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Everything posted by Naktis

  1. Nawen was glad that Rhaine's eagle had decided to accompany her to search for Sinn. She found the panther outside the city gates, sleeping calmly in the bushes. There was no surprise how happy the panther was with the delicious treats that Nawen had brought for her. She ate the food quickly and roared happily once she was done. The ranger spent a few hours with Sinn before returning back to the tavern. Nawen opened the door to the room as silently as she could and peeked inside. Rhaine was lying in her bed while Xallistine sat in the armchair. When she was heading back to the tavern the ranger remembered the journal of a Shadowdancer she retrieved earlier in her travels and that she never told anyone about it. She was determined to tell this to her friends as soon as possible.
  2. That library room with a leather couch I kinda borrowed from Bobby's house. I guess the house's interior suppose to look like Bobby's house minus the panic room in the basement. :laugh:
  3. July unlocked the doors and glanced at Amy, smirking she replied. "I don't. This isn't my house. Me and my..." she paused for a moment. Maybe she should tell her friends that she had a brother? She never told any of them, anything about her life before she had met them or became a hunter, only that demons killed her loved ones. "I only lived here for a while." The huntress finally continued and walked inside. The house wasn't as dusty and dirty as she expected it to be. Someone else must have stayed here. "There's a devil's under the mat." She said referring the mat at the entrance. Many doors and window sills have them but not all." July could not remember which were unmarked but she knew that some were not marked. The huntress headed towards the room in the back of the house. "The bedrooms are on the second floor." She said pointing at the stairs that led to the second floor. She took a quick right from the stairs, where the room she was looking for was. It was a medium sized room with a fireplace, many bookshelves by the walls filled with books, a table which was also covered in books, a leather couch by the window an old radio and a guitar. The huntress dumped the bag she carried on the couch and sighed heavily. Welcome home...
  4. "Aye. At least someone stayed." Hinuf replied as he heard Cyhran. "Why did you stay?" He asked. The others wanted nothing more than to leave the camp, yet he stayed. "Thank you." Illadriel said to Cyhran as she took the bags from him and followed Jadaco to the Dalish camp. She did not expect to see what she saw there. "By the Creators! Who would do such a thing?" The elf asked as she walked by one of the Aravels and peeked inside. It was empty. Illadriel scanned the camp silently, hoping to see something that showed that someone survived. It hurt to see that one of her people were butchered like this. Haven't they suffered enough? She noticed the heraldry on one of the flags. "Sabrae clan..." She said quietly. Illadriel remembered this clan from one of the Dalish gatherings.
  5. Once everyone were all ready to go, July got into her car and started the engine. Luckily for them the journey to the safe house isn't as long as the one to Maine was. The hunters left the town and went east. For about thirty minutes they drove on the road but then suddenly took a quick turn to the woods and continued their journey through the forest. The road they took reminded more of a labyrinth than a forest road: many turns, some of them even looked like a dead end but July knew that this is the only way to reach the house they are traveling to. Some had said that only an insane and completely paranoid person would like in here but on many occasions her mentor's home seemed like a safest place on earth. After twenty minutes long driving the hunters had finally reached the safe house. It was a big, old, wooden house with a small shed. The house was hidden from the view by huge trees surrounding it. It was almost like the trees were planted there on purpose; to hide the house. Welcome home, July. The huntress thought as she killed the engine and started rummaging through the glove department until she found a pair of keys. For a few minutes she sat in the car staring at the house in front. It was quiet and she could hear ducks quacking. There was a beautiful lake nearby. Maybe others will have a chance to see it? With a heavy sigh July got out of the car and started walking towards the house.
  6. Nawen packed the remaining food she didn't eat and went to the rooms. She entered the room which Xallistine and Rhaine shared. That's when she noticed the eagle that the Doomguide saved from the evil ranger. "Oh. I see your friend has returned." She said pointing at the eagle. The ranger looked around the room before putting her bags on one of the empty chairs. "I hope you don't mind if I leave my things here." She said to both of her friends. Nawen picked up the food remains. "I'll go and check on Sinn." She said and left the room. Nawen knew that she didn't have to bring anything eatable for the panther as she had no problem hunting for food is she was hungry but the ranger was always doing this and it seemed strange not to bring anything to her.
