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Status Updates posted by grannywils

  1. Yes, summer has been good here. I, too, have always wanted to visit Australia. I've read so much about it. It sounds wonderful.
  2. Hi. No I did know. I was talking about uni. I saw your post up above. Sometimes we call it school over here too. Sorry for the confusion. Congratulations on your first year and good luck.
  3. Hi. Thanks for the visit. Things are hopping. Been very active on the forum. Getting to know a lot of very cool folks such as yourself. Have a great time at school!
  4. Hi: I read your posts on the Tea Party thread and just love the way your mind works. You've given me a whole new perspective to consider. I will be watching for you other posts. I also note you play Fallout 3, which I have just started. I love it already. Maybe I'll check with you for pointer if it is ok. Would you mind?
  5. Hi Nexus Set: Let me introduce myself. I think we've only seen each other on the above game thread. Anyway, as you have already seen, Aurielius is going to be away this weekend, and has advised me that he'll be counting on me (I guess he means if we have the lead again, as we did yesterday). I'm hoping you'll be around to, as I got a really numb butt yesterday, and my animal...
  6. Hi: Just stopped by to say hello. I see you're playing Assassin's Creed 2. I'm going to give that one a whirl when I finish the upteen others that I have lined up. I think you might have been the person who convinced me I could do it.
  7. Silver DNA I'm having great fun playing the game with you guys. You and Slygothmorg seem to be our toughest opponents. And I absolutely love your quotes. Keep up the good work. May I add you to my friends list? Gosh, I also just discovered that you are male. I don't know why I thought you were female. I guess because of your Avatar. I hope I haven't inadvertenly called you she anywhere.
  8. Thanks for your comment on my sig. Have to give credit to my husband. I stole it from him because I loved it so much. I think he even used to have it on his website.
  9. Thanks for the comment. Let's be friends. You sure have a bunch. I love your "interests". I love a person with eclectic tastes.
  10. Just wanted to stop by and tell you that "you rock". I just love your posts on the serious quotes thread. Thank you for them. I have given you a kudo 'cause your cool and obviously a great thinker :}
  11. Hi Krimzin: Just wanted to stop by and thank you for adding your very cool quotes to my post. I liked them all, especially the one from Ghandi. Thanks again, Lynne
  12. Hey, thanks for the kudo. That was really nice. I've given you one in retrun for being so cool. May I join your friends list? Do you have room? I only have a few, and you just seem like my kind of person. I note you have messages from Illiad 86. She's been helping me out on getting some info on Photoshop.
  13. Thanks for your response re Assassins Creed. Even though you are not old, I'll take your advice, since the last guy who advised me and told me he was old was 32. By the way I love your interrests and your profile page. You sound like a pretty cool "old" gal.
  14. Hi DW: Just dropped by to say hi. Haven't chatted with you in awhile and didn't want to lose touch. You were the first person to help me on this site, and will always hold a soft spot in my heart!!. I added you to my friends list if that's ok?
  15. Hi: Thought I would just drop by and say hello. I haven't seen you around in awhile. Did you ever find the information on that book, 1001 Nights"? I've been playing some other game and haven't been on the DAO posts lately. I'll check for you there. See ya, Lynne
  16. Hi Overload 1977: Just wanted to thank you again for your advice on Assassin's Creed 2. Also, wanted to mention that you are NOT, I repeat NOT old. But thanks again, anyway. I appreciate your input.
  17. Roguim: Thanks for that info on Imagshak. So far, my husband is reluctant to let me use it. He's a computer tech, and very fussy about where we go on the internet. I'm not finished working on him though. I'll see if I can get him to check it out a little further. He's paranoid about viruses and spam, etc. He's worked in the business for so long that our computers at home are like Fort Knox.
  18. Hi: Just stopped by to check you out and see why you visited me. By the way, I noticed that you left out "4" without being reminded. Guess that comes with my advanced age. I also notice that you seem to enjoy some of the same music as my son, although he is also a lot older than you are. Anyway, I'm out of town right now and need to get off this computer. Thanks for the visit.
  19. Thanks for adding me as your friend. It sounds like you're in my aged group, and I love that. And my husband is an IT pro as well for just about as long as you. I'll give you a kudo and be sure to watch for all your posts. Thanks again. You're my first friend. I'm really touched!
  20. Hi: Gave you a kudo 'cause I love the way you think. Thanks for your clever posting.
  21. I've just give you a kudo because of your insightful well thought out posts. I invariably enjoy reading them, and begun to look for them when I am on a site and see that you have posted. Keep posting, and enjoy gaming!
  22. I've just given you a kudo because I love your articulate, well thought out posts. Makes me want to find more. Most of the time I agree with you, but even if I don't I always find your perspective though provoking.
  23. Thanks for all your help. You're a wiz!
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