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Everything posted by grannywils
@Marxist Bastard: No, I have not read it. Nor have I ever deigned to declare myself an expert on it or much of anything else for that matter. However, that does not preclude me from having the right to an opinion on how my government goes about running itself, does it? In fact,as a patriotic American, I believe it is my duty to pay attention. I have not read in toto much of any of the leglislation that passes through Congress. I sort of expect congress people to do that, although I must admit to some serious scepticism as to whether or not they do. However, I do make an attempt to keep myself aware of what is going on in my country and my government to the best of my ability. I do not see myself as an idiot or a lesser being for not reading each and every bill sent to or from the President for passage. Were it my job to do so, you can rest assured that I would have my fine tooth comb and magnifying glass out along with a healthy dose of "No-Doze"; and when I was done I would know everything there was to know about it. My reading comprehension is unsurpassed. But I do not really understand your question, MB. Have you read it? And if so, what do you make of it. What is your real opinion of it. Will you enlighten those of us who have not taken the time to read the 2600 odd pages??? At this point I am much less interested in your rhetoric about our ignorance or our unenlightend "opinions" than I am in what the bill really says and/or means to you.
I am with Aurielius and Vagrant0 on this one entirely. The idea of a draft for military purposes in this day and age seems to me pointless for all of the reasons already mentioned. However, the need for ALL of our young men and women to get back in touch with reality and to become involved in some form of hands on service to their country is imperative if we ever expect to regain a citizenship with any knowledge of and/or interest in the nature of this Nation and why it came into existence in the first place. :confused:
AurianaValoria1, I'm stealin' it back, but I still love your work... http://i.chzbgr.com/completestore/2010/2/7/129100486015117725.jpg
Here comes 'ol grey haired granny bringing up the rear, but I win again!!!:P
oops, see edited version above....:biggrin:
Ok, me too...(i meant the temporary win thing...:confused: )
@lv000, it's not so much that I like the wins. I just thought that was the point of this thread :blush: . Aren't we trying to get 400,000 posts on the "last poster wins" thread? I seriously doubt that I will be the winner, just want to add to the total. I hope that you win or maybe one of the few others that I know on this thread. But you are a cat lover, so that puts a lot in your favor. Anyway, you can have this win :dance: :dance:
It's official.... I win.:whistling:
Nu-unh! I win :turned:
Although I did not make any such remarks, I would like to personally apologize for any conservative vs liberal comments made in this thread. In my humble opinion, this issue is just about stupid, plain and simple. Both sides make stupid decisions, but I to not believe this particular thread was intended to be an us vs them type of thread. If the OP had that intention, I apologize and will step back and say, "have at it, ya'll". Oh, and please pass me some grits so I can watch.:biggrin: I prefer mine with salt, pepper and butter, please.
I AM THE WINNER YAY !!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
LMAO......:biggrin: :woot:
Another one for lv000 - But I still win - YAY :tongue: http://i.chzbgr.com/completestore/2008/3/26/sexinessih128510522442968750.jpg
What are you talking about? There are others who believe evolution is false, and they do not subscribe to the flat earth theory? Acebopata, I think you may have missed HeyYou's point just a tad. I do not believe he was equating those who do not believe in evolution with those who believe in a flat earth. Perhaps I am wrong, but I believe he was attempting to suggest that challenging beliefs "WHATEVER THEY MIGHT BE" ought to be encouraged, not only by our school systems, but by parents, individual teachers, governments, even religious organizations. We should be encouraging the thought process in our young people. This is how they grow into mature "THINKING" adults.
