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Everything posted by Naktis
I don't mind the weapon that has some useful ability to kill supernatural creatures. Not all of course and definitely not demons. Since it seems that so far our only main enemy are demons it makes things way too easier. It's either useless against demons or you, Baldur get rid of one knife both of your characters has. It's just too many weapons. In the series other than Ruby's knife, Sam's supernatural power, colt and angel's blade there are no other weapons that can kill demons. They're not exactly easy to get too and by your useful against demons thing it seems that you can get a weapon like that in every gun store. The second options sounds more fair I think so that each of you could possess one weapon useful against demons.
No Blood on Face mod?
Naktis replied to TheAlmightyPebble's topic in Dragon Age: Origins's Discussion
Just disable the persistent gore in the options menu and your character won't be bloody during conversations. -
When the mercenaries were preparing the fire, Illadriel sat on one of the fallen tree trunks and tried to make out something in the map. She heard Jadaco asking if anyone would want to practice with him. She was about to suggest to practice after the dinner than suddenly the peaceful sounds of the forest was disturbed by the screaming. The elf arose from her seat grabbing the daggers. The two mercenaries grabbed for their swords as well. while the dwarf tried to hide under the wagon. The screaming was coming from somewhere deep in the forest and by the echo it seemed that whoever were screaming were far enough from the camp. It was the way the screaming sounded that unnerved Illadriel. It was terrifying, full of agony. The kind of screaming that would turn even the bravest and strongest men blood cold. "By the beards of the ancestors! What was that?!" Hinuf shouted from under the wagon. "I don't know." Illadriel replied and turned to look at others, waiting for their reaction. The camp as well as the entire forest fell silent. The Warden waited for more screaming or maybe whoever was in trouble suddenly running out of the forest and into their campsite but nothing happened. The dwarf assumed it was safe again and slowly he crawled out of his hiding place. "You said something about warrior caste?" One of the mercenaries asked smirking. "Sod off!" Hinuf grumbled and approached the Dalish elf. "You think whoever is out there will show itself?" But she didn't reply. Illadriel hoped that whatever happened in the forest won't happen to them tonight.
"Very nice to meet you." Nawen mumbled as she watched the drunken monk. Of all the things she was expecting to meet in Loudwater, the drunk monk was near the end of her list. She looked away from the monk as a robed elf walked past her. It was clear that he was looking for someone. "Excuse me." The robed elf said and continued walking towards the stables. Nawen didn't say anything but kept her eyes on the elf. Whether he felt her eyes on him or was it something else but he suddenly stopped walking and turned his attention to the group. He watched them for a moment before walking away. The ranger shrugged it off and looked back at Kurashi. Aedan got tired of sitting around and doing nothing. He rummaged through his bags until he found a parchment and some ink. He quickly scribbled a note and placed it on one of the seats in the carriage before walking back to his horse. The Fallen looked back at the fort wondering what was the point of going here before mounting the horse and riding deeper into the forest. The note he left in the carriage said: Got tired of waiting. See you later. Aedan.
July got into her car and started the engine. They had no time to waste and the sooner they reach Maine, the better. Luckily she knew where they suppose to go to meet up with Jennie and father Anderson, it wasn't far. She glanced at the rear-view mirror to see if Amy and Raven are ready to go. It seemed that her friends were indeed ready thus she drove off to meet the others. The journey wasn't long and thankfully uneventful. It was quite dark by the time they arrived at the meeting place, this trip reminded her the one they took for years ago. She smiled faintly to herself as she got out of the car. "Hope you didn't get tired of waiting." She said as the she approached Jennie.
Well if you wish, though I see little point of having that sword now. We're no longer in 2008 and the world was saved from the apocalypse. Anyway, I'll be writing that power post to get us to Maine as soon as we arrive to the edge of the town though we're gonna stop in Maine itself for supplies and such as well as others things if any of you have some ideas.
Yes. That was my intention actually. :thumbsup:
I am very sorry for not posting anything in days. :ohdear: I've been busy and didn't have the time to post in any of the RP's I'm involved in. Hope no one minds that I posted that we started preparing to camp out for the night. If anyone wishes to add something, like someone attacking us or something feel free to do so. :thumbsup:
The group traveled for a short while until they found a good enough place for a camp. It was a small area with a few cut down trees with the stumps left in the ground. Huge trees towered it. Illadriel gestured for the others to stay back while she walked around the area. She noticed the small campfire which was quite fresh. She only hoped that whoever rested here were not hostile. "This will be a good place to rest for the night." She said when she returned to the others. Hinuf gestured to his mercenaries to pull the wagon to their camp and start unloading food, tents and everything else they will need. While the dwarf shouted at his men to be careful with the cooking pots Illadriel watched the sky. Soon it will get dark and whatever is hiding in the forest will crawl out from the shadows...