  7. Before following Jadaco, Illadriel went to have a little chat with Hinuf. The dwarf was not pleased with her decision or the fact that everyone kept leaving the camp at night leaving his precious good unprotected. "We will be back shortly." The elf said and picked her daggers up off the fallen tree trunk she's been sitting on. "I'm ready to go to the Dalish camp." She said.
  8. July glanced at the food that Raven got and nodded. "Yeah. That should be good." She paid for the food and drinks and gathered everything she got and left the store. "Anyone needs something or are we ready to go?" The huntress asked once she dropped everything on the back seat.
  9. "I doubt that the Templars care what killed those elves." Illadriel said and glanced at both Jadaco and Alaila. "We should investigate it ourselves, if you wish." She suggested. The elf didn't want to show it but she was really curious what really happened to that Dalish clan. She heard what Wind said and frowned slightly. Skilled or no they shouldn't wander out there alone, not when it's dark.
  10. "Do not worry so much about it, Xallistine." Nawen said reassuringly to her Ulitharid. The more she talked with him or simply heard him speaking the more she admired him. He could do a lot of good to the Realms with so much knowledge at his disposal. "I'm sure everything will be alright." She arose from her seat and looked around. "So how about that room sharing?" She asked.
  11. Okay, so now that Baldur is gone we will move forward without him. So let's just pretend that Jennie and Anderson never existed, I think it's the best option in this situation.
  12. Nawen sat at the table even after their new friends and Rhaine went either to rest or to shop. She realized how much Kelemvor meant to Rhaine but she wondered how can someone even as powerful as Ravenna possess some sort of threat to Gods? They are Gods after all. The ranger turned to Xallistine. "Does she need anything else? The eye can't be the only object." She said. Aedan frowned. He could not remember if Ravenna mentioned her plans of becoming a deity or he simply didn't listen to it. "Whatever you say, oh powerful future Goddess." He said sarcastically and looked away. The Fallen had decided to leave the group as soon as the witch will become whatever deity she wishes to become. He had rejected the Gods, all of them and the last thing he needs is to follow around one of them.
  13. July went to the store. It was a small grocery shop but she was sure that they'll find here everything they need. "Grab everything with long expiration dates." She said to Raven, quite displeased that no one else could be bothered to help them out. She grabbed as many canned and dried food as well as a few bottles of drinks and went towards the cash register and waited for Raven.
  14. Illadriel nodded. "If you wish then go ahead. Just don't wander too far away; we still don't know what's out there." She turned to the campfire and stared at the flames for a moment before glancing to Jadaco. "Where's that Dalish camp you mentioned? I'd like to investigate it before we go to the Deep Roads." She said.
  15. Nawen pulled her dinner closer to herself and started eating. "You know when I joined your side I was expecting something interesting." Aedan mumbled, clearly not impressed by anything Ravenna said. "But what do I get? Some treasure hunt expect instead of treasure we're hunting some garbage."
  16. Nawen sighed in relief as Mahira nudged her halfling friend. She could not risk showing herself in public. Who knows how would the two women react after seeing that she's a Drow? "I... there are too many people here. I will explain later." Nawen said. She was unsure how to answer and this is the only answer she could come up with at the moment. She frowned lightly as Rhaine mentioned the witch Ravenna. Not to mention that two of their companions joined the witch, to help her to achieve her goals. "You came all this way for that?" Aedan asked as he pointed at the hilt Ravenna clutched in her hands. "What's so special about this weapon you're trying to find?" Or rather its pieces. He thought.
  17. Nawen watched the newcomers curiously but said not a word. One of the women was a halfling, she met a Lightfoot halfling once in a tavern near the Luskan border. Never had she seen the more nimble rogue in short but eventful life. She continued listening to the conversation quietly but when Rhaine introduced herself it seemed that it was about time to introduce herself as well. "My name is Nawen. A pleasure to meet you." The ranger said with her head lightly lowered. "Well at least it's something." Nawen said and looked at the keys. "One time I had to sleep in the stables. Barely any hay left to sleep on and the innkeeper charged like for a normal room." As Aedan was riding in the forest he noticed Ravenna and Sefris walking deeper into the woods. "Found anything?" He asked as he approached them, leading his horse by the reins.