The above user is fairly new to Nexus commenting and is still labeled as a fan. When he is on a bit longer he will be able to select his one label :biggrin:
No problem, sometimes its good to vent. Its 8am here and I've gotten up as my ninja kitties have done nothing but leap on and off the bed since 6.35am and they just wont take no for an answer. I've come downstairs to sort things out and they're still upstairs on my bed asleep. Now that just isn't fair :D :D :D Honey, things happen for a reason be it tired 8 week old kittens who want a king size bed rather than their kitty bed or your girlfriend running off with another person. You'll be better off in the end and will look back and laugh at it all, believe me. Oh by the way contact Microsoft and let them know what's happened. You may have to take it back to where you got it from for an exchange but hey it'll be worth it :D Naomis8329, have I ever mentioned that I think you are one of the coolest and nicest people I know on the Nexus? It is very, very true. :thumbsup: And Dirk45, everything Naomis says is absolutely right on. Just go with it, and I believe you will find that things happen for a reason, and frequently it turns out to be a good one. Grab at it and make it work for you!! Oh yeah, and I WIN !!!
Thor, you may be 30 years old, but I am old enough to remember what a "switch" is meant to be used for. Of course this is all in good fun... Bend over young man. And read your history while you are healing. If you want to call your leader a king or queen then you will know that Queen Ginnyfizz is correct. She still lives and she has not abdicated. Ergo, all hail Queen Ginnyfizz!!! Your pretender will just have to ride off on her hobbyhorse or whatever it is called until she is old enough to try again... (all in good fun of course). And none of you should be playing with guns... very, very dangerous, especially when it is all in good fun (of course) :whistling: :tongue: :laugh:
Thank you, kvnchrist. Fascinating..
Ok, must be my turn. I win, and wake up you guys... We have a championship to win :dance: :dance: :dance:
Just for you lv000, but I still WIN!!! http://i.chzbgr.com/completestore/2009/12/28/129065320083360153.jpg
OH NO, NO, NO.:verymad:
@Ginny: "No, I think you miss Aurelius' point my dear." That doesn't really surprise you, does it?? :biggrin: ;D :whistling: Anyway, you are and always will be my Queen. I bow to only you Queen Ginnyfizz, your ladyship :)
I agree that there will probably be some more battles to come. And depending on the next occupant of the White House, there have already been suggestions of possible attempts to override this decision. In my opinion, however, it was a necessary decision under the circumstances. It may not be the best health care bill, but at least it is a health care bill.
This topic is turning out to be more interesting than I expected, if I do say so myself. Aurielius, Vagrant0 and Beriallord all make excellent points; and I cannot say that any of you are incorrect in your positions, at least not in my opinion. However, I guess Vagrant gets closest to what I see as the reality we are facing today. My perspective is this. I agree with Aurielius in that media (in whatever form it took) has always had an opinion/bias. Let's face it, reporters are human beings, and they cannot be expected to be totally without a viewpoint. What I see as the difference is either (A) In colonial times it was expressed as an opinion blatently and not as a fact, giving one an opportunity to make one's own decisions; or (B) in the 40's and 50's and even maybe the early 60's, we knew that reporters had opinions and leanings, but they left them out of their reporting. They gave us the news without a lot of extraneous fluff. It was fairly easy for a reasonably intelligent human being to know which papers or tv stations or radio stations leaned in which direction, but one still felt that one was getting the "real" news, and (as suggested by our astute Lt. Cmdr.), if you had any sense you checked in with all sides I'm not even sure if we were always getting the unbiased truth then, but I am pretty dang positive that we are not now. Not only that, but we all know who owns the vast majority of the media conglomorates, and what they want to push. I don't really believe that it is whinging (or whining) to suggest or even to discuss the fact that our world has changed as dramatically as it has. I believe that it is important for us to be conscious of what is going on around us; and whether or not it took place in another form 200 years ago or 75 years ago does not necessarily mean that it is ok now or that we need to calmly sit back and accept it. Some of what happened in the good old days was not so good, or at least it's not so good for us now. Of course we need to continue to dig for the truth. But wouldn't it be a glorious world if we did not have expect to be lied to on a regular basis??? :blush:
Nope, I think it's my turn. I win :dance: