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Everything posted by grannywils

  1. All of a sudden there was a whirlwind of dust and debris followed by none other than our LiW gasping quite heavily and coughing and sputtering rather absurdly. "My Lady", said she, I'm so sorry to disturb you, however I have news....... After a pregnant pause, filled only by her continued unpleasant aspirations and somewhat noisome appearance, she continued to speak. "I have been delving into the muck under the castle dungeons on a search for a more appropriate throne. I am sorry to say that the pickings are troublesome to say the least. However, I may have a most expedient solution. I know we do not have a court mason or a builder yet, but as it happens (with one raised eyebrow and a sly little grin she puffed up to her unfortunately blousy button popping girth) she announced, I have a brother in law in the throne making business!! Apparently our little LiW had saved said brother-in-law's backside on more than one occasion from some very deep doo doo, and he owed her big time. As a result she had several sample photos from which her ladyship could choose, and her new throne would be delivered this very day. They are attached hereto. "I know your excellent Fashion Advisor has provided you with a magnificent orange frock and that will be your color for this year, so I have asked him to keep that in mind, My Lady". http://i1087.photobucket.com/albums/j470/crc1847/425593-isolated-gold-throne-illustration1.jpghttp://i1087.photobucket.com/albums/j470/crc1847/19922144-throne1.jpg http://i1087.photobucket.com/albums/j470/crc1847/k93905291.jpg
  2. Our ever so embarrassed L-I-W backed off, bent over at her rather hefty waist and muttered, "oh no, your ladyship, I believe the dress is lovely and those are your very best colors. I was referring to the bits of fluff and baubles dangling from your bosom". "Oh, dear, dear me, she said blushing a most interesting shade of crimson while hastily plucking at said bosom daintily, "I believe these must have fallen from my hairpiece" I will go and fetch you a more appropriate chair immediately.
  3. At this precise moment the befuddled Lady-in-waiting waddled/wandered in and almost bowled over her Majesty the Queen-to-be in a tangle of hair and baubles and whatnot. "Oh my goodness Your Ladyship", said she. "you seem distraught. Is there anything I can do? And whatever are you wearing"?
  4. The well-bustled Lady-in-Waiting hustled and bustled her somewhat ditzy way into the castle in a flurry of satin and chintz and Lord knows what else. She had unfortunately seen a picture off a distant relative of hers named Marie Louise of Savoy-Carignan who had served as lady-in-Waiting to some personage called Marie Antoinette from a distant land. For reasons unbeknownst to us she felt compelled to attire herself in a similar fashion. In addition, she had her hair done up in something resembling an overturned milk bucket festooned with ridiculous frippery and weighing at least 17 pounds. Not only was she under considerable stress due to her late arrival, but some foolish unnamed constable had assaulted her on the way in and appeared to be attempting to drag down her bloomers. Oh my dear, the shock of it all. Now she was off to go somewhere and do her job... Wait... at least until it was time to help Her Ladyship undress after all of the festivities were over.
  5. Perhaps instead of temple plans we need to be looking into plans for a prison tower for any stray pretenders to the throne...??? :biggrin:
  6. Congratulations Queen Auriana, and please do not let Aurielius retire into exile. I believe that he would make a wonderful mason for your realm. He could build you beautiful and mighty castles.
  7. OK, you guys. This is breaking my heart as I number most of you among my friends. But Auriana gets my vote. YOU ARE THE BOMB, GIRL!!! GO GET 'EM
  8. I have trashed my FONV game and am reinstalling it. So I am also reinstalling BOSS. It seems that each time I install BOSS and attempt to run it the first message I get is "JavaScript to be enabled in order to function". I admit to knowing relatively little about much of anything when it comes to this stuff, but I do know that JavaScript is enabled on my computer. Does anyone know why I get this message and how I can get BOSS to work? And taking it a step further, I don't know a whole lot about BOSS, but is it better for checking MOD compatibility than just using the FOMM Load Order Report? I apologize in advance for what if probably a really dumb question, but I need help and would really appreciate anything anyone can offer. Thanks, :confused:
  9. I love your work. I must admit that I had never seen it before. I am very impressed. Keep it up girl..!!! You are really talented. :thumbsup:
  10. Thank you for the update Dark0ne. It was enlightening and almost inspiring to hear how a young man (remember I'm a granny) such as you seems to have "gotten it right" when it comes to managing a business. It must be a struggle, but you guys are doing a great job, and we certainly appreciate all you are doing and plan for the future. Thanks so much for the info.
  11. Thanks again. I have sent you a PM with some more detail on my progress. I have installed the 4 gig mod and will try the game now to see how it goes. Will let you know probably tomorrow.
  12. Ok, I opened the file to find out my settings. They are as follows: NViDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti 16:9 Widescreen 1920x1080 2 samples (just changed them from 4) 2 samples (just changed them from 4) Mode is set to vertical sync Screen effects are set to HD Show all resolutions is ticked By the way, my husband told me I got my information on my rig wrong. It is as follows: i7 2600K 16 gigs of RA 1155 Mobo GTX 660 Ti 2 27" Asus monitors Razor keyboard and mouse 90 gig SSD hd and 240 gig hd I think I will be getting another hard drive soon. We took a 640 out as he needed it for another computer. (He's a computer tech, so I sometimes lose out. But eventually I get it back) :tongue: Oh, and by the way I did look at the 4gb mod, as we had used one in Oblivion. But this one seemed way too confusing to me, and I was unsure if I could install it by myself. So I thought I would hold off until I was sure if I needed it. Thanks again for your help, Granny
  13. ok, I have played for a little while now with the above changes, but still seem to be having the same freezing problems. Maybe not quite so often. But it is definitely still happening. Any help would be so, so, so appreciated. I am really loving this game so far, but need to find out what I am doing wrong so I can fix this issue. Thanks so much.
  14. First of all thank you so much for responding so quickly. I did as you suggested and checked for Archive Invalidation. It is checked. I also changed the order so that : Lings Races Mikoto Beauty LingsPrettyThings are now in the correct order I then checked the bottom pane on FOMM for Pretty Things. It requires FalloutNV.esm and Lings.esm, but it did not mention anything about Lings Coiffures. Oh, and lastly I have now put them all at the bottom of my load order. So LingsPrettyThings.esp is the last one in my entire load order. I have not tried the game yet though. I will try it and let you know how it works. I have no idea how to make a merged patch, but if necessary I can do without Mikoto Beauty I think. I was really just trying to find a decent face mod for the females. I think that one was required for the Dimon UNP body. (which is the same body I use in Skyrim) But I don't really care if I use another one. I would be happy to take recommendations if there is another one that works better. I think one of them isn't working right anyway, as some of the npc's have pink demon eyes. My rig is (I have to copy it from my profile page) Sandy Bridge 2500K processor; 16 Gig Memory; ASUS P6 X58D Memoryboard; GTX 660ti Graphics card; Soundblaster XFI Soundcard and two 24" ASUS HDMI monitors. My husband is a computer guy, and he says this is good. I know very little about computers, but I think he is right. Unfortunately he knows nothing about my game... :( Will let you know how these fixes worked...
  15. I am totally new to FONV, so please be patient with me everyone. I just installed the game and so far have only installed FOMM, as that was the first mod manager I came upon. The game seemed to be working fine, but now is stalling out or "freezing" on a fairly regular basis. I do not know enough about modding or mod managers to know what might cause this. Following is a list of my mods and their load order. Could someone please give me a hand and let me know if I have done something really dumb in my load order, or if I have to install NMM. (I use it in Skyrim and will use it if I have to). I just don't know for sure which one is better. Please help!!!! [X] FalloutNV.esm [X] DeadMoney.esm [X] HonestHearts.esm [X] OldWorldBlues.esm [X] LonesomeRoad.esm [X] GunRunnersArsenal.esm [X] ClassicPack.esm [X] MercenaryPack.esm [X] TribalPack.esm [X] CaravanPack.esm [X] FalloutNV_Camera_Control.esm [X] iHUD.esm [X] Lings.esm [X] MikotoBeauty.esm [X] DarNifiedUINV.esp [X] CASM.esp [X] BIS - Brumbek's Inventory Sorting.esp [X] BIS - Dead Money.esp [X] BIS - Honest Hearts.esp [X] BIS - Old World Blues.esp [X] BIS - Lonesome Road.esp [X] BIS - Gun Runners Arsenal.esp [X] BIS - More Cactus Water Recipes.esp [X] Vanity Camera Smoother.esp [X] bzArmour.esp [X] bzBodySuits.esp [X] DragsModernGunslinger.esp [X] DIM TYPE3clothesRETAIL_NV.esp [X] LingsPrettyThings.esp [X] GARU.esp [X] NVWillow.esp [X] Lings-PlayableRaces.esp [X] MikotoBeauty.esp [X] MojaveDelight.esp [X] TFH Rugged Race.esp I do also have NVSE 2_beta12 installed and all the current patches. My version of the game is the latest one out. In addition, I do have a fairly powerful rig so don't think that is causing my difficulties. But any recommendations would be welcome and appreciated. Thank you so much. :confused:
  16. These are very nice. You have a talent my girl. Keep it up!!:thumbsup:
  17. I will add a brief comment here. I too think that the concept is wonderful. Crowd-funded projects will enable the users and the modding community to become more engaged and will also keep the "big business" concerns out. I have contributed to Project Eternity only, as my financial resources are limited. However, I hope that this is the wave of the future, and if and when my funds improve I hope that I will be able to do further investing in this manner.
  18. Marharg67, thank you for including me in your wonderful list of acknowldegements. I am sure that I do not deserve to be included in such an illustrious list but appreciate it anyway...:)
  19. Thanks for your comment. Not sure if it is the same one or not. I have not downloaded TWF in quite awhile. But if it helps you that's the important thing! That's the whole point anyway... Enjoy DAO. It is still one of my two favorite games :thumbsup: :smile:
  20. What a great idea, and thank you Robin for your participation. I have sent along my supporting donation, as I think this is just what the gaming world needs right now. Sounds like great fun!! And I absolutely agree with the others who have said that PC is the best gaming machine there is!
  21. I was receiving the same message today. In addition, I frequently cannot endorse a file that I have already downloaded because the site says that I have not downloaded the file. This has happened to me now on several occasions.
  22. Thank you Tidus44 for your marvelous Post #55 above. It is the best thing I have read in a very long time... :thumbsup:
  23. I think I might take Vagrant's point a step further and say that it is knowing how to live that is important. Living a full life will include both winning and losing. What you learn from those experiences will help you to go to the next level and the next and so on and so on. We become the human beings we are by choosing what we take away from each of those experiences and then choosing what to do next. I do not believe that just "being a good loser" is necessarily helpful to the human psyche. However, learning how to lose graciously is just as important as learning how to win graciously. This however, is important only from the standpoint of human interaction. But in my opinion, more important in both cases is what you take away from the experience in order to develop your own humanity.
  24. mizdarby, thank you once again... for your observations and for your expression of same. I could not agree more. 'nuff said.
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