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Everything posted by Naktis
Nawen left the camp when most of her friends were still awake. She hated being in an area she was unfamiliar with thus she spent most of the time away from others, scouting. She had to be prepared in case something or someone might attack them. The drow returned to the camp only to see the newcommer. She looked at the man suspiciously but didn't say anything.
Wonderful character sheet, Grue. :thumbsup: And welcome, spyro! Glad you're interested in joining. :happy:
Great character sheets, josh and Flipout! :thumbsup:
Nawen chuckled as everyone started adding most likely exaggerated tales about their adventures. She had never encountered anything like that in her own travels thus she had nothing to add. "Someone should write this down. It would make one glorious tale." She said as she sat down beside the fire. "Lamias, angels, demiliches, plane travels. Perhaps we should add some dragons too. Everyone likes dragons."
There's no need for apologies, Raz. Real life always comes first. :) Best wishes for your friend and I hope she'll feel better soon.
Nawen was busy repacking her things, checking what items she won't be needed and could throw away to safe some space. She heard that Bard mentioned slavers and some strongholds but paid little attention to his words. She hated slavery, the Drow thought that everyone expect for dangerous criminals should be free. She wondered how funny would it sound to hear that a dark elf is against slavery. Most of them can't imagine their lives without slaves. Tannin's laugh caused her to look at them. What was so amusing to him? She watched Bard's fit of anger as he left the camp and even spat on the half-drow. She simply shrugged and continued repacking her belongings. After some rummaging she found some spices which she thought would help the fish taste even better. She took the spices and approached Tannin and Amendale who were preparing the supper. "I found some spices in my bag. Thought you could use them for the dinner." She said.
Welcome, Raz. :happy: It is great to hear that you are interesting in joining the RP. :dance: It is sad to see you go, Ithil. I as well liked reading your posts and characters. I am also very sorry for not posting anything lately. I am very busy at the moment with real life things. :wacko:
Nawen returned to the camp after scouting the closest areas surrounding the camp. Other than the animals inhabiting the area she hadn't noticed anything alarming or unusual. Before going back to the camp she practiced her archery skills a bit more because there was always room for an improvement when it came to using a bow. Once she entered the camp, Nawen saw that most of her friends were settling in for the night. "I have to say that this is the best place for the camp. I haven't encountered anything hostile." She said and looked around searching for a fitting place to sleep. -------------------------------------------------------------------- It was eerily quiet inside the temple of Cyric. Not one priest or priestess were in sight. The two men exchanged suspicious looks before making their way forward. In the center of the temple they saw a raven haired woman wearing a plate armor. She and her two lackeys were surrounded by the dead priests. "Well, what do we have here?" The woman spoke as she noticed Aedan and the tiefling. Her face was scarred but still retained some of her fierce beauty. Her brown, almost black eyes focused on the Fallen. "I wasn't expecting to see you here, Rayna." Aedan said as he stared at the countless lifeless bodies littering the floor of the temple. "What's this about?!" Kevorin chimed in. "This was my job! What are you doing here?!" The tiefling's face was so red that it looked like it was on fire. "Relax." The woman, Rayna said calmly. "It appears that your client as well as mine double-crossed us both. This temple has no artifacts and the priests were prepared for combat and waiting for us. While Kevorin stared blankly at the woman, Aedan watched the statue of Cyric placed right above the altar in the niche. The statue made him very uncomfortable, more so than all the other statues of other deities he had seen before. "Coming with us Fallen?" Aedan looked at Rayna who was heading towards the exit. Her lackeys as well as the tiefling were already gone. He shook his head. "No. I have some things to do." The woman seemed somewhat disappointed by his decision. "Kill the tiefling" he quickly added, "for the good old days." Aedan turned his attention back to the statue. He couldn't see Ryana nodding or hear Kevorin cursing him to burn in Hells for what he told the ruthless woman to do.
Nawen left the camp at the time when Bard bitterly spoke about worshiping Gods. She remembered her own faith crysis and thought whether her current path is the right one or will it lead somewhere... bad. She knew that the only reason she was so afraid to remain faithless is because of the Wall of Faithless and unfortunately she knew that the wall was real... She chased all the thought away and disappeared into the darkness.
"He did what?" Nawen chuckled as she imagined what the indecent with a gnome should have looked liked. She knew that gnomes were talented craftsmen and how much they loved inventing new items but never anything like this. "Thank you for your tale and the hare. It was delicious." She said as she got up from her seat. Most of them had settled in and it seemed like a good idea to do some scouting to make sure that the area is safe. ------------------------------------------------------- Aedan and Kevorin left the small village the next morning. The villagers were sad to see their guest leave not yet aware how many of their valuables the two men had stolen from them. The two traveled mostly without any rest. The only stopped to let the horses rest for a bit before continuing their journey to the Hill's Edge. When they had finally reached the small town it was nighttime and the streets were nearly empty. They left their horses in the stables and walked to the Cyric's temple on foot. "So, why this temple?" Aedan asked as they made their way to the temple through the empty streets. The tiefling shrugged. "I know better than to ask, Fallen." "I only know that I have to steal some powerful artifact." Aedan looked at the tiefling. Kevorin never said anything about any powerful artifact. The wicked smile crossed his face. "We should hurry then." He said.