July was deep in her own thoughts for a moment. The werewolf just left without giving them any useful information on where to look for those packs he mentioned. "Sooner or later he will get out from that trap and when he does I don't want him to find us unprepared like the last time." The huntress spoke. Her attention focused on an empty glass on the table. "As I mentioned before I know a safe place to hide from demons. We should leave as soon as possible." July said getting up from her seat and walking over to the window. "Maybe we'll find our werewolf friend in Maine as well." She whispered to herself.
Nawen rode in silence, trying to pull her hood as low as possible so no one could notice her dark skin. The ranger heard someone shouting something about a horse thief and then someone talking about a banshee. "I wonder what had happened to this Maraiel..." She said and looked around for a tavern.
Great character sheet, Macman. Welcome aboard! :thumbsup: Sorry for the lack of activity in the past few days. I've been and still am pretty busy. :ohdear:
Sorry for the lack of activity guys. I am pretty busy these days and don't have as much free time as I used to. :unsure:
July really had no idea what to say or to think. Should they help or kill the 'infected human' where he stands? She glanced at the others. "What the rest of you think? Should we help him or not cause honestly, I have no idea."
Nawen was happily surprised to see the eagle back. The ranger thought that the eagle would enjoy his freedom and stay away from the people but it seems that he spend too much time in the hands of that nasty ranger and maybe even someone else before him, thus now he did not leave. As Nawen loved all animals no matter their species so she enjoyed the company of an eagle. Sometimes she even talked to him, hoping to encourage the bird to get closer to Rhaine because it was her who saved him. After a long and rainy journey they had finally arrived to Loudwater. She didn't like the looks the people kept giving them but at the same time she was used to this. "At least we'll have a roof over our heads tonight." The ranger commented as she looked around. Aedan got tired of standing around in the fort so he left to wait outside. He wondered what Ravenna found in this fort that is so valuable. He should burn the place to the ground no matter what she said. Valuable to who? Definitely not him. The Fallen walked over to his horse. The steed stared at him for a moment before continuing eating the grass again. "Why I am following the witch around? I'm the one who should lead not her." He spoke to himself quietly as he sat on the grass, his back leaning against the tree.
I agree. I hate viruses too. ;_; Hope everything will get resolved quickly for you. Best of luck. :thumbsup:
July cocked her head lightly to listen to what Deuce said. "I think that a lot of hunters would feel awkward while having a friendly chat with a supernatural being" she paused and put the empty glass on the nearby table "but back to the original point. If he's an alpha..." The huntress yet again paused eyeing everyone in the room. "How do we kill one? Is there some different method or something?" This topic on alphas intrigued her greatly. She heard of them but never even saw or hunted one.
Illadriel nodded at the information the red haired elf brought. "We will stay to the right then." "We sure will." The dwarf mumbled as he walked over to the back of the wagon, rummaging through all the sacks and crates. He returned to the front of the group carrying a pair of daggers while mumbling something about thugs. "We will walk until it's safe to camp out for the night." The Dalish Warden commented and looked around to see if everyone are alright.
July listened carefully to what Deuce said. She had no questions to him. It was still kind of awkward to hang out with monsters. The huntress emptied her glass and glanced at Raven and everyone else in the room. "Probably. I haven't heard about such totem though. Anyone has any ideas?" She asked.
July threw her hands up in frustration how everyone seemed to ignore that she stood in the doorway and stopping them to enter the room. While mumbling something she approached the chair and settled herself in. "It's awfully unprofessional to just randomly appear out of nowhere and blabber about demons, father." The huntress replied as she looked around for something to drink. The huntress nodded in thanks to Amy when she passed a glass to her.
The hell is this? She thought as some man who called himself 'Father Alexander Anderson' appeared out of nowhere and killed Amber. A slight smile crept on her face knowing that at least that demon won't be following them about but just in case she stood in the priest's way too.
Nice sheet, Baldur. Go ahead and post when you're ready. :biggrin:
Sounds good to me! :thumbsup:
Nawen prepared her own horse for the journey. Tavern it is. She thought. Before leaving however she approached the dead hydra and extracted some ingredients from it that hopefully will be expensive. The ranger then returned to her horse and mounted him, tying the bag with hydra's ingredients to the saddle. "I will scout the are ahead." She suggested. Aedan stared through the window outside, hearing the screams of the woman that Ravenna devoured or was about to devour. His expression remained emotionless. The Fallen wondered where are they off to now. So far traveling with the witch was much more fun than it was with those good-doers.
July quite happy with herself followed Amy to her room. She looked around the room. "Wow. Nice." The huntress commented. She wished she could afford accommodations like this instead of staying in some of the cheapest hotels in the area. Then someone knocked on the door. I wonder who's that. She thought and approached the door, her hand slowly reaching for her gun in the hidden pocket of the coat. What if demons followed them? July opened the door and noticed just some man, she didn't recognized him from before. "Yes?" She asked, standing in the doorway and preventing the man to enter.