Indeed, the hindlegs could use a bit of tuning. Could you perhaps make them a bit straighter, and the top part a wee bit fatter? @Telyn Thanks again, but I'm not too fond of Will O' the Wisps (I know, I can be a nag ;)). I'm trying to go for the earthy-look here, so I (/anybody) can recognise it as a swamp. All this is not even for a quest or enemies or something, I just find the game severely lacking a swamp :)
  14. @Telyn Thanks man, that is just great. It even has a dragonfly, that indeed will add to the atmosphere nicely. Have a kudo! @Ub3rman Thanks, but I'm not too fond of the daedroth. The idea of crocodiles standing up, let alone be some sort of hulk :D, kind of breaks the idea I'm going for.
  15. @ LordFrostCraig Thanks, but it took me quite awhile sofar to learn how to play around with meshes of clutter. If I had to learn about bones, rigging and whatnot this would probably take me several months :| @Telyn I'll look into that one as well. Hope they're not just standing Daedroth :P, even the baliwogs fit the description better...
  16. Crocs, quite swampy indeed. Wouldn't happen to know where to find any, huh :D ?
  17. The only free one I can find is a torrent with no seeds, no luck there either. And yeah, some anatomy models pop up as well, but there are chargig model sites too... I was searching for frog model, frog 3d, frog nif, frog obj, those kind of terms. Can't really find one. So if you found something, be it strange or whatever, please do share. Examples; I will in the meantime keep searching, and start searching for sound effects as well. There are also appearantly 3 vanilla sounds for this, btw. If, in the meantime, there are any other swampsuggestions, I'd love to hear. I'm sure some of you have made a swamp before... what makes a swamp really a swamp? What did / would you use? Thanks sofar, Lucifer
  18. @Alonso Thanks man, that really helps. @LordFrostCraig Indeed. I'll start looking for sound effects as well than. I just looked... It turns out I can't really find a model of a frog, because they all cost money o_O Some models appearantly cost up to twohundred dollars... There wouldn't happen to be someone around here with a frog model lying around, huh...?
  19. Hey people I've been wanting to make a swamp, but I find I'm severely lacking resources. What I found sofar, are the shivering isles roots (scaled down), havoked roots, those tree stumps, and some misc things like the lilypad and the miscfireflies. What I would really like, is (in order of importance); -Frogs ( ! ) -Mangrove trees (with the roots and all, so actual meshes) -Dragonflies (like the moths, fireflies, and butterflies) -Snakes -Any form of suggestions. Now I am not really sure if any of this is already available... I looked, but could find nothing. If anyone knows anything swamp-like, be it vanilla or not, please let me know. Of there are no frogs yet, I would atleast like to request those. Where is a swamp without frogs, and how could they have been overlooked so far...? Thank you, Lucifer
  20. Oh.. that's strange. It sounds like some sort of error, you should just be able to add a new disease to the zombies and save. Sorry, but can't help you there than. Good luck...
  21. How you'd want it to kick in, I'm not sure. Only condition I can think of is IsRunning, but ok. What you mean with the percentages I'm not sure either. But it sounds like you need a weaponexchange-script, with an added counter and conditions. A weaponexchange-script you can find here; http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34780 For the rest you'll have to be clearer about whatit is you exactly want... Hope this helps.
  22. "...I can do most of that; the problem I have is putting it in the zombie's arsenal..." If you give the zombie the disease, he'll automatically have a chance of transferring it to you in HtH combat. Or is that not what you ment?
  23. It was kind of my idea, yes, to simply place a crate on the playercoordinates/facing when sneaking. No response from the OP, though.
  24. "...but WHY would you want a big..." Indeed... You have to keep in mind that it might screw up the camera, and look weird. On the other side, I can't imagine it being too difficult. If you're willing to make the esp yourself, I'll give you the script. Greetings, Lucifer
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