Nawen listened to the Bard's tale. She was always interested to hear stories of the people she met and those who were willing to speak rather than throw stones at her. Nawen had little stories from her own life to share and she always was a better listener than talker. "Ah, wanderlust." She said and smiled lightly. "I've never met a real bard before. It sound so fascinating to travel the realms and collect new stories and songs." She nodded in thanks when the bard offered her one of the hare. She cut a small piece of it with her hunting knife and left the rest of it for the Bard or whoever else who wanted some. "Very nice to meet you" she said to Mireth, "my name is Nawen." Somehow traveling with so many different people made Nawen feel more confident. She almost never felt out of place amongst her new friends. The drow glanced back at the bard when he asked about how she got into this group. "Circus? You're not the first to call us that." She said as she cleaned her hunting knife before stuffing it back to its sheath. "I'm afraid it's not a very interesting tale." She started. "I was in Waterdeep when some thugs started following me around. I didn't want to start a fight in public because Drow are not welcomed in the City of Splendors more than in other cities I suspect." Nawen heard stories how Drow started pouring from the Undermountain one day and started killing people which led to Mephistopheles and his forces attacking the city. "To get rid off those thugs I went to the temple and as it so happened it was the temple of Kelemvor. That's where I met our leader, Rhaine." She paused for a moment as she remembered another of her friends who unfortunately was no longer with them. "There was also a dwarf, Norgold that followed me to the temple but he is... gone now."
Nawen's eyes widened as she watched Bard's card trick. "How did you do that?!" She asked sounding really surprised. The drow then stared at the fire trying to remember what she wanted to ask before the elven woman showed up. "Where did you learn to play like that?" She finally spoke. "That music you played earlier was very beautiful."
Nawen chuckled and sat down beside the Bard. "I know the feeling." She said. Her guardian taught her many things, hunting was one of them. She never had any chores to do because they never really had a home on their own. Always traveling, never settling down in one place for too long. She was about to ask the bard a question but then the scantily clad elf caught her attention. She was about to draw her blade but Rhaine told not to. It seems the two knew each other. The drow couldn't help but wonder why would anyone wear such a thing. It's not even practical and... too revealing. She herself liked practical clothing and armor that concealed as much as possible and actually provided some sort of protection.
Nawen smiled lightly as she saw how the little girl, Sori shook Tak'we's claw and how the two talked with each other. She looked around wondering what should she do now, that's when she noticed their new companion, Bard preparing hares. "Hares are difficult to catch." She said as she approached the bard. "Very impressive." She added.
Nawen wasn't in a good mood in the beginning of their journey. She had never been in a desert and had no idea what to expect. She had hoped that their journeys will take them only to the places she was familiar with and eastern part of Faerun was not familiar with. Their travel to Dalelands also provided an opportunity to see more of the world which might prove useful for her future adventures but at the moment Nawen wasn't concerning herself with such thoughts. Unfortunately the weather was too hot for her and she had to take her hood off, showing everyone that she's a Drow but strangely enough it didn't bother her now. As their caravan approached the fork Nawen noticed a man sitting on a rock. She noticed that he had a lute. "How strange to see a bard in the desert." The drow thought as she watched the man cautiously. She kept her eyes on him even when his icy blue eyes were focused on her.
Very nice character sheet, dear. :biggrin:
I don't have Steam as well. :teehee: Great character sheet, Macman. I like bards. :laugh: *cough*Dandelion*cough* Edit: Gah, spelling.
Leilah smiled to herself as she jumped down off the shuttle and made her way towards the location of the nearest Mech. "Hey! What are you doing here!" One soldier shouted when he noticed her walking by. "Shouldn't you hack into their ships and help us?" He sounded really annoyed. Leilah faked a smile and glanced at the soldier. "Shouldn't you be fighting out there?" She asked but before the man could interrupt her, added. "Don't worry. I was just about to do what I was hired for." She lied and continued her way to the Mech. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside the room she noticed two Eagles guarding the Mech. "That's just great." She thought as she watched them hiding from a corner. She could always kill them but then they might cause too much noise or they could kill her. Leilah liked living so that wasn't an option. It didn't take her long to come up with a plan. The infiltrator came out from the shadows and approached the Eagles. "I am here to enable the Mech and the captain's looking for you. It seems that the enemy got through." She said. The two Eagles stared at each other for a moment. "But we weren't..." One of them started. "See? They already blocked the stations! Go, now!" The soldiers hesitated for a moment before running outside to look for the captain. Leilah locked the doors behind them. "Idiots." She thought and started to work on the Mech.