  18. Illadriel heard Cyhran saying the word sister. She was curious about it but decided to wait for the right moment to ask him. Then Wind returned as quietly as he disappeared. Not only that, he was accompanied by the Dalish woman. Being a Dalish elf herself she was happy to see one of her kind. "Aneth ara, Lenael." She greeted the woman who as it so happens was Wind's wife. "Is your clan somewhere nearby?" She asked as she remembered what Jadaco had said about the clan of Dalish elves near the Sundermount that have been killed by someone or something. Was Lenael from the same clan?
  19. July watched the people walking past them and listened to what others said at the same time. Many people looked at them strangely and the huntress had to agree with them. Their little group looked indeed strange. "Yes, we are finally in Maine and no we did not come here for nothing." The huntress pointed at the shops in front of them before looking back at the others. "We stopped in town to shop for things we'll be needing the most like food and more ammunition." July looked around. "There used to be a small gun shop somewhere around there." She couldn't see one. "After we're done shopping we will go to a place where a hunter I used to know lived." With that she walked in one of the shops.
  20. Great character sheet, Alaylyne! :thumbsup:
  21. Illadriel agreed with Jadaco in this case. It was too risky to go out there when they have no idea what happened and especially not when it's so dark. "Jadaco is right. We shouldn't split up. The forest is already dangerous enough especially at night." She spoke remembering her life the her clan and how sometimes she and other hunters found horribly mutilated corpses of humans or forest creatures. "But I cannot forbid you to go." Illadriel added after a moment of silence.
  22. Nawen looked around the tavern. Despite the possible dangers that lurked in the shadows of every inn and tavern in Faerun she liked the atmosphere and always loved staying in one if she could afford the room or at least a decent dinner in one. The ranger noticed that Xallistine chose a table in one of the darker corners of the tavern. She ordered everyone a nice meal and some drinks before seating herself at the table. Nawen glanced at the journal before looking back at her Ulitharid friend. She always admired how he carried himself. How he didn't care the way strangers reacted to his presence. She was never able and probably never could walk around in public without her hood on. Too many stones were thrown at her for being a Drow. "So this eye isn't her actual eye?" Nawen asked referring to the Gulk'aush's eye that Rhaine had.
  23. Okay guys I thought I will put this up. I don't really want to go into the Deep Roads without Alaylyne cause she had a few ideas of her own so if any of you want something to do while we're still on our way then please do because I don't know how much I will be able to stall this on my own. Why, yes I do like colorful fonts. xD
  24. I heard something about a hurricane on the news today. Stay safe! :ohdear:
  25. July said nothing as she noticed the sword Jennie had given to Amy. So many memories, of the better days returned to her. Her own as well as the others lives were somewhat easier back then. The huntress stood on the same spot for a while even though the others were already in or close to their cars. She will be taking her friends to a place where she and her older brother learned pretty much everything they knew about supernatural. So many things of theirs were still in that house and she hid her past life as much as she could... July brought her attention back to their quest as she heard a crow cawing. She looked around to see if everyone were ready to go and went back to her own car. She started the engine and drove away, Back on the Road Again by REO Speedwagon blasting through the speakers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Their trip to Maine wasn't all that eventful expect for the occasional stops at the gas station and one time when July had to change one of her tires. She hated doing this thus she cursed like a sailor when things didn't go her way. During most of their trip it was rainy and when it wasn't raining it was cold and windy. July refused to stop for the hotels, promising everyone that they will get plenty of rest once they reach their destination. July drained her paper coffee cup and glanced at the rear-view mirror to see if everyone were following her. They had finally reach Maine. Or rather one of the small towns which was surrounded by the woods. The huntress pulled over by the small grocery shop and got outside. A few people that were walking by the shop gave her strange looks to which she only smiled. This little town is going to be the last stop before finally going to her mentor's house.
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