Nawen followed Rhaine out of the tavern but lost the Doomguide out of sight because of a large group of people that got in her way. Eventually she reached the cemetery and even if all of her friends were gone she spent a moment giving her respects to Aricia. She didn't know her well but Aricia seemed like a honorable and good woman. "May you find peace in the realms beyond." She said silently and went to look for the others. The drow found most of them in the stables. Nawen led out her own mare, Kiira outside and waited for the others. "I can sense great sadness. What had happened?" The mare questioned as she looked at her hooded two legged friend. "One of our friends, Aricia. Passed away." The drow replied sadly. Kiira remained silent. She had no more questions and she felt that it wasn't the good for conversations as all of them mourned for the dead.
No worries, dear. :thumbsup: Yeah, she would have followed to see what happened. :teehee:
Nawen's expression changed. What could have happened to Rhaine's friend? "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked, not sure what else to say but then the Doomguide changed the subject. "That is good news. About the caravan I mean." The drow wasn't looking forward of going to the desert but at the same time she was curious to see it. She had never been in the desert before.
"I could easily hack into their systems and disable the shields and unlock certain doors. They also have a few YMIR Mechs. I could reprogram them to attack The Eagles." Leilah said as she watched the Eagles running around. They were too busy preparing for the battle and checking the defenses to notice or hear her.
"Good morning." Nawen greeted Rhaine as she noticed the Doomguide. "Not really. Too many people here." She added and smiled lightly. Maybe it was because she grew up in the wilds as her guardian rarely ventured to towns but she always liked wilderness more than the bustling streets of the cities. "Have you slept well?" The drow asked as she noticed Lokii entering the tavern. She wondered why he sat at the different table but wasn't sure whether it would be appropriate to ask.
Leilah sat on one of the shuttles and watched The Eagles running around the streets and preparing for battle. She was hired by them to gather all possible information on Aria, maybe even do some hacking to their ships systems too but so far Leilah did nothing. She heard of Aria too much to do something against her. She had other plans. The infiltrator turned her trusty omni-tool on and after digging around for a few moments she found exactly what she needed. Through a not so secure channel she contacted the Asari. "This is... someone you don't know. I am in Omega and I can help you." On purpose she chose a channel which wasn't secure and could be easily traced to its location - Omega.
Ever since the group came back to Loudwater Nawen didn't stay for too long with her companions. The ranger made sure that her horse, Kiira had everything she needed and left to take a long walk in the outskirts of the town. She wasn't afraid of Lokii nor the demon inside him. In truth she pitied the Githyanki. They knew little about him and to her it seemed wrong to judge him without knowing the whole truth. Maybe it was because of the kindness of her heart or maybe because as a Drow she was judged because of the crimes her people had committed not by her own actions. Not all of their new companions knew that she's one of the cruel and malicious dark elves. What if they will not accept her and treat her like Lokii? Lost in her own thoughts, Nawen remained in the wilds until the very early morning. Hoping that no one had noticed her absence she returned to the tavern. She found some interesting books to read in the common room thus she decided to stay downstairs and wait for the others to wake up. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aedan remained in the unknown village. He still had no idea in what language the people living here talked but from what it seemed they were used to it and the only thing the Fallen needed to do is to point a finger at objects he needed and the people would bring them. Their kindness towards a complete and not so friendly looking stranger surprised and annoyed him. However he had no intention of wasting such an opportunity, as annoying as the people were they had given him things he wanted and haven't asked anything in return. Not yet at least. One day when he was sitting in the tavern he saw a familiar face. A tiefling with fiery red hair dressed in a fancy leather armor, entered the tavern. Noticing a familiar face as well the tiefling grinned and approached Aedan. "What in the Hells would someone like you do in the village like this, Aedan?" The tiefling asked as he sat at the table and pulled a tankard of mead closer to himself. "Picking flowers. What do you think I'm doing here, Kevorin?" The Fallen asked as he stared at the tiefling. The tiefling, Kevorin only nodded. He knew Aedan well enough to know that if he's not causing chaos in the cities it means that he's laying low. But from what? "I have a job. Wanna work together, like in the good old days?" Kevorin finally said. Now he was eating eggs and sausage he stole from another table. "I'm going to regret asking this, but what's the job?" Aedan asked as he watched two little kittens playing on the floor. "Nothing much. Just to steal something from The Fist of the Future in Hill's Edge." The tiefling replied in between the bites. Aedan for a while said nothing. He knew that The Fist of the Future was Cyric's temple. He had nothing to do in this little village and he could always kill Kevorin and take whatever he had to steal for himself but he avoided going to the temples no matter of which deity. "And how do you think we will get to Hill's Edge?" The Fallen finally asked. "On horseback, of course." Aedan shook his head. There were no stables in the village and he hasn't seen any horses, as strange as it was. "Right. Let me summon my magical fluffy unicorn and I will fly over the rainbow to the temple." The Fallen mumbled. "Don't worry." The tiefling laughed. "I'll get the horses." "So... you're with me?" He looked up from the plate and waited for Aedan to reply. The Fallen did not say anything but only nodded in reply.